Teaching and Training

Use TFF Associates

TFF combines its research and field experiences with teaching, lecturing and training.

We all have multi-year experience at addressing academic audiences, civil society, the media, schools, labour unions, demonstrating citizens and - well, virtually all kinds of people.

The great majority of TFF Associates are also teachers and lecturers. If you are interested in finding resource persons for your institution, a training program, panel discussion or conference, TFF can help you identify those who will fit your needs. Here is an example:

TPU - Transcend Peace University
All the on-line courses this autumn - by Transcend and TFF Associates such as Johan Galtung, Jake Lynch, Jorgen Johansen, Ina Curic and Jan Oberg.
Register now!


You may simply write to us.

If your theme is, say, the Middle East, Burundi, the Balkans or integration issues in Sweden, go to these sections and see our resource persons one-by-one.

Our Associates also cover all the themes in Resource - Learn and Inspire. Just click and see the wealth of themes under Treasures and see who is writing on what. Or go to Nonviolence, Reconciliation and EU conflict- management.

Or you may like to engage one of our regular columnists - Jonathan Power, Vicky Rossi or Jan Oberg.

TFF offers anything from single lectures to week-long seminars from advanced theories and concepts to practical skills.

We have been teaching and training where there is peace and in the midst of war.

We put together teaching and training teams that suit the needs of the organizers and the participants.

Organisations everywhere are now aware that handling conflicts, their own and those of others, is a matter of professionalism.

Cutting-edge research and field experience is imperative for transmitting our philosophy, concepts and skills.

As an institution, TFF has now had 20 years of experience in providing teaching and training - many of our Associates many more years.

See some of the numerous partners we have worked with in teaching and training.


We do

- single lectures,
- workshops, brainstorming & role play,
- longer educational programmes,
- panel debates,
- media interviews and programs,
- in-house training programs,
- various combinations of these.

We do not offer courses ourselves. We only provide resource people for events, courses, etc arranged by others.

Write to us about your needs and wishes!


Jan Øbergs undervisningsmaterialer på dansk:
Det globale samfund.

USA & Europa.
Bedre måder at håndtere konflikter på. Tanker om fremtiden for os alle.


We offer knowledge about


Terror, root causes and how to combat it


Peacekeeping missions

Peacekeeping training and education of staff

Post-war reconstruction and peacebuilding

Empowerment, civil society

Globalization - globalization of poverty

Islam, politics and religion

Globalization - its non-economic and non-military dimensions

Nuclearism, nuclear abolition

General peace research and international relations

Civil-military relations

Women, power and security

Balkan security

Nordic security and how it has changed

Peace journalism

Media in war and peace

Quaker philosophy, conflicts and peace

UN reforms

Healing, mediation and peace

Western civilization and cosmology

Media in war and peace

Education for tolerance and inter-cultural understanding

Psychology, humilitation and peace

How to analyse conflicts and what to do: diagnosis, prognosis and treatment

How to dialogue and negotiate

The conflicts in former Yugoslavia

The international community's role in the Balkans - and what should have been done

What happened at Pakrac, Croatia?

Alternative security and defence

Nonviolence and nonviolent action

Macedonia - war or peace?

Kosovo, Kosova - what futures?

The sanctions against Iraq

Conflict-resolution with Iraq

The occupation of Iraq and why the catastrophe was predictable

Civilian conflict-resolution in the EU

The new psychology of war

Ways to combat terrorism

Alternatives to war
