TFF Feature Collection, December 9, 2004
Very different perspectives on events in Ukraine
We've selected a few rather different articles about the elections in Ukraine. We hope this will be pedagogically useful for teachers, students, journalists and media critics. Again, there may be many aspects of truth in what is basically the same story.

TFF Feature Collection, December 2, 2004
Positive News, Views and Stories
Are you sick and tired of only hearing and seeing negative stuff about the world? Do you feel powerless, losing hope?
Then be inspired and charge you social change batteries by reading some of these stories...stories about civil courage, standing up, speaking out, showing solidarity, about inventiveness, new ideas - in short, about the fact that individuals do change the world for the better - every day!
We hope to make this a recurrent theme in TFF's work.

Gerald Kaufman, Labour, 1. december, 2004
Økonomiske sanktioner og våbenembargo mod Israel
Det fungerede i Sydafrika og er den eneste vej frem. At appelere til Sharons bedre jeg er spild af tid, det findes ikke...

Brev fra Fallujahs befolkning, 1. december, 2004
Brev fra befolkningen i Fallujah med bøn om afslutning af
bombardementet og forhindring af det forestående angreb

Idag véd vi at det altsammen var forgæves..

Ny vigtig dansk bog af Øjvind Kyrø, 18. november 2004
"Godmorgen, Rwanda er I begyndt at arbejde?"
En håndbog i folkemord...

TFF Feature Colection, November 1, 2004
The U.S. Empire - What future, what end?
General theory & military, political, economic and other dimensions of the Empire. Will it move toward Fascism? How and when will it end? Is it already far into a decline most just don't see?

Jack Dalton, Information Clearing House, October 30, 2004
Spørgsmål til Amerika - Hvornår bliver det for meget?
En invalid Vietnamveteran spørger hvor meget der skal til før amerikanerne indser at de bliver taget ved næsen?

TFF Feature Collection, October 28, 2004
Who is George W. Bush?
Links to serious discussions of Bush's psychology and state of mind, his faith, his leadership, the Bush family's relations to Hitler Germany and its rise to power and Bush's worldviews.

TFF Feature Collection, October 24, 2004
U.S. Election and American foreign policy
Is there any significant difference between Kerry and Bush? Some of the best analysts and columnists, left and right, say no. Actually, Kerry may well be the more hawkish.

TFF Feature Collection, October 20, 2004
Positive News, Views and Stories
Are you sick and tired of only hearing and seeing negative stuff about the world? Do you feel powerless, losing hope?
Then be inspired and charge you social change batteries by reading some of these stories...stories about civil courage, standing up, speaking out, showing solidarity, about inventiveness, new ideas - in short, about the fact that individuals do change the world for the better - every day!
We hope to make this a recurrent theme in TFF's work.

TFF Feature Collection, October 19, 2004
Margaret Hassan, CARE International abducted in Baghdad
TFF's team were privileged to meet Margaret Hassan for hours during its fact-finding missions to Baghdad in both 2002 and 2003. Fewe have done more for the welfare of the Iraqi people over 25 years. We at TFF are deeply saddened to learn that she was taken hostage on October 19, 2004. The act must be condemned as it works against the Iraqi people.

TFF Feature, Jim Ingalls and Sonali Kolhatkar, codirectors of the Afghan Women's Mission, October 9, 2004
Afghan elections: US Solution to a US problem
A-says-it-all article: history, women's perspective, to-the-point cynical analysis, critical and - remarkably - outlines what should be done instead. Contrast it with the "victory for democracy" you hear.

TFF Feature Collection, October 7, 2004
Iraq - essential analyses, surprising facts, unusual angles

Feature - E. L. Doctorow in The East Hampton Star - September 29, 2004
The Unfeeling President
Very moving - spread it wide and far before George W. Bush may win...

Los Angeles Times/TruthOut, September 27, 2004
The new face of Al Queda. It is seen as a wider threat now
The network has evolved into a looser, ideological movement that may no longer report to Bin Laden. Critics say the White House focus is misdirected - abslutely essential reading a good three years after 9/11 (Also on TruthOut

TFF Feature Collection, September 25, 2004
Irak, dansk Irak-politik, terrortrusler mod Danmark

TFF Feature Collection, September 25, 2004
The West losing against terror - a new Cold War with Islam?

TFF Feature Collection, September 25, 2004
The ongoing tragedy in Iraq - 14 concise critiques

TFF Feature Collection, September 23, 2004
Bridge to Baghdad - the terrrible abduction of aid and peace workers.
See the background, read Jan Oberg's statement and sign the petition in support of their survival and release!

TFF's picks of global affairs - Feature Collection
Sepember 2, 2004
Iran, the media, WMD, CIA and Bin Laden, Georgia, Global Issues, nuclear affairs, UN NGO conference, global environment, the Security Council...

Feature Collection, August 16, 2004
The Ongoing US terror in Iraq
12 articles

Feature Collection, August 16, 2004
The Crisis in Darfur, Sudan
11 articles

Feature Collection, August 16, 2004
The forthcoming US elections
8 articles

Frank Søholm Grevil, 16 aug. 2004
Ministerbetjening, ministerbetjening, ministerbetjening

Howard Kurtz, Washingtonpost, August 16, 2004
The Post on WMDs: An Inside Story

Truthout, August 16, 2004
U.S. questions Japan's Pacifism
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell says Japan must consider revising its pacifist constitution if it wants a permanent UN Security Council seat.

Jon Basil Utley,, August 16, 2004
36 ways the US is losing the war on terror
Three years and half a trillion dollars later America is losing the war on terrorism. The 9/11 Commission has warned that more and worse acts of terrorism are to be expected.

Rory O'Connor, Alternet, August 16, 2004
Krugman: A Reckoning for the Media Machine
Paul Krugman doesn't just write about media, he unravels the events they cover, uncover, mis-cover and ignore.

Simon Tisdall, ICH, August 16, 2004
Diplomacy sidelined as US targets Iran
The US charge sheet against Iran is lengthening almost by the day, presaging destabilising confrontations this autumn and maybe a pre-election October surprise. 

Salih Booker, FPF, August 16, 2004
When intervention is necessary, who can you call?
Genocide is a unique crime against humanity. This crime is currently unfolding in Darfur, western Sudan, as the world looks on.

Katrin Bennhold, IHT, August 16, 2004
Oil's price: livable, but maybe not for long

Barry Yeoman, Barry, August 16, 2004
Soldiers of Good Fortune
They fly helicopters, guard military bases, and provide reconnaissance. They're private military companies&emdash;and they're replacing U.S. soldiers in the war on terrorism.

William M. Arkin, Yahoo News, August 16, 2004
'Star Wars': Pie in the Sky
The missile defense being set up makes no sense financially or strategically.

Charlotte Aagaard,, 16 aug. 2004
FE-undersøgelse skrinlagt
Et flertal i Folketinget ønsker ikke længere noget hovedeftersyn af Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste

Ulla Røder., 16 aug. 2004
Thuleaftalen: Atomoprustningen for det næste århundrede besluttet på selveste Hiroshimadagen
Årelangt bedrag med gradvis indsættelse af missilforsvaret i England for at undgå offentlig omtale og for at stoppe opposition.

Anne Sørensen,, 16 aug. 2004
Terrortrussel kædes sammen med Camp Eden-sag
Dansk terrorekspert kæder truslerne sammen med beskyldninger for overgreb mod fanger i Camp eden.

Hans Drachmann,, 16 aug. 2004
Undskyld, kan du fortælle mig, om vi er i krig?
Det er ikke lige til at finde ud af om Danmark er i krig eller ej.

John Pilger i Aftonbladet, 30. juli 2004
Lika som bär?
En myt at Kerry skulle stå för en annan världsbild än Bush...

Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor, August 2, 2004
Why oil prices may stay sky high

CNN on TruthOut July 29, 2004
Afghanistan could implode

Anne Penketh, The Independent, July 29, 2004
How the US blurred the line between aid and the armed forces

Politiken 30. juli 2004
Statsadvokaten slæber Frank Grevil i retten

Maria Sandblad, Aftonbladet, 27 juli 2004
...och så ska Kuba knäckas

Helle Mumm, Politiken 23. juli 2004
Mostarbroen: en stiv protese

Feature Collection, July 27-29, 2004
The 9/11 Report and related articles

Human Development Report 2004, July 23
Cultural Liberty in Today's Diverse World
A report that deserves much more attention that the 9/11 report

Stockholm International Peace Reseacrh Institute, July 23, 2004
Highlights from the SIPRI Yearbook 2004

GlobaliIssues, July 23, 2004
The arms trade - a major cause of suffering
Comprehensive link collection

Bill Arkin, July 23, 2004

Collection, July 23 - August 2, 2004
The forthcoming US presidential elections -
or could they be cancelled?

William Pfaff, International Herald Tribune, July 23, 2004
Europe should take its own Mideast stand

Norman Birnbaum, FPIF, July 23, 2004
All unquiet on the Western front:
Unifying Europe not lining up behind the U.S.

Daniel Barenboim, pianist, July 23, 2004
An art of sound that crosses all borders

George Monbiot, The Guardian, July 23, 2004
Our lies led us into war

Shashi Tharoor, International Herald Tribune, July 23, 2004
Meanwhile: The critical news stories you never read

Orville Schell, Common Dreams, July 23, 2004
Why the press failed

Katrin Bennhold, International Herald Tribune, July 23, 2004
"Fortress Europe" keeps doors barred

Collection, July 23- August 2, 2004
Iraq's "Sovereignty"

Feature, Vicky Rossi, July 21, 2004
In pursuit of peace
An exceptional paper by a student at the European Peace University.

Feature, Alan J. Kuperman, IHT, June 30, 2004
In Rwanda, halting genocide is easier said than done
The 10th anniversary of Rwanda's genocide brought a spate of retrospectives arguing that the international community could have prevented it if we merely had possessed the "political will" to intervene.

Feature, Brian Knowlton, IHT, June 30, 2004
State Department doubles estimate of '03 terror toll
The State Department said Tuesday that global terrorism last year claimed more than twice the 307 victims the Department had listed earlier in a report it now says was based on flawed numbers.

Feature, ABC News Online, June 30, 2004
Russia to boost military spending
Russia plans to boost spending on domestic arms purchases by a third in 2005 to $US6 billion to help the defence sector recover from a post-Soviet slump, according to industry sources and media reports.

Feature,, June 30, 2004
The US Election for the Rest of the World
Only one vote counts and you must be in a country other than the U.S.A. Let's help the U.S. figure out who their president should be. Lord knows they spend a lot of time 'helping' other countries with theirs.

Feature, William M. Arkin, Yahoo News, June 30, 2004
Presidential Race

A Cloak of Security - or a Shield Against Debate?
The truth about this administration's policies is obscured by a barrier of secrecy

Feature, Anne Applebaum, 30 juni 2004
Så tortur er lovlig?
Man behøver hverken særlig sikkerhedsgodkendelse eller fortrolig information for at begribe størrelsesordenen af, hvad der er hændt i USAs hemmelige fængsler. Enhver, som vil forbinde de enkelte punkter til en sammenhængende figur, kan gøre det. For at se hvad jeg mene,r skal du bare gennemgå nogle få sager, som man nemt kan finde på internet.

Feature, Farhang Jahanpour, June 14, 2004
The UN should try to end Iraq's occupation
A comprehensive, critical analysis of what lead up to
UN SC Resolution 1546 and what the UN - and others - must urgently do to stop the madness from spreading throughout the Middle East. "The push for a UN mandate had more to do with US presidential elections and to repair Bush and Blair's damaged reputations than a genuine desire to establish democracy and sovereignty in Iraq..."

Feature, Faiza Saleh Ambah, CSM, June 5, 2004
Al Qaeda targets US oil supplies
Analysts say the Saudi attack could be a new tactic aimed at slowing the US economy.

Feature, George Soros,, June 5, 2004
Victims Turning Perpetrators
George Soros is founder and chairman of the Open Society Institute and the Soros foundations network. He is also currently the president and chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC.

Feature, 5 juni 2004
Europeiska folkomröstningskampanjen
Europeiska framtidskonventet arbetade under 2003 fram förslaget på en ny grundlag, en konstitution, för EU.

Feature, June 5, 2004
European Referendum Campaign

Feature, Bruce St. John, FPIF, June 5, 2004
Bush Policies Make Terrorism a Growth Industry
Bush administration policies in the war on terrorism mutated the global threat, mobilizing anti-U.S. sentiment. The crisis in Iraq, coupled with radical shifts in U.S. policy in the Middle East and elsewhere, gave extremists a new focus, allowing radical groups to widen their appeal among Muslims and others. A terrorism alarm sounds everyday somewhere in the world, canceling flights, closing embassies, killing people.

Feature, Edward S. Herman, FPIF, June 5, 2004
Stacy Sullivan on Milosevic and Genocide
There is now substantial literature that makes a strong case that the Tribunal is not only a crudely political arm of NATO, but that it is a "rogue court." As a political arm, it regularly cleared the ground for NATO military actions and since that victory the Tribunal has worked hard to prove that the NATO war was just.

Feature, George Szamuely, FPIF, June 5, 2004
The Yugoslavian Fairy Tale
It is always fascinating to watch the eagerness with which so-called progressives unquestioningly accept an official history full of virtuous U.S. officials and villainous savages trying the patience of the peaceful, law-abiding Great Powers.

Feature, Craig Unger, IHT, June 5, 2004
Sept. 11: Why were Saudis allowed to leave the US?
Americans who think the Sept. 11 commission is going to answer all the crucial questions about the terrorist attacks are likely to be sorely disappointed.

Feature, truthout, June 5, 2004
For all The Grand Rhetoric, We Have Failed to See Through our Mission in Afghanistan
Two years ago, following the removal of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Tony Blair promised that the international community would not ignore the plight of the Afghan people, that "this time we will not walk away". We may not have quite walked away yet, but we have undoubtedly turned away - to Iraq.

Feature, Ray McGovern,, June 5, 2004
Code Red (States)
The Department of Homeland Security's Tom Ridge wasn't aware of the terrorist threat until he saw his colleague John Ashcroft announce it on national television.  CIA veteran McGovern outlines the evidence suggesting Ashcroft's pronouncement was more motivated by politics than intelligence.

Feature, Claus Kold, kronik i Jyllands-Posten, 22. maj 2004
Fredsstøtte på vildveje
Fredsskabelse i en organisation ledet og organiseret til krig er dømt til at mislykkes. Et sådant forsvar kan hverken kæmpe eller skabe fred. Den militære organisationskultur ligger meget langt fra ånden i FN's charter, skriver dagens kronikør.

Feature, Mads Stenstrup, Jyllands-Posten, 20. maj 2004
Forsvarets udsendte anklaget for racisme
Militærsociolog Claus Kold har lavet et feltstudie og en ph.d-afhandling om de udsendte danske soldaters opfattelser og holdninger til deres opgave. Han er overbevist om, at der findes udbredt racisme mod de lokale, som de danske soldater er sendt af sted for at beskytte:
"De danske soldater er gode til at slås, men de bærer også frøene i sig til at begå overgreb, som ligner dem, et ukendt antal Irak-udsendte amerikanske og brit iske soldater har forarget verden med de seneste uger," vurderer han. Her er desuden Claus Kolds kronik i Jyllands-Posten 22. maj 2004, Fredsstøtte på vildveje

Feature, Jørgen Poulsen, Dansk Røde Kors, 18 maj 2004
Jeg anklager den danske regering
Jeg anklager jeg regering og folketing for at have svigtet de mest grundlæggende humanitære principper &endash; et svigt som gør os alle til medansvarlige for den moralske deroute, vi alle har kunnet opleve i form af de uhyggelige billeder af mishandlede fanger i Irak. Regeringen og Folketinget har været oplyst om disse overgreb i måneder. De har fra Afghanistan til Irak kunnet følge udsagnene om de alt for mange døde fanger fundet med bagbundne hænder. Om de alt for mange døde på slagmarken uden våben. Om de alt for mange mishandlede under forhør og om de alt for mange tilbageholdte uden rettergang. Og de har ikke sagt fra!

Feature, 18 maj 2004
Et år efter Baghdads fald: Hvordan er sundhedstilstanden i Irak?

Feature - DN., 18 maj 2004
EU's försvarspolitik måste utvecklas
Storbritanniens och Sveriges utrikesministrar föreslår att unionen gör en fredsinsats i Gaza.

Feature - Anders Brännström, DN., 18 maj 2004
Överge inte Kosovo
Svensk Kfor-general varnar för total etnisk rensning av serber.

Feature - Bengt Gustafsson, DN., 18 maj 2004
Yrkesarmé krävs mot ny hotbild
Sjutton generaler vill ha korttidsanställda soldater och mönstringsplikt för både kvinnor och män.

Feature - Espen Løkeland-Stai & Truls Lie, Klassekampen, 18 maj 2004
Oppfordrer til global intifada
Krigen mot Irak er nyliberalismen på sitt mest blodige, det er privatisering ved hjelp av missiler, hevder den kanadiske journalisten Naomi Klein. Hun oppfordrer til en global intifada for å isolere USA i Irak.

Feature - Maren Sæbø, Klassekampen, 18 maj 2004
Sensuren sprekker
Flere amerikanere dør i Irak enn noen gang, og amerikansk presse har nå publisert bilder av flaggdraperte kister. - Selvsensuren i amerikansk presse etter 11. september slår sprekker, mener journalistikk-professor Rune Ottosen.

Feature -, 18 maj 2004
Komiteen for ett Frit Irak

Feature - Ingmar Karlsson, Svenska Dagbladet, 18 maj 2004
Kristen höger styr Bush
Fundamentalistiska kristna grupperingar påverkar den pånyttfödde George W Bushs utrikespolitik. Enligt dessa gruppers gammaltestamentliga förkunnelse, som också sprids i Sverige, ska Israel bli betydligt större och inkludera även Jordanien och Syrien.

Feature - Braændpunkt Irak, 18 maj 2004
Tænk på konsekvenserne
Åbent Brev til folketing og regering.

Feature, May 18, 2004
One Year After the Fall of Baghdad: How Healthy is Iraq?

Feature - Sidney Blumenthal, Guardian, May 18, 2004
America's military coup
Donald Rumsfeld has a new war on his hands - the US officer corps has turned on the government.

Feature - TWF, May 18, 2004
Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death
Thousands of Afghan prisoners were killed while travelling in sealed containers on their way from Konduz to a prison at Sheberghan.

Feature - Ian Black, Guardian, May 18, 2004
Union's struggle to strut its stuff on world stage
It is one of the EU's most cherished ambitions to play a bigger and more coherent role on the world stage.

Feature - Robert Cohen, IHT, May 18, 2004
At EU Milestone, US is Focused Elsewhere
It is a fair indication of the state of trans-Atlantic relations that the largest expansion of the European Union, and the one signifying the end of Europe's postwar division, has drawn scant attention in the United States, where the very nature and purpose of the EU remain murky to many.

Feature - Felix Rohatyn, IHT, May 18, 2004
For 'New America,' a fresh Atlantic alliance
Most Americans see Europe as a powerful economic entity, with its own currency and central bank; Europe is also America's most important trade and investment partner.

Feature - Arundhati Roy, News From Babylon, May 18, 2004
Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates
How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words? And now the bombs are falling, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilisation.

Feature - Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., Carlisle, May 18, 2004
The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012

Feature - Eric Leser, Truthout, May 18, 2004
Carlyle Empire
The biggest private investor in the world, deeply entrenched in the weapons' sector, is a discreet group that cultivates dealings with influential men, including Bush father and son.

Feature - Paul Krugman, Truthout, May 18, 2004
The Oil Crunch
Those who expected big economic benefits from the war were, of course, utterly wrong about how things would go in Iraq.

Feature - Richard A. Clarke, Truthout, May 18, 2004
The Wrong Debate on Terrorism
The last month has seen a remarkable series of events that focused the public and news media on America's shortcomings in dealing with terrorism from radical Islamists. This catharsis, which is not yet over, is necessary for our national psyche.

Feature - The Age, May 18, 2004
Whistleblower's Identity Revealed
The whistleblower who alerted officers to the torture of Iraqi prisoners of war was Specialist Joseph Darby, 24.

May 18, 2004

Nabojsa Malic, Balkan Express, May 18, 2004
The Leviathan Cometh

Aleksandar Jokic,, May 18, 2004
Kosovo European West Bank? Hardly!, May 18, 2004
Parallels, Contrasts and Questions
Balkans and Iraq: Whither Empire?

Dragan Pavlovic, Balkan Crisis, May 18, 2004
Towards the End of the Ethnic States

Feature - Anders Brännström, DN., 18 maj 2004
Överge inte Kosovo
Svensk Kfor-general varnar för total etnisk rensning av serber.

Anders Brännström
Swedish KFOR general warns about total ethnic cleansing of Serbs
Translated from Dagens Nyheter, Swedish daily, May 3, 2004.

Special feature collection, April 30, 2004
Images they didn't want you to see: American coffins and US soldiers torturing and sexually abusing Iraqis (warning: some shocking and explicit)

Feature - Mathew Davis, BBC, April 27, 2004
The EU is "chaotic and leaderless"
"We are left with the old tools to deal with a new, expanded European Union,"

Feature - K. Subrahmanyam, Times of India, April 27, 2004
Nuclear Bombshell: The Truth that John Kerry Knows
There is a remarkable similarity between the pardons given to the guilty in the Iran-contra affair, dropping the trial of Clark Clifford, the frontman for BCCI operations in US, and the pardon extended by General Musharraf to A Q Khan. Clark Clifford too was an icon in the US.

Feature - Richard Clarke, Int Herald Tribune, April 27, 2004
Lessons from the September 11 inquiry
We all want to defeat the jihadists. To do that, we need to encourage an active, critical and analytical debate in America about how that will best be done.

Feature - Robert McNamara and Helen Caldicott, Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2004
The US and Russia can still hurl thousands of nuclear weapons at each other.
Russia and the U.S. are now self-described allies in their fight against global terrorism. Their first duty in this effort should be immediate and rapid bilateral nuclear disarmament, accompanied by the other six nuclear nations (France, Britain, China, India, Pakistan and Israel).

Feature - Ahmed Nassef, Christian Science Monitor, April 27, 2004
Listen to the silent Muslim minority in the US
"Instead of encouraging the most conservative fringes within the Muslim American community, it's time to give voice to the moderate majority."

Feature - Katrin Bennhold, Int Herald Tribune, April 27, 2004
EU paradox: A success taken for granted
"It does not help that the Union is still largely unable to join forces in the internationa arena..."

Feature - Robert Fisk, The Nation/The Independent, April 27, 2004
A Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech. Another Case Study: Mary Robinson
Behold Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, she has made a big mistake. She dared to criticise Israel...

Feature - Peter Schneider in Int Herald Tribune, April 27, 2004
The US and Europe - divided by civilisation
Differences growing bigger. Has the US forgotten the promises of Enlightenment?

Feature - UN Commission on Human Rights, April 27, 2004
Three resolutions on the violation of human rights in the Arab occupied terriroties, including Palestine
The texts - and you may ask how Israel gets away with it anyhow?

Feature - John Pilger's homepage, April 27, 2004
Breaking the Silence awarded. His columns in the New Statesman
Visit this site regularly - a towering figure in contemporary journalism.

Feature - Kinas Statsråds Informationskontor, 22. april 2004
Rapport om menneskerettighederne i USA i 2003
USA ser sig selv som verdens menneskerettighedspoliti. Her er en rapport - baseret på vestlige kilder - som amerikanske og andre vestlige medier har taget sig pressefriheden at fortie.

Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie - April 22, 2004
We bombed the wrong side?
The Kosovo-Albanians have played us, the international community, like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence... Funny how we just keep digging the hole deeper! 

Feature - April 21, 2004
Mordechai Vanunu free at last - but not completely.
The story of a nuclear whistleblower who, walking out of prison after 18 years, courageously promises to keep on fighting against all nuclear weapons and, in particular, the nuclear weapons of Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East.

Fallujah, the massacre
April 19, 2004

Jo Wilding, Occupation Watch, org, April 19, 2004
Eyewitness Report from Falluja
US snipers in Falluja shoot unarmed man in the back, old woman with white flag, children fleeing their homes and the ambulance that we were going in to fetch a woman in premature labour., April 19, 2004
Human Rights Watch: US Action in Falluja Needs Investigation

Jo Wilding,, April 19, 2004
Please read and forward widely. The truth of what's happening in Falluja has to get out., April 19, 2004
Destroying a Town in Order to Save it
Report from Fallujah

Christine Hauser & Kirk Semple, IHT, April 19, 2004
US toll mounting as battles roil Iraq
8 Americans killed since the weekend, attacks will be 'dealth with', Bremer says., April 19, 2004
Falluja toll tops 600
More than 600 Iraqis have been killed in fighting in Falluja since US occupation forces launched an offensive against resistance fighters in the town a week ago, say hospital sources.

Robert Fisk, ICH, April 19, 2004
Atrocity in Fallujah
'As usual, Iraqi dead were not counted by the occupation powers. But it will be the tapes that will be remembered by all who saw them - and by Arabs who were able to watch most of them, uncensored, on their own broadcasting channels'.

Jeffrey Gettleman, IHT, April 19, 2004
Radical's anti-US wrath unleashed
For months, as U.S. occupation authorities have focused on a moderate Shiite leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, a radical young cleric named Moqtada al-Sadr has been spewing invective and threatening a widespread insurrection.

Jeffrey Gettleman, IHT, April 19, 2004
Shiite cleric spurs uprising in Iraq
Coordinated attacks by militiamen erupt from Baghdad to southern cities., April 19, 2004
Full Text of Human Rights Record of the US in 2003
China issued the Human Rights Record of the United States in 2003 Monday, March 1, in response to the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2003 issued by the US on Feb. 25. The Human Rights Record is the fifth Chinese report in responseto the annual country reports on human rights by the United States.
(Danish version)

Ryung Suh, CSM, April 19, 2004
In Afhanistan: a US soldier's emotional landscape
Patriotic abstraction, flag-draped coffins, Saturday-night lobster, and creeping doubt., April 19, 2004
Questioning the New Imperial World Order
A Hearing on the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

Rabbi Michael Lerner, The Nation, April 19, 2004
The Sharon-Bush Axis of Occupation
For those in the United States who know that the best interests of both the United States and Israel will be served not by perpetuation of the occupations but by peace and reconciliation, there is a greater urgency than ever to counter the Bush/Sharon Axis of Occupation.

William M. Arkin, Yahoo news, April 19, 2004
Counterterrorism: The US Department of Fear
Bush's foreign policy is a direct outgrowth of Richard Clarke's Chicken Little mind-set.

Robert Fisk, ICH, April 19, 2004
George Bush has legitimised terrorism
What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden have than the President of the United States?, April 19, 2004
Nuclear Whistleblower has 'No Regrets'
Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu believes his disclosure of Israel's secrets provoked an essential debate on nuclear weapons and has no regrets over the action that sent him to prison for 18 years, his brother said., 19 april 2004
Balkan - Et Studie i mediefordrejning
Jan Øberg står i Danmark uhyre isoleret i sin kamp for reel oplysning om vestens rolle i Kosovo.

Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard,, 19 april 2004
Danmarks Lydige Presse
Interview med Hans-Henrik Holm

Länderkommitten, 19 april 2004
Artiklar, 19 april 2004
Vägra finansiera ockupationen - köp inte israeliska varor
Fred och demokrati är oförenligt med ockupation och apartheid. Tillsammans lyckades vi med Sydafrika. Nu tar vi oss an Israel. 

I medierne fremstilles den nylige udrensning af etniske serbere, som om den var fremprovokeret af følgende hændelse: Tre albanske drenge blev d. 17. marts jaget af ud i druknedøden i Ibar floden af en flok forfølgende serbere.

Jake Lynch, BBC - Kontradoxa, Modkraft, 18. april 2003
Volden i Kosovo beviser nu, at de historier, der manglede i 1999, var de vigtigste
I denne analyse af tre temaer i konflikten fortæller BBC-reporteren Jake Lynch de historier, der manglede.

Jonathan Watts, Guardian, April 16, 2004
North Korea 'had nuclear bombs five years ago'
Abdul Qadeer Khan - the father of Pakistan's uranium weapons programme - has told investigators he saw three nuclear bombs in North Korea five years ago.

Michael Meacher, Guardian, April 16, 2004
The Path to Friendship Goes Via the Oil and Gas Fields
Muammar Gadafy has agreed on the importance of combating terrorism. The motives, however, are rather more cynical.

Tony Jones,, April 16, 2004
Pilger on the US and terrorism
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
TV Program Transcript

Editor&Publisher, April 16, 2004
Reporter Apologizes for Iraq Coverage
In the wake of Richard Clarke's dramatic personal apology to the families of 9/11 victims for failing to prevent the terrorist attacks, one might expect a few culpas related to the release of false informaton on the Iraq threat before and after the war.

Jon Leyne, BBC News, April 16, 2004
Bush pre-empts Mideast negotiations
After months of negotiation, and more than two hours of head-to-head talks with Ariel Sharon, President Bush pronounced his verdict on the Israeli plan to withdraw from Gaza with an endorsement stronger and more enthusiastic than anything the Israelis dared hope for., April 16, 2004
Photo-Galleries of the Kosovo Pogrom March 17-20, 2004

April 16, 2004

Peter Enav,, April 16, 2004
Israeli nuke whistleblower has no regrets
Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu believes his disclosure of Israel's nuclear secrets provoked an essential debate on nuclear weapons and has no regrets over the action that sent him to prison for 18 years., April 16, 2004
Mordechai Vanunu - prisoner of conscience, a hero in the struggle for a more secure Middle East and for a world free of nuclear weapons.

Bruderhof Communities, March 27, 2004
Forgiveness Guide
The Bruderhof Forgiveness Guide will connect you to a wealth of articles, personal stories and book excerpts, as well as organizations, online communities, and more. They've reviewed the best forgiveness resources on the web and categorized them.

March 26, 2004

Mark Sedra & Peter Middlebrook, FPIF
Afghanistan's Problematic Path to Peace
Lessons in State Building in the Post-September 11 Era.

Gilles Kepel, truthout
The *War Against Terror* Has Failed
One is forced to observe, that the logic itself of the "war against terror" is today subject to a severe test.

Fred Kaplan,
Dick Clarke is Telling the Truth
Why he's right about Bush's negligence on terrorism.

Rahul Mahajan, Empirenotes
*War on Terrorism* Makes Us All Less Safe
It doesn't matter whether you're a dove or a hawk, left or right, concerned with the suffering of others or concerned merely with your own skin. Military means will not work.

Colonel Daniel Smith, FPIF
Secrecy: The Real Mother of Terror
People speak of the terror of the unknown. Such terror is the greatest tyranny of all, for it can encompass such total ignorance that an individual loses all sense of control over the future.

Todd S. Purdum, ICH
An Accuser's Insider Status Puts the White House on the Defensive
Mr. Clarke agrees that Iraq and terrorism are linked in the president's mind, but in a way that he contends runs counter to the facts.

Ann Arbor, IHT
Al Qaeda's Web: The Upgraded Networks of Global Terrorism
Michigan The coordinated train bombings in Madrid have altered Europe's political structure, shaken global financial markets and unsettled the American-led coalition in Iraq.

Paul Krugman, IHT
Why Bush hasn't captured bin Laden
Poll suggests that a reputation for beng tough on terror is just about the only remaining political strength that President George W. Bush has. Yet this reputation is based on image, not reality.

Philip Shenon, truthout
Clinton: Bush Urgent Warnings on Al-Qaeda
Senior Clinton administration officials called to testify how they repeatedly warned their Bush administration counterparts in late 2000 that Al Qaeda posed the worst security threat facing the nation and how the new administration was slow to act.

Former Aide Decries Bush Over Terror War
Richard A. Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism coordinator, accuses the Bush administration of failing to recognize the al-Qaida threat before the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and then manipulating America into war with Iraq with dangerous consequences.

Julian Borger, truthout
Guardian Review: Richard Clarke
Julian Borger in Washington talks to former White House insider Richard Clarke about US's vulnerability to al-Qaida before the September 11 attack.

Ignacio Ramonet,
Terror Tactics
The attacks of 11 September 2001, like the more recent events in Casablanca, Riyadh, Istanbul, Moscow, Haifa and Jerusalem, invite repugnance and condemnation. But so does the use by certain governments of state terrorism in reprisal.

Robert Fisk, ICH
The West Was Warned. Now It Is Playing The Price Of The 'War On Terror'
The Madrid bombings are not only a terrible revenge for Spain's participation in "part two" of the "war on terror" - the illegal invasion of Iraq - but a cruel and incrementally more painful attack on civilians by al-Qa'ida.

Michel Chossudovsky,
Bush Administration knew the Whereabouts of Osama
In all probability, his whereabouts were known to US officials on the morning of September 12, when Secretary of State Colin Powell initiated negotiations with Pakistan, with a view to arresting and extraditing bin Laden.

David Corn, The Nation, March 25, 2004
No WMDs - For Bush, It's a Joke
"I wanted to reply, Over 500 Americans and literally countless Iraqis are dead because of a war that was supposedly fought to find weapons of mass destruction, and Bush is joking about it. "

March 26, 2004

Daily Times
Russia warns NATO on military doctrine
Expansion plans have revived Kremlin's fear of encirclement.
Decline in UN influence also spurring Russia to revise its security doctrine.

Yahoo News
US not to reduce nuclear arsenal to Moscow Treaty levels
The US will not cut its nuclear arsenal to levels designated by an arms accord it concluded two years ago with Russia.

Helen Caldicott, Nuclear Policy Research Institute
Say NO to the US Bomb Factory
A Pledge opposing Nuclear Arms Race


March 22, 2004

Jake Lynch, Reporting the World & BBC News, March 22, 2004
Reporting Kosovo - violence now shows the stories missed in 1999 were the most important
The issues hidden, buried or distorted in the media in 1999 are now playing a key role in driving the course of events on the ground. Here, I examine those issues under three headings, each one a contention integral to the case for war.

Jake Lynch, BBC - Kontradoxa, Modkraft, 18. april 2003
Volden i Kosovo beviser nu, at de historier, der manglede i 1999, var de vigtigste
I denne analyse af tre temaer i konflikten fortæller BBC-reporteren Jake Lynch de historier, der manglede.

Marcus Tanner & IWPR, March 22, 2004
Kosovo on the Brink
A report from March 17 on how the recent flare-up began.

Misha Glenny, SEE Change, March 22, IHT
The UN and NATO are failing in Kosovo

M. Robinson & C Jennings, The Scotsman, March 22, 2004
Kosovo clashes were planned. A report from March 18.

BBC, March 22, 2004
Grenade attack on Kosovo leader, Dr. Rugova's, home. From March 12, 2004.

BBC, March 20, 2004
Kosovo clashes 'orchestrated'

UNMIK & KFOR & OSCE - missions in Kosovo.

Serbian Government - Daily news and reports

UNHCR follows the events - several stories

Yahoo - full news coverage of Kosovo events

Bo Pellnäs,, March 19, 2004
Propaganda, 'Preventive War' and the Weathervane of Foreign Policy
In the shadow of the most recent war against Iraq, it is appropriate to consider the question of how international law is interpreted when political winds change direction.

Christer Karphammar i ttela, 16.09.2003
Rättvisans baksida i Kosovo
"När jag berättat vad jag varit med om i Kosovo har jag alltid mötts med misstro. Folk säger "Det du berättar är ju värre än Carl Hamilton-böckerna". Men verkligheten överträffar dikten, säger Karphammar som var den förste internationella domaren i Kosovo.

BBC News, March 19, 2004
'Al-Qaeda' Madrid claim
This is a transcript of the videotaped message claiming al-Qaeda carried out the Madrid train bombings, as translated by the Associated Press.

Katie Hafner, NYT, March 19, 2004
The Camera Never Lies, but the Software Can
The same tools that can be used to crop, retouch and otherwise edit digital images can be used just as easily to distort, alter and fabricate them.

Mark Gaffney, ICH, March 19, 2004
Will Iran Be Next?
The final resolution of this war and the U.S. occupation of Iraq will likely not be the end.

William M.. Arkin,, March 19, 2004
Weapons: The Pentagon's Secret Scream
Sonic devices that can inflict pain or even permanent deafness are being deployed.

Stig Nielsen,, 19 marts 2004
Kritisk Situation for Menneskerettighederne i Irak
Et år efter starten på krigen i Irak er menneskerettighedsforholdene stadig ikke forbedret. Det konkluderer en ny rapport fra Amnesty International.

Rikker Egelund,, 12 marts 2004
Integrationsudspil giver ballade i SF
Dele af Socialistisk Folkeparti har svært ved at forlige sig med et forslag til en ny, offensiv linje på udlændingeområdet.

Adam Hannestad,, 12 marts 2004
USA tilfreds med Iraks nye grundlov
Efter maratonforhandlinger lykkedes det irakerne at skrive en midlertidig forfatning. Den bærer præg af uløste konflikter og kompromiser om især islams status, men USA er tilfreds.

Christine Cordsen,, 12 marts 2004
Unge vil afskaffe værnepligten
En ny forening vil samle unge på tværs af politiske skel til fælles kamp mod værnepligten: Tvangsudskrivning af unge mænd er et levn fra fortiden og bør helt afskaffes.
Ny tvivl om regeringens grundlag for Irakkrigen
To notater med tre uger imellem viser, at Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste i efteråret 2002 havde en meget mere afdæmpet vurdering af truslerne fra Irak end Udenrigsministeriet. Oppositionen er rystet over, at FE blev tilsidesat.

Matias Seidelin,, 12 marts 2004
Fogh tavs om FN-aflytninger
Tidligere justitsminister Frank Jensen (S) er dybt forundret over, at regeringen ikke vil oplyse, om Danmark deltog i aflytningen af FN's hovedkvarter., 12 marts 2004
Eksperter: Madrid-terror virker inspireret af al-Qaeda
Både en konkret og en mere løs forbindelse mellem ETA og al-Qaeda indgår i sikkerhedsfolks teorier om torsdagens terror i Madrid.

Steffen Boesen,, 12 marts 2004
Politi forfølger også al-Qaeda-spor
ETA er fortsat hovedmistænkt, men myndighederne udelukker ingen muligheder. En arabisk gruppe, der siger, at den repræsenterer al-Qaeda, har taget skylden for terrorangrebet i Madrid og truer med flere anslag. Samtidig har spansk politi fundet tændsatser og et kassettebånd med arabisk tale i en beslaglagt varevogn.

Michael Lund,, 12 marts 2004
USA dropper forbud mod landminer
Som det eneste NATO-land vælger USA at træde ud af en aftale om at forbyde landminer. Landet har udviklet intelligente miner, forklarer præsident Bush. Beslutningen vækker harme i USA.

Special Features
Articles by John V. Whitbeck (Feb. 25, 2004)

Al-Ahram Weekly
A self-evident truth could heal the wounds

'Terrorism': A world ensnared by a word
What if America just quit the Middle East

Samuel Abt, IHT, February 25, 2004
Al Jazeera sees itself as an East-West 'bridge'
"Everybody watches CNN. What does CNN watch?" Underneath is an answer: "Al Jazeera Channel.

Jonathan Schell, The Nation, February 25, 2004
Letter From Ground Zero
Kerry and War

Waging Peace, February 25, 2004
Presidential Candidates & the Future of US Nuclear Weapons Policy
Under the Bush administration, nuclear weapons have assumed a far more central role in US security policy.

ICH, February 25, 2004
Now the Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.

Lä, 25 februari 2004
Foton från en soptipp
I februari 2004 besökte Länderkommitten en soptipp där det lever 125 kosovoromer som blev etniskt utrensade sommaren 1999.

Special Features
US Empire Crisis (Feb. 25, 2004)

Gerry Lower, ICH
The Greatest Country in the World

Karen Kwiatkowski, ICH
About Those Neocons: Thinking Again, or Just Wondering?

Mel Goodman, FPIF
The Militarization of US Foreign Policy

Bush's Fuzzy Thinking

Sam Husseini & David Zupan, Common Dreams
UN Spy Scandal on Iraq: Prominent Americans Support British Whistleblower

Alan Elsner, Common Dreams
Iraq Commission Could Pose Serious Threat to Bush

Rebecca Knight,
Masterful Machiavellianism

Howard LaFranchi, CS monitor
Rifts widen in Bush's fereign policy team

Bruce G. Blair,
Rogue States: Nuclear Red-Herrings

Mother Jones, truthout
Brothers in Arms?

Paul Krugman, truthout
Where's the Apology?

Uri Avnery, February 16, 2004
Go to Gaza
Do you want to make the deal of a lifetime? Go to Gaza!

Doris Kruckenberg, 16 februar, 2004
Rapport fra World Social Forum
En personlig rapport fra en af TFFs frivillige medarbejdere - om Walden Bellow, Irak og mulighederne for boykot...

Poul Villaume, 16 februar 2004
Den dustre lærdom om Irak
På attende måned raser med uformindsket styrke debatten, både internationalt og herhjemme, om grundlaget for krigen mod Irak.

Special Features
Balkans (Feb. 16, 2004)

David Harland, IHT, February 16, 2004
What has not happened in Bosnia

Nebojsa Malic,, February 16, 2004
No Change in Policy, Actions

Hugh Griffiths & Nerma Jelacic, IWPR, February 16, 2004
Karadzic Protective Shield Cracking

Drago Hedl, IWPR, February 16, 2004
Ustasha Cult Repels Right-Wing Croats

Emperor's Clothes, February 16, 2004
Archive: Kosovo in the 1980's

Tanja Matic & Altin Ahmeti, IWPR, February 16, 2004
Kosovo: Trade Booms Between Old Enemies, February 13, 2004
State of the World 2004: Richer, Fatter, and not Much Happier
Consumer appetite erodes quality of life for rich and poor., February 13, 2004
Featured Publications
State of the World 2004 Report - read this and reflect on what your decision-makers spend time on..., February 13, 2004
Vote for Bush
Macromedia Flash Movie - about George W. Bush' achievements, well...

Canada-DPR Korea - Cankor, February 13, 2004
Excellent article collection about North Korean issues #151
CanKor # 152, February 13, 2004
May God Bless America's Veterans
Flash Movie

Robin Lim, IHT, February 13, 2004
Missile Defense
Japan Faces Tough Choices Over US Alliance.

Andrew Beatty, EU Observer, February 13, 2004
Poll controversy as Israel and US labelled biggest threats to World peace
Over half of Europeans think that Israel now presents the biggest threat to world peace.

Scott Baldauf, CSM, February 13, 2004
India rises as strategic US ally
India celebrated Republic Day - and worried neighbors, especially Pakistan.

Colman McCarthy, Common Dreams, February 13, 2004
Making Headway in Teaching Peace
Should schools be teaching ways to create the peaceable and just society?, February 13, 2004
Sunflower monthly e-newsletter
Educational Information on nuclear weapons abolition and other issues relating to global security.

John Laughland, SRA, February 13, 2004
The Technique of a Coup d'Etat
There can be no doubt that the change of regime in Tbilisi is the result of US secret service operations.

C.D. Sludge, Scoop, February 13, 2004
Bigger than Watergate!
Democracy is the only protection we have against despotic and arbitrary government, and this story is deeply disturbing.

Patrice Claude, Truthout, February 13, 2004
According to His Son, Khadafi Did Not Give Up His Nuclear Arsenal Because of the War Against Saddam
The presumed heir to the Libyan leader reminds that negotiations began in 1999., February 13, 2004
We Have Always Had Him
Flash Movie

Vladimir Radyuhin, The Hindu, February 13, 2004
Moon plan to give US control over energy sources
The United States is planning to use the Moon as a source of energy fuel that should help it establish ultimate supremacy on the Earth.

Arundhati Roy, ICH, February 13, 2004
The Loneliness of Noam Chomsky
What about democratically elected regimes in the "free world"?

William M. Arkin, Yahoo News, February 13, 2004
Democrats Might as Well Surrender
White House Rivals Running on Empty.

Yahoo News, February 13, 2004
Arab Newspaper Says Al Qaeda Has Ukrainian Nukes
A pan-Arab newspaper said Sunday that the al Qaeda organization bought tactical nuclear weapons from Ukraine in 1998 and is storing them in safe places for possible use.

Jeremy Pelofsky, Yahoo News, February 13, 2004
Bush Seeking Big Increase in Missile Defense
The Bush administration will ask Congress to boost spending on missile defense by $1.2 billion next year.

Arundhati Roy, Aftonbladet, 13 februari, 2004
Är du en av de utvalda kalkonerna?
Om nya rasismen och om motståndets chans.

Bo Pellnäs,, 13 februari, 2004
Naiv tro på USA-myt om folkmord
Fredsförhandlaren på Balkan Bo Pellnäs ger ny bild av upptakten till Natos bombkrig mot Serbien.

Henrik Kaufholz og Jakob Nielsen, Politiken, 13 februar, 2004
USA lægger pres på Grønland
Et slagsmål om betalingen USA lægger pres på det grønlandske hjemmestyre for at få en aftale nu, men grønlænderne kræver kontante modydelser. Canada står på spring for at overtage basen.

Hans Davidsen-Nielsen, Politiken, 13. februar 2004
CIA fik PET's hemmelige arkiver

Thomas Lauritzen, Politiken, 13. februar 2004
Kofi Annan: Luk døren op Europa
FN's generalsekretær appellerer i stærke vendinger til europæiske ledere om at standse "umenneskeliggørelsen" af flygtninge og indvandrere.

Christopher J. Makins, February 6, 2004
'Power and Weakness' or Challenge and Response?
Reflections on the Kagan Thesis

Lena Sanver, February 6, 2004
Flyktingar i Serbien och Montenegro
Trehundrasjuttioniotusenetthundratrettiofem. Så många flyktingar finns det i Serbien och Montenegro.

Sify News, February 6, 2004
Hutton report threat to press freedom - critics
The findings of the Hutton report into the death of Iraq weapons expert David Kelly which exonerated the British government and castigated the BBC constitutes a threat to press freedom.

Inigo Gilmore,, February 6, 2004
Israel reveals secrets of how it gained bomb
A television documentary in which Shimon Peres, Israel's foreign minister, discloses for the first time details about Israel's acquisition of nuclear weapons is to be broadcast in the Arab world.

Daniel Ellsberg, truthout, February 6, 2004
Leak Against This War
US and British officials must expose their leaders' lies about Iraq - as I did over Vietnam.

Forum Barcelona 2004, February 6, 2004
The Forum is a festive journey designed to bring the three main themes - cultural diversity, sustainable development and conditions for peace - to life. For 141 days, this will be the place where visitors experience cultures and entertainment from around the world through exhibitions, markets, performances, games and more.

Our World Our Say - Giving People a Voice, February 6, 2004
Petition for a FULL independent judicial inquiry
To the British PM, Tony Blair, requesting an independent, judicial inquiry into whether Parliament and the British people were misled over the threat from Iraq.

Special Features
US Empire Crisis (Feb. 6, 2004)

H.D.S. Greenway, IHT
America in the world: A nation's narcissism

Richard W. Stevenson, IHT
Bush budget focus: anti-terror fight

John Pilger, Information Clearing House
Power, Propaganda and Conscience in the War on Terror

Better World Links
Presidential Election 2004

Arundhati Roy, The Nation
The New American Century

Bradley Graham,
US Missile Defense Set to Get Early Start

Peter S. Canellos, IHT
Iraq Intelligence: Here's what Powell said

E. Wayne Merry, IHT
NATO: We can't be partners with an obsolete alliance

Paul Krugman, truthout
Another Bogus Budget

Christopher Marquis, NYT
US Image Abroad Will Take Years to Repair, Official Testifies

Sofia Cherif, DN, 6 februari 2004
Här lär sig barnen lösa konflikter utan våld
Fred i världen börjar med fred i klassrummet. Därför satsar fem skolor i Spånga-Tensta på att ge barnen fredliga verktyg att lösa konflikter med.

Special Features
US Empire Crisis (Jan. 27, 2004)

David M. Kennedy, CSM
Bush's place in the pantheon

Nicanor Perlas, CADI
Decoding the BU.S.H. Doctrine - the U.S. as Empire

Geoffrey Wheatcroft, IHT
Meanwhile: Anti-Americanism from Waugh to le Carre

John Vinocur, IHT
Trans-Atlantic quarrel: an indifferent Washington shrugs

David Wood,
New threat to nation: defense spending

Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicle Magazine
Strategic Implications of China's Booming Economy

Robert HIggs, The Independent Institute
The Defense Budget is Bigger Than You Think

John Laughland, the Spectator
I believe in conspiracies

The Independent
George W. Bush and the real state of the Union

Madeleine Baran, The New Standard
MLK Day Report Shows Greater Disparity Between Black and White

NewStandard Staff, The New Standard
President's Self-Invite to MLK's Tomb Sparks Protest
New York Times Column Today Shines Light on British Whistleblower, Case Involves U.S. spying at U.N to Push Iraq War Resolution

Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus
Misleading Rhetoric in 2004 State of the Union Address

Special Features
Japan Sliding (Jan. 27, 2004)
Japan looks to constitution to allow war role

Bennett Richardson, CSM
Japan's Iraq deployment gets little airtime at home, Jan. 27, 2004
Letter to the Nobel Foundation
It should be possible to underline the importance of sustainable development by recognizing people who dedicate their work to this important subject with the most prestigious prize of all: the Nobel Prize.

Peter Rühe, Jan. 27, 2004
GandhiService Foundation - Newsletter 2 (Jan. - March)
The second issue of the foundation's newsletter, providing the reader with the latest information from GandhiServe Foundation., 27 jan. 2004
Talibanstyre var effektivt til narkobekæmpelse
Det styrtede Talebanstyre nedbragte produktionen af heroin med 65 pct. Metoden bestod af totale forbud og hårde straffe. Efter styrets fald er produktionen af narko i Afghanistan atter steget eksplosivt.

Christine Cordsen,, 27 jan. 2004
Jorden kalder F - 16
Forsvaret står over for omfattende reformer. Det har skabt frygt i flyvevåbnet for, at F-16-fly skal lægges i mølposen - så Danmark ikke længere kan være med i front internationalt.

Project Censored, Jan. 16, 2004
Censored 2004: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003

Rory O'Connor,, Jan. 16, 2004
Nazis For President?
George W. Bush and Howard Dean are in league with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, respectively. This is the latest flap in the lead up to November's US election.

Paul F. deLespinasse, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Jan. 16, 2004
As I see it
The question naturally arises whether there might have been alternate projects on which this money ($87 billion) could be spent, and whether these projects might have contributed more to U.S. national security than overturning Saddam Hussein will do.

Alexander Cockburn, CounterPunch, Jan. 16, 2004
Bush as Hitler? Let's Be Fair
I've never seen any particularly close affinity between Adolf Hitler and the current White House incumbent but the Republican National Committee seems peculiarly sensitive on the matter.

Ivan Eland, The Independent Institute, Jan. 16, 2004
With Friends Like These, US Enemies Don't Seem As Bad
Perhaps as shocking as the administration's exaggeration of the threat from these three "rogues," is the unacknowledged real danger posed by snuggling up to "friendly" despotic countries - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt - the Bush administration's "axis of expediency."

Special Features
US Empire (Jan. 16, 2004)

Michael Klare, FPIF
Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World's Oil

Chalmers Johnson, Common Dreams News Center
America's Empire of Bases

Megan Scully, Defense News
Pesistent ISR Would Allow US Military to Function as Strike Force

Dr. Marwan Al Kabalan, Gulf News
The world's true rogue states

Poul Høi, Berlingske, 16 januar 2004
USA og islamiske terrorister
Den største trussel mod USA kommer fra islamiske terrorister, ingen tvivl om det, men den hjemlige terrorisme er ikke død, viser en ny - men lidet kendt - sag fra Texas. Hvad skulle de eksempelvis med natriumcyanid?

Henrik Kaufholz, Politiken, 16 januar 2004
Krav om dansk lov mod tortur
Rehabiliteringscentret for Torturofre opfordrer regeringen til at inkorporere FN's konvention mod tortur i dansk lov.

Uri Avnery, Januqry 16, 2004
A Fox called Lion
An article about peace in Syria.

Special Features
Luther King (Jan. 16, 2004)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Common Dreams Newscenter
Declaration of Independence from War in Vietnam (April 1967)

Waging Peace
Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Day

Patrick W. Gavin, CSM
The Martin Luther King, Jr. America has ignored

Hannelie Booyens, January 16, 2004
Teach Us to Dance to the Rhythm of Africa
How can you possibly travel alone to the seat of the military wing of the Pan Africanist Congress, to the place where the man who gave the order to kill your daughter, is to be honoured by his people? That's the question Ginn's been asked countless times.

Alejandro Bendana, January 16, 2004
What Kind of Peace is Being Built? Critical Assessments from the South (pdf)
Using examples from the south, Bendana discusses the interpretation of peace, to whom does peace 'belong' and how peace-building concepts are understood differently by different groups.

Special Features
Lucca/Co Fantastic Webmovies (Jan. 9, 2004)

Lucca/Co. Animation Interaction Narrative
Makers of webmovies/documentaries for humanitarian, social organizations and companies.

Sustainable Village
The Miniature Earth

United Nations Population Fund
Women War Health

We Were Humans

Special Features
US Empire (Jan. 9, 2004)

Bernadr Chazelle, Princeton University
Bush's Desolate Imperium

Nicanor Perlas, Center for Alternative Development Initiatives
Decoding the BU.S.H Doctrine - The U.S. As Empire

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
The Criminalization of the State

Martin Mühleisen & Christopher Towe, IMF
U.S. Fiscal Policies and Priorities for Long-Run Sustainability
Carnegie Endowment Debunks Every Lie Told By The Bush Administration To Justify This War - It's Time To Take Action
Thanks for the Memories. The CIA and Saddam Hussein

David Newsom, CSM
Is the US ready for democracy?

Lizette Alvares, IHT
War for Arab oil in '73?

David Rennie, Telegraph
Hawks tell Bush how to win war on terror

Eric Margolis, SUN
America: The real danger lies within

William M. Arkin, Yahoo Groups
Pulling Punches; Big plans for futuristic, nonlethal weapons are afoot, but their use would raise troubling questions

Nicholas Berry, The Moscow Times, Jan. 9, 2004
'Bleeding Strategy' Comes Home
Back in the days of the "Evil Empire", the United States pursued what was called the "bleeding strategy" toward the Soviet Union.

Nature, Jan. 9, 2004
Feeling the heat: Climate change and biodiversity loss
J. Alan Pounds & Robert Puschendorf,
Ecology: Clouded futures
Global warming is altering the distribution and abundance of plant and animal species.

Zaal Anjaparidze & Peter Rutland, IHT, Jan. 9, 2004
Georgia gets a second chance, at long odds
The ouster has raised hopes among the Georgians that they can put a decade of despair behind them.

Danny Schechter,, Jan. 9, 2004
2003 - The Year We Almost Lost Honest News
A Look Back and Ahead at the Year in Media.

Sanjay Suri, TerraViva Europe, Jan. 9, 2004
Development: Wishing You a Less Hungry New Year
There are 800 million chronically hungry peple around the world.

Peace is Possible, Jan. 9, 2004
A book on people, power and peacemaking.

Special Features
The US Knew about Sept 11 (Jan. 9, 2004)

Eric A. Smith, TFF Features
911 Probe - Public Signatures Sought

David E. Sanger, NYT
Bush Was Warned bin Laden Wanted to Hijack Planes

911 For the Truth
Mariani vs. Bush - Sign the Petition

CBS News
9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable

Enver Masud, The Wisdom Fund
What Really Happened on September 11 Remains a Mystery, 9.jan 2004
Valutafonden advarer USAs sløje økonomi
Det står så sløjt til med den amerikanske økonomi, at Den Internationale Valutafond nu kommer med advarsel.

Michael Arreboe,, 9.jan 2004
Fogh overrækker pris for Irak-kritik
To journalister fra dagbladet Information samt en journalist fra Ekstra Bladet deler Cavlingprisen for deres kritiske dækning af Danmarks deltagelse i Irakkrigen.

Christen Schmidt og Aske Munck,, 9.jan 2004
Formodet terrorist viste sig at være et lille barn
Dårligt efterretningsarbejde var skyld i, at flere Air France-flyafgange fra Paris til Los Angeles blev aflyst omkring jul.

Poul Husted,, 9.jan 2004
Tænketank: Bush-regeringen pyntede grundlag for krig
Den amerikanske regering manipulerede bevidst med oplysningerne om forbudte våben, konkluderer en kritisk amerikansk tænketank.

2. januar 2004 - De danske højskoler
Kulturmøde og konfliktløsning: Danmark-Europa-Verden
Højskolernes fællesprojekt januar-april 2004. TFF deltager med temaartikler og undervisningsmaterialer. Følg dette spændende projekt i vinter og forår!

Special Features
Great New Year Collections (Jan. 2, 2004)

Information Clearing House
A Review of 2003 with Noam chomsky, John Pilger, Katha Pollitt, Martin Espada, michael Parenti and Aarti Shahani

Foreign Policy in Focus
Homepage with news about oil, the Mideast, etc.

Right Web
Global Links for Policy Alternatives, Strategic Dialogue and Citizen Action

The Nation
News, Editor's Picks and Politics

The News Insider
Daily source for under-reported news and analysis from around the world

Danny Schechter,, January 2, 2004
Their Media War and Ours in 2004
In 2003, media that once was a casual complaint became an issue around which millions were organizing.

David Rennie, News.telegraph, January 2, 2004
Hawks tell Bush how to win war on terror
President George W Bush was sent a public manifesto by Washington's hawks, demanding regime change in Syria and Iran.

Andrew Kohut,, January 2, 2004
Anti-Americanism: Causes and Characteristics
Most people believe Americaís global influence is expanding.

Environmentalists Against War, January 2, 2004
Breaking News

Ian Traynor, The Guardian, January 2, 2004
The Privatisation of War
Private corporations have penetrated western warfare so deeply that they are now the second biggest contributor to coalition forces in Iraq after the Pentagon.

Reginald Dale, IHT, January 2, 2004
A world to the US: In Europe, it's all about Europe
American misconception about Europe's drive for greater unity is that it is all about America, when of course it is really about Europe.

Yoichi Funabashi, IHT, January 2, 2004
China is preparing a 'peaceful ascendancy'
In the past two decades China has witnessed prodigious economic growth, with an increase in its military might and attendant political clout.

Nicholas Burns, IHT, January 2, 2004
Europe and beyond: a broader mission for NATO
With more troops committed to more missions at greater distances from Europe than ever before, NATO notched impressive accomplishments in 2003.

Koichiro Matsuura, IHT, January 2, 2004
Keep the Internet open: the free flow of ideas pays off
Unesco expressed its concern that some countries seemed to hesitate to reaffirm their commitment to the universally accepted principle of freedom of expression.

Steven Lee Myers, IHT, January 2, 2004
News Analysis: Russia turns away from the european 'idea'
"By their mentality and culture, the people of Russia are Europeans," President Vladimir Putin said in an interview.

Nicholas D. Kristof, IHT, January 2, 2004
A more suitable diplomacy for North Korea
One of the knottiest human rights problems in the world concerns the North Koreans hiding in China.

Michael Scott Doran, IHT, January 2, 2004
Saudi Arabia, America's ally and enemy
Saudi Arabia is in the throes of a crisis.

Ministry for Peace, January 2, 2004

The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network, Jan. 2, 2004
The Apartheid Wall Campaign

Stop the Wall, January 2, 2004
Latest News, 2 januari 2004
Balkandebatten och Ordfront
"Med anledning av att den viktiga debatten om Balkankrigen och Ordfront ger vi här på Manifests hemsida plats åt såväl refuserade som publicerade inlägg."


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