Media & TNN - the TFF News Navigator















































There is a "real" reality and there is a virtual reality, and the latter has gained in relative importance over the last few decades.

Most citizens have to base their opinions about world affairs and conflicts on images conveyed through radio, television and dailies.

There is much war reporting but little conflict and peace journalism. TFF takes a critical stance with regards to much of the mainstream press but also seeks to highlight quality reporting and illustrate what the media could do to increase global understanding.

We do not argue that the media must contribute to peace; on the other hand, they also should not - directly or indirectly - make wars and other violence natural and peace by peaceful means "unrealistic."

The Internet makes it possible for anyone who so wishes to collect facts and perspectives from many corners of the world. We no longer need to base our opinions on the local newspaper or one or two news bureaus.

Thus, we have created TNN - The TFF News Navigator. It is a unique collection of over 300 media groups worldwide, mainstream as well as alternative at one place, at your fingertips. It makes it easier for you to be better informed and see more perspectives - and that is extremely relevant in a globalising world where the bigger and more powerful increasingly try to make us believe that there is only one truth - their own.

The Internet permits us to get a global rather than national focus on what happens. You can now study the media anywhere in the world and avoid the biases of the powerful Western media conglomerates.


TFF Video Channel on YouTube
Videos on media, peace and war


Jake Lynch, September 27, 2011
Engage media - Social justice and environmental videos from the Asia Pacific
Here is, concretely, what an alternative, low-cost news channel looks like. And it is threatened with closing down next year due to lack of supporters! Please acquaint yourself with New Matilda - and help them!

Rikard Edbertsson, February 16, 2011
Peace in 2.0: A Netnographic Study for the Creation of a Social Media Platform for TFF's ProPeace Vision

Sören Sommelius, 13 februari 2011
Fox News och Aljazeeras bevakning av Egypten



Jake Lynch, September 29, 2010
Puncturing pomposity
On Australia's foreign policy, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka - and what the media make of it all

Peace and Conflict Studies in London
Master's degree including conflict-resolving media

Jake Lynch, April 15, 2010
Peace Journalism for journalists

Jake Lynch & Annabel McGoldrick, April 15, 2010
The missing 'Afghans' (Part 1)

Jake Lynch, February 10, 2010
Media - Iraq first
, then Iran?
"If only people knew, the war would stop tomorrow, but they don't..." and thus mainstream media continue to promote war.



Jake Lynch, October 30, 2009
Mapping the 'military-industrial-media-entertainment-network.
Review of path-breaking book.

Jake Lynch, October 30, 2009
Notes on media and the military

Or, rather, stirring up trouble...

Jake Lynch, October 17, 2009
Women's business and the media
About male and female perspectives on and in media work, peace and war journalism.

Jan Oberg, 18. january 2009
Ser DR verden uden for Danmark?
Åbent brev til DR's ledelse og valgte redaktioner om en lille analyse af Det står faktisk ganske skidt til - eller?



Jake Lynch, November 24, 2008
What is peace jour

Project Censored
The news that didn't make
the News
The 25 Censored Stories for 2009

A highly interesting approach: What is it we are not told by the mainstream media - concretely?

Jan Öberg, Aftonbladet, 10:e augusti, 2008
Karadzic redan dömd - i medierna

Jake Lynch, June 12, 2008
Peace journalism about Afghanistan

There’s no need for journalists to line up on either side of an ideological divide, and no need to take official statements at face value. That’s why we’re seeing more and more peace journalism, even if editors and reporters don’t often call it that. It’s an idea whose time has come.

Jan Öberg, 29:e maj 2008
Svenska Televisionens bevakning av frågorna kring Sveriges försvar - ett brev som inte besvarades

Jan Oberg - February 20, 2008
Our experiment with the media on Kosovo's secession


Jørgen Johansen, Journalisten, 14. oktober 2007
Ytringsfriheten i den globale landsbyen

Å ta hensyn til det mangfold av tradisjoner, kulturer og religioner som finnes i ”den globale landsbyen” burde vel være like selv følgelig som de hensyn som vi i dag forventer at medier tar til den nationale konteksten...

Jørgen Johansen, 14:e juli 2007
Journalister i fångenskap
Det er skillnad på journalist och journalist i medierna. Johansen jämför mediebevakningen av Sami al-Haj i Guantanamo och BBC-journalisten Alan Johnston.

Sören Sommelius, 12: juli 2007
Recension av Robert Fisks "Det stora kriget för mänskligheten"
Det här är en av de viktigaste böcker jag läst på flera år, i några av samtidens avgörande och mest komplexa frågor Och en frän, övertygande kritik av mediebevakningen.

Jan Öberg, 8:e maj 2007
Kommentar till Sveriges Televisions "Aktuellt" inslag om domarna mot serbiska krigsförbrytare
Risken att legitimera krig när det saknas en bredare ram och källkritik. Brevet har aldrig besvarats av Aktuellt.



Annabel McGoldrick, December 29, 2006
Can peace work? Can the media help? And what's it got to do with me anyway?
To me, peace is the cutting edge of change, it's exciting, creative, a totally new way of looking at things. Welcome to the dynamic field of conflict transformation - a transformation that takes place from the personal to the political - and begins inside the heart of each of us.

Jake Lynch, December 1, 2006
Iran in British media - a peace journalism perspective
The left-of-centre Guardian, for instance, comes out as markedly more War Journalistic - more likely to reproduce dominant readings of war propaganda - than some of its rivals. The right-wing Spectator shows a far higher proportion of Peace Journalism than its left-wing counterpart, the New Statesman. Peace Journalism, it is argued, produces findings of material relevance to conflict understanding as well as highlights appropriate steps editors and reporters could take to ensure accuracy and balance in their coverage.

Annabel McGoldrick, November 27, 2006
Philippines Mining
A ten-minute investigation by McGoldrick into the activities of Australian and other international mining companies on the southern island of Mindanao, and their influence on the conflict there. It's followed by an interview the programme has filmed with the chief executive of one of the firms involved. It's on Australian TV, Sunday, Channel Nine's flagship current affairs show.

Jake Lynch
Think-tank reports The Peace Journalism Option (1998); What Are Journalists For? (1999); Reporting the World - a practical checklist for the ethical reporting of conflicts in the 21st century (2002) and the TRANSCEND manual, Peace Journalism - What is it? How to do it?

Per Gahrton, 16 augusti, 2006
Arabisk press efter Libanon-kriget
En mycket informativ genomgång av olika medier i regionen: Det känns befriande att läsa en artikel i al-Hayat som frågar: Vem är det som dödar araber och muslimer - och judar? Svar: De kristna i väst. Och så har det varit i tusen år minst, heter det, med början i korstågen. Olmert och Netanyahu, Nasrallah och Mubarak, Hamas-ledarna, de iranska mullorna och de saudiska prinsarna, arm i arm mot den gemensamma fienden i USA och EU! Nog är det en uppfriskande tanke. Nog skulle det skapa ett verkligt nytt Mellanöstern i alla fall!

Sören Sommelius, 29:e april 2006
Hopp och lugn i Bolivia - Peru mot vänster?
Kulturskribenten har rest i Sydamerika. Här är hans fascinerande ögonblicksbilder - människorna, samhället och politiken - från Bolivia och Peru. Ska människornas dröm efter demokrati och välstånd äntligen bli verklighet? Kommer USA än en gång att intervenera? Illustrerad med författarens egna bilder.

Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick
The 2005 book "Peace Journalism"
This book is published by Hawthorn Press. Jake is a BBC television news anchor and reporter, a former Political Correspondent for Sky News and Sydney Correspondent for the Independent newspaper.
Annabel is an experienced reporter and producer in radio and television, having covered conflicts in Indonesia, Thailand and Burma. She produced the BBC documentary, Against the War, with Harold Pinter, during the Nato bombing of Yugoslavia.

Sören Sommelius, 18 december, 2005
Samtal med Orhan Pamuk
Den turkiske författaren Orhan Pamuk är just nu en bricka i spelet om Turkiets medlemskap i den europeiska gemenskapen. På Bokmässan i Göteborg drog han stora skaror med anledning av romanen "Snö". Sören Sommelius har träffat honom över en kopp te.

Annabel McGoldrick, Jake Lynch and Jan Oberg contribute to a book resulting from a Toda Institute project
Democratising Global Media
Rowman and Littlefield, 2005.


The TFF News Navigator

1. Dailies, weeklies, bureaus and megasites

2. Journals, magazines, monthlies, quarterlies, webzines, etc

3. Media analyses and critique


Quality articles - thought-provoking, informative, or "different"- written by people who are not TFF Associates. We recommend and share them with our readers.

TFF Associates
- experts on
the media in war and peace

Annabel McGoldrick
Anette Carlsson
Jonathan Power
Birgitte Rahbek
Soren Sommelius
Jake Lynch
Aleksandar Mitic









TFF Video Channel on YouTube
Videos on media, peace and war
