FEATUREs 2000-2001


Sveriges förändrade säkerhetspolitik och debatten om den

Benjamin Ferencz, 2001
Interview on terrorism as a crime against humanity

Arun Gandhi, October 2, 2001
Terrorism and nonviolence

Rabbi Michael Lerner, September 17, 2001
Where the violence comes from

Scott Taylor, Esprit de Corps, Canada
Macedonian Backgrounder - and the Americans in Aracinovo
(From Esprit de Corps, August 9, 2001).

Kjell Magnusson, Uppsala Universitet, September 12, 2001
Makedonien: Så knäcktes ett föredöme
Om dumhet, undfallenhet och Makedoniens väg mot katastrofen...

Marianne Eriksson, Herman Schmid och Jonas Sjöstedt, Aftonbladet 29 dec 2000
EU vill gå i krig för svenska pengar

  Fredrik Heffermehl
The Book "Peace Is Possible"

Miroslav Hadzic, Ph.d., Belgrade
Critical points for the security of Serbia/FR Yugoslavia

Ny film om Gandhi i Sydafrika
"Där våldet slutar börjar kärleken

John Pilger, Aftonbladet
Medierna som maktens tjänstehjon
(September 15, 2000)

Karin Wegestahl, TFF vän, i Arbetet
Insatser itan FN godkännande? Sveriges allt mer oklara säkerhetspolitiskahållning måste diskuteras? (August 20, 2000)

New book by Riane Eisler, TFF friend and author of "The Chalice and the Blade"
Tomorrow's Children - A Blueprint for Partnership Education in the 21st Century (August 10, 2000)

Zelim Skurbaty
As If People Mattered, Critical Appraisal of `Peoples' and `Minorities' from the International Human Rights Perspective and Beyond
Foreword by Patrick Thornberrry
Order here. (July 27, 2000)

Jake Lynch, freelancing reporter with Sky News
Using conflict analysis in reporting. The Peace Journalism option (4 parts) 

Margareta Norlin
Svensk nyhetsrapportering är extremt okunnig och vinklad (20 juli 2000)

The British Helsinki Human Rights Group, June 29, 2001
The Crisis in Macedonia

Peace Journalism and the Kosovo Crisis
(July 15, 2000).

Karin Wegeståhl
Sanctions against Yugoslavia - A continuation of NATO's aggression

Swedish Anti-Sanctions Appeal
(April 8, 2000).

Georg Schöfbänker
Austria's New Security Concept

Jonathan Granoff
Nuclear Weapons, Ethics, Morals and Law

Dana Priest
U.S. Military Builds Aalliances Across Europe; Efferot to Expand Influence and Security Called Risky





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