Peace by peaceful means
promote peace by peaceful means and help abolish war as a socially
accepted institution - that's what we work for at TFF. It is
in line with the UN Charter.
is realism rather than utopianism. But
M.K. Gandhi, Ghaffar Khan, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc should
not become museum pieces. Their constructive ideas and methods
must be adapted and applied to the problems of the contemporary
present a collection of articles, analyses and reports which
highlight the contemporary relevance of nonviolence. It also
contains philosophical, conceptual and historical aspects on
nonviolence and the role of leading proponents, activists and
theoreticians in the field, M.K. Gandhi in particular.
section contains pieces written by TFF Associates. In the right-hand
Features section you will find articles by people who are not
Associates. We publish them because they inspire us in our own
work and we hope they will inspire you too.This
section was launched in January 2001.
When you access an older document below or in the archive, do
not click on its top menu when you have read it. Return to this
page and use the left menu.
TFF Video Channel on YouTube
Lots of videos about nonviolence
Articles 2011
Biljana Vankovska, December 30, 2011
In defence of Love
Stephen Zunes, December 6, 2011
Arab revoluions and the power of nonviolent action
Richard Falk, October 11, 2011
Is this a Global Gandhian Moment?
Jan Oberg, September 3, 2011
Libya - What Should Have Been Done?
A 3-part status with predictions after the first 6 months of yet another failed conflict-management. Please help spread it because the media will most likely ignore it.
Part I - Prologue: What We Should Have Learned By Now
Part II - What Should Have Been Done Before the NATO/US Decision to Bomb?
Part III
Status 6 Months Later and Some - Hopefully Wrong - Predictions
Johan Galtung, July 5, 2011
Rule of Law versus Rule of Mediation
Jørgen Johansen, May 16, 2011
Supporting revolutions - the role of non-violent change there and elsewhere
Stellan Vinthagen, May 2, 2011
People power and the new global ferment
Jan Oberg, April 20, 2011
What should have been done in Libya in a pro-peace
perspective? Part I - Prologue
Martin Smedjeback m.fl, April 11, 2011
JAS-plan skapar inte någon fred
Stephen Zunes, March 29, 2011
Intervention in Libya: Was it really the only option?
David Krieger, March 25, 2011
Daisaku Ikeda's perseverance and passion for peace
Daisaku Ikeda, February 18, 2011
Peace Proposal 2011
Towards a world of dignity for all: The triumph of creative life
Stephen Zunes, February 10, 2011
Egypt's pro-democracy movement: The struggle continues
On the strength and weaknesses of non-violence.
Sören Sommelius, January 15, 2011
Från King Jr. till WikiLeaks på 82-års dagen
Articles 2010
Johan Galtung, October 24, 2010
Singing Boris Vian's "Le Deserteur" from 1954
Johan Galtung, October 18, 2010
Peace as a way of life
Johan Galtung, October 15, 2010
The Western Peace Prize
Martin Smedjeback, September 21, 2010
Has been awarded the Nonviolence Prize by the Christian Peace Movement in Sweden.
We congratulate him by all our heart! (In Swedish).
Glenn Paige & colleagues, September 3, 2010
Books on Non-Killing science, societies and leadership.
From a unique research centre...
Johan Galtung, August 25, 2010
Education and peacebuilding
Martin Smedjeback, August 18, 2010
A TFF Associate in prison (in Swedish)
Martin freedom is quite restricted, since June. He will enter freedom again on September 4, 2010. Why? Because of his belief in non-violent action. We applaud him wholeheartedly!
Jørgen Johansen, July 28, 2010
Peace Research needs to re-orient
Jan Oberg, June 3, 2010
Violence or non-violence on board Ship to Gaza?
What if just one person used violence or had the wrong motivation?
Jorgen Johansen, April 16, 2010
Hitler and the challenge of non-violence
Could Hitler have been defeated somehow if non-violent resistance had been more systematically mobilised? An "eternal" and highly interesting discussion. See also Brian Martin, The Nazis and Nonviolence
Jørgen Johansen, 4. april 2010
Taler om international ikkevoldelig styrke til Sri Lanka og om verdens gang
På norsk på Arne Hansens hjemmeside. 43 min samtale på norsk
Articles 2009
Stephen Zunes, December 10, 2009 - Human Rights Day
The tale of two human rights awardees
Stephen Zunes, December 10, 2009
The power of nonviolent action in Honduras
Stephen Zunes, November 27, 2009
Weapons of Mass Democracy
Nonviolent resistance is the most powerful tactic against repressive regimes
Martin Smedjeback, December 7, 2009
Why I now
start a company for non-violence (Video in Swedish). Here Swedish newspaper article.
Johan Galtung
Gandhi and Mao - two giants compared
Martin Smedjeback, Hiroshimadagen 2009
Tal på dagen - "För att du är värd det!"
Martin Smedjeback, March 16, 2009
I got four months in prison for my non-violent action against Swedish arms exports - and for climbing a fence...(in Swedish).
Martin Smedjeback & Ofog
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 4:e januari 2009
- Att offra sig för övertygelsen
- Jag jobbar för något jag tror på
- Olydiga medborgare
- Från Jesus till...Billström
Articles 2008
Martin Smedjeback, 21:a november 2008
"Lagbrott okej för att skydda liv"
Intervju med Dagens Nyheter
Martin Smedjeback, 15:e november 2008
Avrustning av svensk vapenexport
Blogg om vad han och andra ofogare gör för att hindra att svenska vapen dödar människor runt om i världen. See också Smedjeback på YouTube
Jonathan Power, October 22, 2008
Non-violence - a dangerous idea
Frederik Heffermehl - 6. oktober 2008
Nobels Vilje
En orienterende samling lænker om Heffermehls sensationelle analyse af Nobel-fredsprisen og den mediedebat den skabte fra oktober 2008 og fremad.
Glenn Paige - September 2008, Video on YouTube
Nonkilling Society
Glenn Paige - - Video - September 2008
Nonkilling: A Better Way + Nonkilling For A Better World
Martin Smedjeback, 26:e september 2008
Avrustning av svensk vapenexport - ny blogg
Under hösten 2008 kommer jag att arbeta för att svensk vapenexport ska upphöra. Detta gör jag inom Kampanjen Avrusta som är en del av nätverket Ofog.
Scilla Elworthy, August 3, 2008
Non-violent peacebuilding: Champions networking
A world map is being constructed, to highlight and connect peace-builders, plotting their efforts as small dots of light on the dark canvas of countries at war.
Jørgen Johansen & Brian Martin, June 10, 2008
Sending a protest message
What makes a protest effective? Heads of government are coming to town. Let’s organise a protest! We’ll have a massive rally and march. Those who want to can blockade the venue. We’ll make our concerns about inequality, exploitation and aggression known far and wide.
But wait a second! Is this sort of protest going to be effective?
David Krieger, April 4, 2008
Martin Luther King's legacy of peace
Jørgen Johansen, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 21:a mars, 2008
En vår i våldets tecken
Kinas myndigheter klarar inte av att hantera oroligheterna i Tibet.
Francis A. Boyle, Baltimore Indymedia, March 6, 2008
Civil resistance in the age of Bush and Cheney
Civil Resistance to the wrongdoings of U.S. regimes has a long, and honorable, history. In his well documented tome, “Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law,” Professor Francis A. Boyle captures the essence of that story. He explains how “civil resistance” differs from “civil disobedience.” He also cites cases, where he was involved as an attorney and/or expert witness.
Martin Smedjeback, 4.e februari 2008
Ickevåld eller ickeexistens - vårt val, vår utmaning
Föreläsning av Martin Smedjeback, ickevåldssekretare, Kristna Fredsrörelsen och TFF Associate på Martin Luther King dagen.
Articles 2007
Neelakanta Radhakrishnan, December 5, 2007
The Satyagraha of Gandhi and Human Revolution of Ikeda. Some reflections
Text of speech at the Indo-Japan joint symposium arranged by the Oriental Institute of Philosophy, Tokyo on 3rd April 2007 to mark the Centenary of the Satyagraha movement under Gandhi. We publish it as one TFF Associate's hommage to another, Daisaku Ikeda.
Glenn Paige, Johan Galtung a.o.
Center for Global Nonviolence - November 1-4, 2007
Nonkilling Leadership Forum - A Report and Declaration
David R. Loy, October 9, 2007
Why we love war
A profound, philosopical piece on why war seems attractive to so many. It has to do with a deep civilisational feeling of lacking something in our lives, with our craving for identity and community. Here is a Buddhist perspective, eminently readable by anyone - and non-Buddhists will get an extra benefit from this professor and Buddhist teacher.
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jakobsen, October 9, 2007
What we can do to support genuine democratization and peaceful transition in Burma-Myanmar
The is the greatest opportunity for meaningful transformation in Burma-Myanmar in 10 years. It is a historic moment that should not be lost.
Jonathan Power, October 5, 2007
Non-violent resistance in Burma has history - but not all of it - on its side.
Jørgen Johansen, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 4:e oktober 2007
Tiden talar emot regimen i Burma
Jag saknar den starka röst som en gång kom från de alliansfria staternas organisation under kalla kriget. Personer som Julius Nyerere, Indira Gandhi och även Palme kunde kritisera med så mycket starkare moralisk och politisk tyngd än de röster som dessa dagar dominerar mediedebatten om Burma.
Johan Galtung, at the UN, October 2, 2007
Gandhi's struggle against imperialism: Five points
Point 1: Never fear dialogue
Point 2: Never fear conflict: more opportunity than danger
Point 3: Know History or you are doomed to repeat it (Burke)
Point 4: Image the future or you will never get there
Point 5: While fighting occupation clean up your own house!
One of the most enlightening speeches at the UN for years...
Resistance Studies, September 30, 2007
Theory says the Burma Regime is falling?
My prediction, built on contemporary revolution theories, is that the regime of Burma will fall and/or accept democratisation during October. I speculate but build my thinking on John Foran (1997, Theorising Revolutions) and Jörgen Johansen (2007, forthcoming). Foran builds a theory of revolution on about 35 cases from the last 100 years and Johansen show the pattern of a “wave” of “nonviolent revolutions”built on a study of all irregular regime changes the latest 20 years. Burma seems to fit all criteria. Thus a “nonviolent revolution” is approaching!
Martin Smedjeback, Göteborgs Fria Tidning, 30:e augusti 2007
Fredligt mod i imperiets hjärta
Krig, tortyr, kärnvapen och militärbaser. Bushregimen har fördjupat USA-imperiets avtryck på jorden. Men presidentens ord står inte oemotsagt. Ickevåldstränaren och aktivisten Martin Smedjeback har i sommar besökt några av kontinentens mest radikala fredsivrare.
Martin Smedjeback, 13 augusti 2007
Rättegång som början på avslut av USA-vistelse
Jag måste erkänna att innan jag åkte till USA var jag orolig för att jag snabbt skulle tröttna på dryga, arroganta och högljudda amerikanare. Jag kunde inte ha haft mer fel. Sällan har jag träffat så genomtrevliga, lyssnande, omtänksamma, självkritiska, passionerade och toleranta människor som under denna USA-resa.
Dagens Nyheter, 24:e juli 2007
Svensk gripen hos senator i USA
TFF Associerade Martin Smedjeback har gripits på en amerikansk senators kontor i samband med en protest mot politikerns stöd till finansieringen av USA:s Irakpolitik.
Thomas Weber, July 12, 2007
Gandhian nonviolence and its critics
I attempt to show from were some of the major criticisms of satyagraha have come, criticisms that in many cases need to be taken seriously if the, as Gandhi called it, “science of satyagraha” is to develop.Satyagraha is one of the Mahatma’s great gifts to the future and it deserves to be articulated effectively, and this in turn means seriously considering valuable criticisms and being able to answer less valuable ones.
Martin Smedjeback,
May 29, 2007
tour in a warrior nation
During the summer of 2007 I will travel around in the United States
examining the American nonviolence and peace movement. I will
blog on the road and send out my thoughts to anyone who cares
to follow along on my nonviolence tour.
Jørgen Johansen,
May 27, 2007
Welcome to Resistance
Studies Network of Gothenburg University
A new field is opening its network to the world with a fascinating,
multi-facetted weblog with lots of articles.
to war is probably one of the oldest social movements," writes
Jørgen Johansen.
Martin Smedjeback,
10:e maj 2007
i en krigsnation
"Den 20 maj 2007 sätter jag åter fötterna
på amerikansk mark. Under tre månader ska jag resa
i ickevåldets spår och känna den amerikanska
freds/ickevåldsrörelsen på pulsen. Jag börjar
i Tucson, Arizona genom en delegation med CPT (Christian Peacemakers
Teams)...Under min resa kommer jag att delge dig mina tankar och
alla som har lust att följa med i mina fotspår på
denna ickevåldsresa i en krigsnation. Hoppas att du vill
följa med! Ser fram att höra från dig."
Läs Martins unika rapporter på hans nya blog.
Johan Galtung, March
22, 2007
from Gandhi - Towards a nonviolent world order
Presented at the Satyagraha Centenary in New Delhi, the author
presents a fascinating vision of the world atructured around regions
and with a fading West. Two important Appendices about Kashmir
and about why Gandhi did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize (like
a few others).
The Danish Peace
Academy, March 8, 2007
The book,
Friends of Gandhi.
Correspondence of Mahatma Gandhi with Esther Færing (Menon),
Anne Marie Petersen and Ellen Hørup.
Edited by E.S. Reddy and Holger Terp and published in co-operation
with Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum in Berlin.
This book with all of Gandhi's correspondence with three Danish
women, beginning with their visit in 1917, makes a very important
contribution to the research on and understanding of Gandhi. It's
also an example of how much single individuals can contribute
to international solidarity, says Jan Oberg.
(PDF 1.2 MB, 433 pages).
Martin Smedjeback,
25. februari, 2007
evolution i vår värld
Tal på Martin Luther King's 78:e födelsedag om
det kärleksfulla samhället, The Beloved Community.
Jørgen Johansen,
25. februar,
om det ble krig - og ingen kom
Daisaku Ikeda, February
21, 2007
Hammarskjöld's commitment to dialogue
I believe there is much we can learn from the life and example
of Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the
organization. His achievements shine in the annals of UN history,
and his moral force and integrity as the "conscience of the
United Nations" command wide respect to this day.
Vicky Rossi, January
31, 2007
Interview with Arun Gandhi
Vicky Rossi has travelled in the footpath of Gandhi in India.
Her guide was Arun Gandhi, the "Mahatma's" grandson.
In this interview they touch the fundamental aspects of the legacy
as well as the contemporary relevance of Gandhi and nonviolence.
Martin Smedjeback,, January 8, 2007
of David Cortright's book "Gandhi and Beyond. Nonviolence
for an Age of Terrorism."
Martin Smedjeback,
4 januari 2007
steg mot en värld utan våld
Articles 2006
Martin Smedjeback,
BBC, October 17, 2006
arrested at base protest
A total of 42 peace protesters from Sweden and Finland have
been arrested after blockading an entrance to Faslane.
Martin Smedjeback,
Sydsvenskan, 17:e oktober, 2006
gripna efter protest i Skottland
Smedjeback är från Malmö och för sin
kamp mot kärnvapen genom organisationen Ofog som bildades
2002 med en kärnvapenfri värld som mål. Se bilderna
här på Ofog.
Martin Smedjeback,
TFF Asssociate, October 4, 2006
and Christians united for nonviolence in Sudan
A nonviolence movement comprised of Muslims and Christians,
from the North and the South, women and men, armed with a common
goal, nonviolent principles and a will to act for a better Sudan,
would indeed be a strong force in Sudan. From what I have seen
and heard from the participants of this workshop I believe that
it can happen in Sudan.
Martin Smedjeback,
TFF Associate, October 4, 2006
in Sudan
"Bitterness, hatred and misery…this was what I
expected to find in Sudan before I came there in April 2005 for
the first time in my life. What else can you expect after 21 years
of civil war and when Sudan is one of the poorest countries in
Africa? Instead I was met by an incredible hopefulness and belief
in peace, nonviolence and reconciliation."
Martin Smedjeback, TFF Associate,
August 13, 2006
vända andra kinden till?
Lyssna på Smedjebacks föredrag om Jesus, Martin Luther
King och ickevåldet (mp3 fil).
M. K. Gandhi in "Satyagraha in
South Africa," June 30, 2006
turns 100 on September 11, 2006
This is the most important story about September the 11th. On
that day the idea of Truth Force, of Love and Nonviolent Action
- "peace by peaceful means" in the UN Charter was born. Read Gandhi's
own account of the event and how the term came into being.
Martin Smedjeback, TFF Associate,
26:e juni 2006
efterfrågas i ColumbiaI Colombia kan du gå in
på ett kontor, betala en avgift och tala om vem du vill
ha mördad. Livet är billigt här. Kristna Fredsrörelsen
har samarbetat i fl era år med organisationen Justapaz,
vars namn betyder "rättvis fred" och drivs av mennonitkyrkan
i Colombia. I ett gemensamt projekt organiserar vi ickevåldsutbildningar
för kyrkligt aktiva.
Martin Smedjeback, TFF Associate,
February 28, 2006
Vine and Fig Tree Trial
In the early hours of the 5th of August 2005 a group of planters
entered AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermaston and planted
vines and fig trees.
They were soon arrested for their conversion of a nuclear weapons
research facility into a peace garden.
This is the story of the trial that followed in Newbury Magistrates
Court the 7-9th of February 2006. The author who is a TFF Associate
was sentenced to four weeks in prison, if...
Martin Smedjeback, TFF Associate,
February 28, 2006
Martin Luther
King och Jesus
Tal av Martin Smedjeback i Betelkyrkan, Örebro 2006-01-15,
dagen före Martin Luther Kingdagen. King och Jesus råkar
vara två av mina största inspirationskällor. Jag
har upptäckt att man kan hitta en hel del likheter mellan
King och Jesus, men det finns naturligtvis också många
olikheter och jag vill inte på något sätt likställa
dem. Jag funderar över tre frågor: Varför blev
King och Jesus rörelser så framgångsrika? Varför
dödades King och Jesus? Varför är King och Jesus
rörelser inte längre framgångsrika?
Jørgen Johansen,
i Fredstidningen Pax, 22 juni 2006
tror på humor och olydnad!"
Att få till en intervju med den ständigt resande Jørgen
Johansen, 50 år, är svårare än att få
intervjua en minister. Han har aldrig tagit någon paus i
sitt engagemang för fred och miljö och har arbetat med
fredsfrågor sedan 70-talet i hela världen.

@ Jan Oberg 2001