Marianne With Bindslev,, 19 december 2003
EU mister folkelig gejst
Strid om blandt andet Irakkrigen har blotlagt EU som en institution med mange ord og lidt handling, og det smitter af på befolkningens tillid til unionen.

Poul Husted,, 19 december 2003
Iraks nye hær i opløsning
Menneskeretsgrupper kritiserer de irakiske dommere for ikke at have den fornødne baggrund.

Anders Jerichow & Adam Hannestad,, 19 december 2003
Dansk plan for atabisk demokrati
Regeringen gør op med årtiers tilbageholdenhed over for arabiske lande. Nu skal 100 millioner kroner fremme reformer, støtte en fri presse og sikre menneskerettigheder.

Henrik Kaufholz & Thomas Lauritzen,,19 december 2003
EU-veteran: Et lykkeligt sammenbrud for Europa
Britisk EU-ekspert mener, at unionen står i en meget alvorlig krise.

Vibeke Sperling,, 19 december 2003
Vinde på anklagebænken i Haag
Milan Babic, leder af et blodigt forsøg på at løsrive Krajina fra Kroatien, har vidnet imod Milosevic, men onsdag indledte Haag-domstolen en sag imod ham.

Marc W. Herold, Environmentalists Against the War, Dec. 19, 2003
Uranium Wars: The Pentagon Steps up its Use of Radioactive Munitions
Since the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq, the US has fired shells tipped with depleted uranium in the Balkans and Afghanistan.

Elaine Sciolino, IHT, Dec. 19, 2003
Peace, virtually, in the Mideast
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators came together Monday to sign an agreemnet.

Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo, IHT, Dec. 19, 2003
What a real Middle East peace could look like
Civic leaders from across the Israeli and Palestinian political spectrum gather in Geneva to publicize what has become known as Geneva Accord.

Information CLearing House, Dec. 19, 2003
Various News Stories

Isabel Vincent,, Dec. 19, 2003
Crime, terror flourish in 'liberated' Kosovo
Ethnic cleansing, smuggling rampant under UN's aegis.

Dissident Voice, Dec. 19, 2003
The awful truth about General Wesley Clark
Various News Stories

Truthout, Dec. 19, 2003
Various Truth Stories about Iraq

William Arkin, YahooGroups, Dec. 19, 2003
The General Unease With Wesley Clark
America became intimate with its generals during the first Gulf War.

Misleader, December 12, 2003
Photograph of Fake Turkey Captures Bush Misleading
The most famous picture from Bush's trip to Baghdad was a false depiction of the president's actions.

Eric Margolis, the Wisdom Fund, Dec. 12, 2003
The Lust for Blood and Oil
The author's bitter Vietnam war experience has left him distrustful of most politicians. The White House is once again not telling the full truth about the current war in Afghanistan.

BBC News, December 12, 2003
Burundian rebels join government
The Burundian President has formed a new government which includes members of the rebel Forces for the Defence of Democracy.

ATTAC Danmark, 12 december 2003
Regeringen er medansvarlig for uran skandale!
Delegation fra ATTAC og Danmarks fredsråd sætter regeringen på anklagebænken, 12 december 2003
Danske politikere positive efter Irak-besøg
Den danske politiske delegation til Irak afsluttede søndag sit besøg i landet med en konstatering af, at situation - i det mindste i Sydirak - er bedre end hidtil antaget.

Special Features
Lying (Nov. 28, 2003)

BBC News
White House 'warned over Iraq claim'
Faked intelligence on Iraq just the tip of the iceberg: senator

Paul Krugman, IHT
Bush should be confronted on his case for war
It's fair to be uncivil when liberty is at stake

Phillip Knightley, The Independent
Of secrets and spies
The President Who Does Not "Lie"!

Robert Sheer, Truthout
A diplomat's Undiplomatic Truth: They Lied

The American Prospect
All the President's Lies: Selected Articles

Kayla Michaels,
The Declaration of Impeachment The Unanimous Declaration of the Independent People of the United States

Harvey Wasserman, the Place
Truth is the Weapon of Bush's Self-Destruction: The Superpower of Peace has the Ultimate Force

Special Features
Georgia (Nov. 28, 2003)

Scott Peterson, CSM
Georgia's partner in democracy: US
Peaceful protest topples Georgia's president
Mikheil Saakashvili: A Man of Powerful Emotions

Reuters AlertNet
Shevardnadze quits in 'velvet revolution'

Elizabeth Piper, Reuters
Shevardnadze Quits in Georgia 'Velvet Revolution'

BBC News, Nov. 28, 2003
Burundian rebels join government
The Burundian President, Domitien Ndayizeye, has formed a new government which includes members of he rebel Forces for the Defence of Democracy

William M. Arkin, Yahoo Groups, Nov. 28, 2003
Domestic Surveillance is Back
Mission Creep Hits Home: American armed forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles., Nov. 28, 2003
Your Tax Dollars at Work - Poisonous Legacy
Short animation about the US military's use of nuclear waste in conflict.

Eric Lichtblau, NY Times, Nov. 28, 2003
F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies
The FBI has collected extensive information on the tactics, training and organization of antiwar demonstrators and has advised local law enforcement officials to report any suspicious activity at protests

Tom Plate, The Korea Times, Nov. 28, 2003
US Diplomacy Making Enemies
It's never been easy to be a friend of the United States. But that's not always America's fault.

John PIlger,, Nov. 28, 2003
The Betrayal of Afghanistan
John Pilger describes Afghanistan since its liberation from the Taliban, which he filmed for his latest documentary, 'Breaking the Silence'. Apart from notional freedoms, little has changed.

Genevieve Butler, Reuters AlertNet, Nov. 28, 2003
NGOs urge end to two-tier aid financing
Fierce competition for humanitarian aid has created a two-tier system.

Sadeeqa Tareeqit Il-Salam, The News Insider, Nov. 28, 2003
Why Does the US Have a Negative Image in the Arab World?
The United States has an image problem with the Arab and Muslim world. Bush administration has decided to try and improve its image.

Raymond Patrick Ker, The News Insider, Nov. 28, 2003
The New McCarthyism: Bulwark Against US Regime Change
America's military supremacy is of such a magnitude that it can do whatever it likes to any country in furtherance of its strategic interests, with absolute impunity.

CSM, Nov. 28, 2003
Taiwan, Chna Play Chicken Again
China has once again threatened Taiwan with war if the island nation states the obvious: that it's already independent.

Janer McBride and Kate Holton, CDMC, Nov. 28, 2003
Over 100, 000 March Against Bush in London
Around 100,000 protesters marched through London and tore down a mock statue of visiting President Bush.

Polly Toynbee, CDNC, Nov. 28, 2003
A Destiny Linked to Iraq is the Only Thing They Share
Bush and Blair could not be further apart on all aspects of social reform

Stephen Gowans, What's Left, Nov. 28, 2003
When a billionaire's buying elections is called "promoting democracy"
Saying Soros promotes democracy is kind of like saying Augusto Pinochet restored democracy to Chile.

Chalmers Johnson,, Nov. 28, 2003
Assassins R Us
As the Iraqi resistance expands and perfects its attacks, the American military is turning to methods of warfare long outlawed by civilized nations.

Scott Peterson, CSM, Nov. 28, 2003
Afghanistan's lessons for Iraq
Experts draw parallels between Iraq's occupation and the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Michael J. Jordan, CSM, Nov. 28, 2003
UN: Hunger on the rise, but not everywhere
The UN food agency reported Tuesday that 18 million more people face hunger around the world.

Per Stig Møller og Marwan Muasher (Jordan), Danmarks Udenrigsministeriet, 28 november 2003
"The roadmap must be revivied"
We must apply the same vigour, intensity and focus in pursuit of peace and development as we do in our pursuit of violent extremists.

Matias Seidelin og Claus Blok Thomsen, 28 nov. 2003
Ny Røde Kors-kritik af Danmark
Den øverste chef for Internationalt Røde Kors kommer onsdag til Danmark for at kritisere både den danske krigsdeltagelse i Irak og regeringens holdning til den danske statsborger.

Claus Blok Thomsen,, 28 nov. 2003
Terror rykker tættere på Europa
Ifølge politikere og eksperter er bombeattentaterne i Istanbul en påmindelse om, at terroren er rykket tættere på EU-landene.

Le Monde diplomatique, november 2003, på danska

Hans-C. von Sponeck og Coilin Oscar ÓhAiseadha, Den danske komite for fred og udvikling i Irak, 28 november 2003
Sanktionerne mod Irak - hvad har vi lært?
Opgaven er uden historisk fortilfælde, og det er derfor ikke overraskende, at den amerikanske statholder er ude af stand til at præsentere et troværdigt budget.

Special Features
Ordfront (28 nov. 2003)

Debatten om Jugoslavien

En sekt utan argument

Björn Eklund, svar till Gellert Tamas i Expressen
Vi behöver många jugoslaviska bilder

Se också TFF rådgivare Sören Sommelius artikel
Tidskriften Ordfront och Bosnienkriget

Lutz Kleveman, Guardian Unlimited, Nov. 21, 2003
Great Game, with a taste of oil
Andy Beckett enjoys Lutz Kleveman's timely and vivid account of the petro-dollars in central Asia, The New Great Game

The New Great Game
The 'war on terror' is being used as an excuse to further US energy interests in the Caspian

Manana Kochladze, Guardian Unlimited, Nov. 21, 2003
Big oil's Asian gameplan
Some key players are likely very soon to be formally involved in the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline.

Peter Rühe, GandhiServe Foundation, Newsletter, Nov. 21, 2003
Group Tour through India in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi: A Photo Biography

BBC News, Nov. 21, 2003
Burundi Rebel Deadline Rejected
A peace agreement signed by a Hutu rebel group and the Burundian Government on Sunday has been condemned by the other main rebel group

Terrence McNally,, Nov. 21, 2003
The Professor Takes the Gloves Off
Paul Krugman has become the most prominent voice in the mainstream U.S. media to openly and repeatedly accuse George Bush of lying to the American people to sell budget-busting tax cuts and a pre-emptive and nearly unilateral war.

EU Observer, Nov. 21, 2003
Articles on EU Defence and Security
Poll Controversy as Israel and US labelled biggest threat to World peace

Expressen, 21 november, 2003
Så förvanskar svenska kulturprofiler historien om offren i ex-Jugoslavien
TFF får smickrande ord med på vägen!

Kjell Magnusson, Svenska Dagbladet, 21 november, 2003
Inget folkmord, Zaremba!

Gila Svirsky, Information Clearing House, Nov. 19, 2003
Of Assassination and Dialogue
Chatter about extra-judicial killing - this year alone, Israel has assassinated 110 Palestinians, during the course of which it killed another 73 unlucky bystanders - goes on in a country which does not have capital punishment.  But that's a technicality. 

Avraham Burg, Information Clearing House, Nov. 19, 2003
The End of Zionism
Israel must shed its illusions and choose between racist oppression and democracy.

Amitai Etzioni, IHT, Nov. 19, 2003
Criticizing the U.S. empire is not enough
It is the turn of those who favored a multipolar world - and one in which the United Nations plays a key role - to show that they can do better.

Jim Lobe, IPS, Nov. 19, 2003
Bush Falls From Favour Abroad Too
If U.S. President George W. Bush was surprised on his recent trip to Indonesia by the negative image the country's Muslim leaders had of his administration, he is unlikely to be reassured by two new surveys from Latin America and Europe.

John Buchanan, The New Hampshire Gazette, Nov. 19, 2003
Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed
Newly-uncovered documents reveal that Prescott Bush, grandfather of the present president, served the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942.

Kristian Klarskov,, 19.november 2003
Gulag ud af finansloven
Med en ændring i næste års finanslov gennemfører politikerne en ny koldkrigsundersøgelse ad bagdøren. Det sætter gang i debatten om politisk bestilt forskning.

Matias Seidelin,, 19.november 2003
Røde Kors i frontalt angreb på regeringen
Den danske regering overtræder helt basale menneskerettigheder i krigen mod terror i Afghanistan og Irak. Sådan lyder det i en uhørt hård udtalelse fra Dansk Røde Kors' præsident.

Special Features
Kosovo - Balkans (Nov. 19, 2003)

Arie Farnam, CSM
Deep divide over Kosovo's future
For refugees from Kosovo, a long way back home

Father Sava, Kosovo, TFF
Kosovo Extremists Out of Control

Marlise Simons, IHT
Behind the Srebrenica massacre

James T. Phillips, CounterPunch
Inside Kosovo: The Human Rubble of War

Kosovo Links Page (Radio Nederland)

Special Features
Belgrade Apologises (Nov. 19, 2003)

BBC News
Belgrade apology for Bosnia war

Estanislao Oziewica, The Globe and Mail
Bosnians lukewarm to Serbian war apology

Kaare Willoch, Former Prime Minister of Norway, November 19, 2003
The Misguided War on Terrorism
In their summit talks in London this week, on the future of the war on terrorism, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, should direct their attention towards the root causes of this dreadful form of warfare.

Kåre Willoch, Förre statsministern i Norge, 19 november 2003
Den mislykkeded kampen mot terrorism
Aviser i flere land har nylig brakt flere store annonser mot selvmordsbombere. De vil neppe hjelpe. Man bør heller angripe årsakene til denne fryktelige formen for krig.

Sohail Inayatullah, Tamkang & Sunshine Coast Universities, November 19, 2003
Does War Have a Future?
We must challenge the notion that war is here to stay as if it were an evolutionary natural. Not only do we need to devise new methods to resolve international conflicts, we need to challenge the entire notion of armed conflict, symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Susan Sontag,, November 14, 2003
Literature is Freedom
Susan Sontag's acceptance speech at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Thomas Fuller, IHT, November 14, 2003
EU leader attacks poll calling Israel a threat
A 'superficial image' of 'complex' issue

Paul. Krugman, IHT, November 14, 2003
A willful ignorance about the sources of terrorism
The leader of the war on terror has no idea how badly that war is going.
The U.S. debt just can't keep growing
Stein's Law: "Things that can't go on forever, don't".

Chalmers Johnson,, November 14, 2003
Iraqi Wars
Adapted from a chapter of his new book, The Sorrows of Empire: How the Americans Lost Their Country

Birgitte Romme Larsen, Kristeligt Dagblad, 14 november 2003
Dobbeltmoralsk hyldest
Flygtningepolitik: Vi tager afstand fra nutidens 'grusomme' menneskesmuglere, mens vi hylder besættelsestidens fiskere som helte for at gøre det samme.

Special Features
Korea (Oct 31, 2003)

Canada/DPR Korea, Articles about North Korea

John Feffer, PAPD
The Tug of War

Joseph Kahn, IHT
North Korea ready for new nuclear talks

Pyongyang waves nuclear threat

Geoffrey York, The Globe and Mail
N. Korea next to hear U.S. war drum

Robert Marquand, CSM
Pyongyang propaganda concedes hardship

Steve Holland, Reuters
Bush Says U.S. Willing to Give N. Korea Guarantees

Marian Wilkinson, F2 Network
Strategy on Pyongyang is wrong, Bush told

The US-North Korea Dance

Feature - Francis Lee, PSPD, October 31, 2003
US and Korea: Deep Changes Conveniently Ignored
Like so many male affairs, international politics surrounding the so-called North Korean nuclear issue hides more than it tells.

Feature - Philip Bowring, IHT, October 23, 2003
Muslims who want to modernize
Relevant thoughts on the 10th summit meeting of the OIC, Organization of the Islamic Conference, in Malaysia.

Feature - The Guardian, October 19, 2003
Angry Kosovars call on the UN to leave
See also TFF PressInfo about Kosovo

BBC: Labour MP Galloway expelled for his views on Iraq

Feature - James Zogby, Oct 24, 2003
How the polls on Iraq were manipulated
The Bush regime continues to misuse facts.

James Carroll, IHT, Oct 22, 2003
The cult of exclusivism is the enemy of peace
Danger: Christian fundamentalists surround Bush/Cheney
General Boykin, "God put Bush in the White House..."

Reuters, October 20, 2003
War on terror radicalizes Arabs.
The Arab Human Development Report 2003

Peter Bouckaert, IHT, Oct 20, 2003
Azerbaijan - A stolen election and oil stability

Sydney Morning Herald, Oct 14, 2003
British nuclear weapons have been repeatedly dropped, struck by other weapons and...

The Guardian, Oct 18, 2003
Saudis consider nuclear bomb

Los Angeles Times, October 12, 2003
Israel can now launch atomic weapons from land, sea and air
Story in the Guardian

Robert Pape, Int Herald Tribune
Dying to kill - The strategic logic of suice bombers

Georgie A. Geyer, UExpress, Oct 16, 2003
Bush gives Ted Kennedy award, message to Junior?

Haaretz, Israel, Oct 7, 2003
FBI sent money to Hamas under Clinton

Mahathir Mohamed, at the Non-Aligned Movement in February 2003
"The vision to build a new world order, a world order that is more equitable, more just; a world order which is above all free from the age old belief that killing people is right," One of the most powerful speeches every held by a head of state...

Special Features
Afghanistan - US failure (Oct 17, 2003)

Alex Kirby, BBC News
Afghans' uranium levels spark alert

Democracy Now
Documentary film: "Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death"

Mark Sedra, Foreign Policy in Focus
Afghanistan: In Search of Security

Sonali Kolhatkar, Foreign Policy in Focus
In Afghanistan, U.S. Replaces One Terrorist State with Another

John Pilger, Guardian
What good friends left behind

Special Features
Opium & Losing in Afghanistan (Oct 17, 2003)

Jim Lobe, Asia Times
US losing the peace in Afghanistan

BBC News
Afghanistan retakes heroin crown

Gary Eason, BBC News
Analysis: The heroin trail

Jenny Cuffe, BBC News
Opium trade resumes in Afghanistan

Haroon Rashid, BBC News
UN warns on opium fears

Michel Chossudovsky, CRG
Hidden Agenda behind the "War on Terrorism": US Bombing of Afghanistan restores Trade in Narcotics

Interview with Alfred McCoy, Dark Alliance
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade

Farhang Jahanpour, University of Cambridge, October 17, 2003
Shirin Ebadi, the Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
The recognition of the work of women and human rights activists in Islam

Special Features
September 11 (Sept 11, 2003)

Liz Marlantes, CSM
Bush stakes future on stable Iraq

Michael Meacher, Guardian
This war on terrorism is bogus

The president's character

Jill Lawless, YahooNews
Academic: al-Qaida Stronger Than Pre-9/11

War on Terrorism Has Not Made Public Feel Safer

Fredrik S. Heffermehl, NPA, September 11, 2003
US - over or under the UN?
I urge nations not to yield to US wishes on Iraq without clear and unambiguous promises to return to loyal membership of the UN and collective decisionmaking.

Special Features
US Society & Politics & Empire (September 5, 2003)

Anna Willard, Information Clearing House
Defense Spending Drives Economy

Jim McDermott, American Prospect
Fear Factory

Maureen Dowd, IHT
Iraq fallout unnerves Bush re-election team

Ron Jacobs, CounterPunch
Revisionist History: The Bush Administration, Civil Rights and Iraq

Saul Landau, CounterPunch
Bush at the Helm: A Modern Ahab or a Toy Action Figure?

Charles Savage, Miami Herald
Growth at base shows firm stand on military detention

Derrick Z. Jackson, ZNet
Where Is The Apology For Slavery?

William Blum, CounterPunch
The Incantations of Empire: Myth and Denial in the War on Terrorism

Thomas Berg, Klassekampen, 29 augusti 2003
Bush byr på muligheter
George Monbiots siste bok er et manifest for en ny verdensorden.

Christen Schmidt,, 29 augusti 2003
Flertal vil af med Bush om et år
Indenrigspolitiske problemer samt situationen i Irak forringer præsidentens chancer for genvalg i november 2004., 29 augusti 2003
Danmark bejler til FNs Sikkerhedsråd
Danmark er meget tæt på en plads i FNs Sikkerhedsråd.

Arbetaren, 29 augusti 2003
Ledare - Bomben i Bagdad, Det nya Sverige

Noam Chomsky (Övers. Tor Wennerberg), Aftonbladet, 29 augusti 2003
Det är aldrig för sent
Chomsky ser ett hopp, trots allt, för Israel-Palestina

Bo Ekman, SvD, 29 augusti 2003
USA krossar förebilden
Saddam Husseins söner dödades i hämnd med ursinnigt våld under Irakkriget i stället för att ställas inför domstol. USA och England bröt därmed upp från den grundsten som de själva lade med rättegångarna i Nürnberg efter andra världskriget.

Special Features
Lämna tillbaka skeletten (29 augusti 2003)

Sven Lindqvist, DN
Lämna tillbaka skeletten!

Lina Strandberg, DN
Ulvskog tvekar om stulna skelett

Sven Lindqvist, DN
Om Marita hade varit aborigin

Special Features
Robert Fisk fra Irak (29 august 2003)

Artiklar i Klassekampen
Hvem er den neste?

Imperiets levninger

Irak fungerer ikke

Velkjente forklaringer

Velkommen hjem

Special Features
Vad visste Ekéus? (29 augusti 2003)

Alexander Cockburn (övers. Tor Wennerberg), Aftonbladet
Låt oss inte glömma Rolf Ekéus

Rolf Ekéus, Aftonbladet
Ekéus slår tillbaka: Visst hade Irak vapnen

Special Features
Johnstones bok om Jugoslavien (29 augusti 2003)

Resa i Ljugoslavien, ordfront

Diana Johnstone, ordfront
Sagan om Jugoslavien

Special Features
Israel and WMD (August 29, 2003)

Aluf Benn,
A President's Promise: Israel Can Keep its Nukes

Avner Cohen, BSOS, UMD
Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control

Jerry Kroth, CounterPunch
Who Forged the Letters that Sucked Us into War?
Israel, Yellowcake and the Media

James Brooks, MMN
The Israeli poison gas attacks

The US Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu - Please sign the international petition.

Special Features
Nonviolence News & Luther King (August 29, 2003)

Gary Dorsey, truthout
King Speech Shook America 40 Years Ago

Johann Christoph Arnold, Bruderhof Communities
Martin, We Need You Now

Jim Hughes,
Nuns sentenced to jail time

Mike Littwin, Common Dreams
Peace-loving Nuns Have Become Cause Célèbre

The King Center - Welcome
the official, living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project

Amnesty International
DRC: Stop the slaughter now!
The war in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a human rights and humanitarian crisis of vast proportions. Please help by signing Amnesty's petition today.

Owais Tohid, CSM
Bumper year for Afghan poppies
Money from the opium trade may diminish US influence over the warlords, and aid Taliban.

Thalif Deen, IPS
Small Arms Still a Major Killer, Warns U.N. Head
A U.N. conference on small arms opened Monday with a renewed call for urgent measures to stop the illicit trade in light weapons, which claims at least 500,000 deaths worldwide each year.

Barbara Crossette,The Atlantic Online
Academic Council on U.N. System Leaves U.S. for Canada
In 1987, a group of North American foreign affairs scholars got together with some U.N. officials to create an academic association supporting education, research and cooperation on global issues...

Special Features
Nonviolence - Peace - Peace News (August 26, 2003)

Tai Moses,
A Conversation with Jonathan Schell

Center for Global Nonviolence
Welcome and Aloha

Code Pink - Women for Peace
Homepage and Actions

Nathan Black, CSM
Different Religions Week: One small step for mankind?

Tawfiq Abu Baker, Middle East Times
First intifada teaches nonviolence

Paul Rogat Loeb, FPIF
Hope out of Quagmire: Iraq and Peace Movement Opportunities

Otto Pohl, NT Times
Gorbachev Pushes Plan to Turn Iron Curtain Into Parkland

Human Rights March i Danmark - september 2003

Robert Marquand, CSM
India and China soften over Tibet

Help with non-violence training and activism

Peace Action
Practical, Positive Alternatives for Peace

The International Day of Peace
September 21, 2003

Jonathan Schell, The Nation
The Other Superpower

James F. Moore, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
The Second Superpower Rears its Beautiful Head

Special Features
Korea & Negotiations (August 27, 2003)

Gavan McCormack,
The Korean Options - sunshine, containment, or war?

How serious is North Korea's nuclear threat? Christian Science Monitor
Does it have the bomb now? Can its missiles reach the US? Does it sell its technology abroad? If inspections resume..?

James Brooke, IHT
An indicted Hyundai heir plunges to his death
Old allies turn up the heat on North Korea

Joint Security Area / Panmunjom

Robert Marquand, CSM
Korean War's forgotten heroes honored at last

Jim Lobe, IPS
N. Korean Attack on US Diplomat Spotlights Ultra-Hawk

Le Monde, truthout
Emergency in Korea

Robert Marquand, CSM
US will press Pyongyang at talks

Women Making Peace (WMP)
Introductory statement

Arshad Mohammed, Yahoo News
Key U.S. Official Quits Ahead of North Korea Talks

Stop War Planning and Start Peace Talks
An International Appeal to Oppose War Provocation in Korea and to Resolve the North Korean Issue by Peaceful Means

Special Features
US Politics & Society (August 26, 2003)

Dan Eggen, Voice for Change
'Victory Act' Designed to Expand Powers of Patriot Act

Linda Feldman, CSM
Can Wesley Clark be the Democrats' Ike?

Centre for Research on Globalisation
Remember Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia - Speaking of Blackouts

Information Clearing House
Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts

A pattern of aggression

Paul Foot, Guardian
Arrogance of empire

Thomas L. Friedman, IHT
The wider stakes in postwar Iraq

Larry Seaquist, CSM
Live democracy by example and less by force

Julian Coman, Telegraph
Now the US wants control of space

Kurt Gottfried, Union of Concerned Scientists
President Bush's Nuclear Weapons Policy: Illogical, Ineffective and Dangerous

Henry A. Wallace, truthout
The Danger of American Fascism (9 April 1944)

Jennifer Barrett, MSNBC News
When is Enough Enough?

The White House
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

William M. Arkin, Yahoo Groups, LA Times
New Nukes? No Way

Kari Lydersen,
Spying for Fun and Profit

Francisco Javier Bernal, BA(Hons) thesis
Big Brother Capabilities in an Online World: State Surveillance in the Internet

Carol Giacomo, Yahoo News
Is 'Perfect Storm' Brewing for Bush?

American Civil Liberties Union
Support Corrections to the PATRIOT Act

Noah Shachtman, Village Voice
Big Brother Gets a Brain

Foreign Policy in Focus

Howard LaFranchi, CSM
Bush may forge new model for global peacekeeping

Ryan Singel, Wired News
Funding for TIA All But Dead

Audrey Hudson, Washington Times
Pentagon to dig into marketing data on citizens

Ian Fisher, IHT
The new best friends

Bill Berkowitz, working for change
Privacy invasions 'R U.S.

Liz Marlantes, CSM
Web may revolutionize fundraising

Howard Dean for America

Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker, Independent, August 22, 2003
20 Lies About the War
Falsehoods ranging from exaggeration to plain untruth were used to make the case for war. More lies are being used in the aftermath.

Special Features
Bush Regime politics & society (August 22, 2003)

Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian
Human shields face 12 years' jail for visiting Iraq

Gail Russell Chaddock, CSM
US notches world's highest incarceration rate

Steve Kretzmann & Jim Valette,
Operation Oily Immunity

Paul, Reynolds, BBC
Mini-nukes on US agenda

Sam Tanenhaus, IHT
How the 'radicals' can save the Democrats

Neil, MacFarquhar, IHT
Iraq drawing a new tide of Islamic militants

William J. Broad, IHT
U.S. presses program for new atom bombs

Conservatives For Peace, Americans Against World Empire
Neo-Conservatives - What and Who They Are
Neo-Conservative Updates

Christopher Hitchens, MSN
Pipes the Propagandist

Liz Marlantes, CSM
Politics becomes a rougher game

Jim Lobe, IPS
What Is a Neo-Conservative Anyway?
Pentagon Office Home to Neo-Con Network
War Critics Zero In on Pentagon Office
White House Discipline Breaking Down

Ann Scott Tyson, CSM
Portrait of a US combat casualty

Paul Krugman, truthout
State of Decline

Dana Milbank & Mike Allen, truthout
U.S. Shifts Rhetoric On Its Goals in Iraq

Warren Richey, CSM
Ten Commandment challenges spread

Terror and the Constitution

Kathleen Kenna, Toronto Star
Americans pay price for speaking out

Matthias Streitz, truthout
US Nobel Laureate Slams Bush Government as "Worst" in American History

Marco Fernandez,, August 22, 2003
The Future Begins Now
Have you ever wondered about the poverty in the Third World? Have you ever wondered where do all the developing world's problems came from? Have you ever wondered what it takes to bring a very rich country to complete ruin? I have.

CSM, August 22, 2003
Land of the Rising Military
Who would have predicted this: German troops operating in post- Taliban Afghanistan and, coming soon, Japanese soldiers helping to secure post-Saddam Iraq.

Jens Holsøe,, 22 augusti 2003
Serbien på fredsmission
Den serbiske ministerpræsident har tilbudt USA at sende 1.000 soldater til den internationale styrke i Irak og også tropper til FN-styrken, der skal indsættes i Liberia., 22 augusti 2003
Menneskeligt skjold nægter at betale bøde
Amerikanere, der rejste til Irak for at være menneskeligt skjold, har fået en bøde af de amerikanske myndigheder. Mindst en nægter at betale.

Christian Lindhardt og Jakob Nielsen,, 22 aug 2003
Danmark bliver sat uden for EU's terrorindsats
De danske EU-forbehold får voldsomme konsekvenser med den nye EU-forfatning, viser et notat fra Udenrigsministeriet.

Jakob Nielsen og Christian Lindhardt,, 22 aug 2003
Udenrigsministeriet: EU-forbehold sender Danmark ud på sidelinjen
Danmark risikerer at ryge ud af det fælles politisamarbejde i EU og stå på sidelinjen på områder som miljø- og forbrugerbeskyttelse.

Line Prasz,, 22 augusti 2003
Hinduer på politisk march i Indien
Hinduernes nationalistiske bevægelse er på kraftig fremmarch i Indien. Det skaber store spændinger mellem landets religiøse grupper.

Jens Holsøe,, 22 augusti 2003
FN fordømmer mord i Kosova
FN's Sikkerhedsråd fordømte fredag det blodige overfald på en flok badende børn og unge serbere nær landsbyen Gorazdevac i det nordvestlige Kosova, der fandt sted i onsdags.

NEW Iraq Collection page
All this year's materials about Iraq in one place - TFF PressInfos, Associates' articles, the Think Freely About Iraq Diary , the photo series Iraqi Faces and Surfaces as well as hundreds of Feature articles since the beginning of 2003. Your library to essential reading in English and Nordic languages. Open with patience!

Walden Bello, July 27, 2003
Empire, war and citizenship
A passionate plea for getting the US out of Iraq placed in a macrohistorical rframework leading to the conclusion that the US empire is probably on it s way down while global civil society is on its way up.

Special Features
Regime change in the US (June 30, 2003)

Don Hazen,
A 12-step Program for Regime Change

Bill Moyers,
Acceptance of America's Future

Norman Solomon,
The Media Politics of Impeachment

Liz Marlantes, CSM
Democrats try energy issue to trump Bush

Laura Blumenfeld, WashingtonPost
Former Aide Takes Aim at War on Terror

Jim Lobe, IPS
Why Do More of Them Hate Us More?

Robert C. Byrd, US Senator
"The Road to Coverup Is the Road to Ruin"


Vikram Dodd, the Guardian, June 26, 2003
American military bans BBC crew from Guantanamo Bay for talking to inmates

Greg Palast,, June 26, 2003
Hugo Chavez Is Crazy!
A case study of the U.S. media coverage of Venezuela's political turmoil.

William M. Arkin, Yahoo Groups, June 26, 2003
Secret Soldiers; Will our military be dominated by forces shielded from scrutiny?
LA Times, June 22, 2003 Sunday Opinion; Part M; Page 1

Margaret Owen, Widows for Peace and Reconstruction, June 26, 2003
Open Letter to Hillary Clinton
A letter explaining the needs and roles of Iraqi women in post-conflict reconstruction, democracy and peace-building, as well as a request for help from the Senator.

Special Features
Norden (23 juni 2003)

Lovløshed hersker i Afghanistan

Stig Ørskov og Anette Marcher, Politiken.DK
EU klar med en ny grundlov


Special Features
American militarism (June 11, 2003)

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, the Pentagon
Interview with Sam Tannenhaus (Vanity Fair)

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, the Pentagon
Interview with Karen DeYoung (Washington Post)

Howard Zinn, the Progressive
Dying for the Government

Maureen Dowd, NY Times
Hypocrisy and Apple Pie

Vernon Loeb, Washington Post
In Albania, Rumsfeld Praises War Support

Lisa Walsh Thomas, CounterPunch
The Isaiah Crowd. How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us.

American Forces Press Service, Special Report
Missile Defense

John R. Bolton, U.S. Department of State
U.S. Efforts to Stop the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Helen Dewar, Washington Post
GOP Blocks Democrats' Effort To Halt Nuclear Arms Studies

Edward W. Said, Aftonbladet kultur, 2 juni 2003
Befria era folk, ena er!
Om en färdplan mot avgrunden - och en obegriplig arabisk passivitet.

Flash Animation and Song from, June 2, 2003
Bomb Iraq

Lucca Co., June 2, 2003
About the group that produced the webmovie "We Were Humans".

Special Features
Imperial US & Western Divides (June 2, 2003)

Ahmad Faruqui, CounterPunch
A Game of Capture the Flag. Whither American Nationalism?

John Bellamy Foster,
Imperial America and War

Karen DeYoung,
France Says It Is Target of Untruths. U.S. Official Calls Claim 'Nonsense'
G8 Summit - various links relevant to the talks.

Charlotte Denny & Larry Elliott, the Guardian
French plan to aid Africa could be sunk by Bush

William Pfaff, IHT
Europe will follow France


Special Features
Is Iran Next? (June 2, 2003)

Joshua Micah Marshall, the Washington Monthly
Practice to Deceive

Ahmad Faruqui, CounterPunch
The CIA in Iran. The Oily Business of Regime Change.

Hooman Peimani, Asia Times
Why Moscow won't back down

Hooman Peimani, Asia Times
Iran and Regime Change. Leave it to the Iranians.

Julian Borger & Dan De Luce, the Guardian
Pentagon sets sights on a new Tehran regime

Henry Precht, CSM
Heed the Iran-Iraq parallels

Jason Leopold, CounterPunch
The Beat Goes On. Despite Thin Intelligence Reports, the US Plans to Overthrow Iranian Regime.

Tony Karon,
Is Iran Next?

Glenn Kessler,
U.S. Eyes Pressing Uprising In Iran. Officials Cite Al Qaeda Links, Nuclear Program

US nukes can be adapted for use against enemy: Bush

Lucca Co, May 28, 2003
We Were Humans - webmovie that compares the cost of weapons to health care and education.

Special Features
Watch the Bush Regime (May 28, 2003)
US Plans Death Camp - Guantanamo Bay

Gail Russell Chaddock, CSM
Congress watches its power ebb

Jamie Doran, Democracy Now
"Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death"
Broadcast for the First Time Ever in the US:
Eyewitnesses Testify that US Troops Were
Complicit in the Massacre of up to 3,000 Taliban
Prisoners During the Afghan War

Duncan Campbell, Guardian Unlimited
Alarm at Pentagon's email snooping

Paul Krugman, IHT
Is the world stumbling into an economic quagmire?

Naomi Klein, the Guardian
On rescuing Private Lynch and forgetting Rachel Corrie

Mark Davis, ConterPunch
America's Shocking Hypocrisy on WMD

Craig Cox, Utne
Rumsfeld Company Sold Nuclear Weapon Equipment to North Korea

AIPAC Near East Report
Shared Threats, Shared Values

Paul Kennedy, washingtonpost
The Perils of Empire

Erling Salomonsen, Kristeligt Dagblad, 28 maj 2003
Gandhi - en tænker for vores tid
Under den nylige krig imod Irak blev det klart, at pacifisme er et skældsord i dagens Danmark. Det er synd og må bero på misforståelser af Gandhis ikkevolds-filosofi, der med fordel kunne være brugt over for Irak.

Special Features
US state terror & Afghanistan (May 21, 2003)

Timothy J. Burger, Time
Terror Tracking System By Any Other Name

Syed Saleem Shahzad, Asia Times
Afghanistan: Launchpad for terror

Simon Jenkins, Times Online
Case proven - war does not eradicate terrorism

Ian Cobain, Times Online
Firm was 'cover for CIA'

Atiq Sarwari and Robert Crews, LA Times
Afghanistan Hangs on a Thread

The Wisdom Fund, March 24, 2003
Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death
Information about a documentary on American war crimes.

Kim Wardström, AfB, 24 mars 2003
Djindjic var köpt av den serbiska maffian
Mordet på den serbiske premiärministern Zoran Djindjic har skakat omvärlden och det talas redan om att han dog i kampen för demokrati. Men bilden är mer komplicerad.

Special Features
God's own Bush (March 5, 2003)

Howard Fineman, MSNBC, March 5, 2003
Bush and God
A higher calling: It is his defining journey - from reveler to revelation. A biography of his faith, and how he wields it as he leads a nation on the brink of war.

Fritz Ritsch,, March 5, 2003
Of God, and Man, in the Oval Office
The National Council of Churches (NCC), together with a number of peace organizations, recently ran an ad on CNN and Fox in which a bishop of the United Methodist Church, to which President Bush belongs, criticized the Bush administration's relentless war rhetoric. Going to war with Iraq "violates God's law and the teachings of Jesus Christ," said the bishop.

Kenneth L. Woodward, MSNBC, March 5, 2003
The White House: Gospel on the Potomac
Every president since Washington has invoked the Almighty. But you can't judge a politician by the Scripture he quotes.


Cities for Peace, February 24, 2003
Cities for Peace News
107 U.S. cities and counties have now passed resolutions opposing the war, along with both houses of the Maine state legislature and the Hawaii House of Representatives.

Poul Husted, Politiken, 24 februar 2003
USA går efter nye atomvåben
Den såkaldte Bushdoktrin om forebyggende angreb skal muligvis omfatte atomvåben, så USA kan ramme og destruere slyngelstaters lagre med kemiske og biologiske våben. Også selv om de er skjult i bunkere dybt under jordens overflade.

Editorial, SFGate, February 19, 2003
Patriot Act, the sequel
"The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003," is a chilling sequel to the USA Patriot Act, passed shortly after Sept.11, 2001. It's already been dubbed "Patriot Act II."

Wendell Berry, CDNC, February 19, 2003
A Citizen's Response to the National Security Strategy of the United States of America
The new national security stragegy published by the White House in September 2002, if carried out, would amount to a radical revision of the political character of our nation...

Karin Wegestål, före detta riksdagsledamot (s), 19 februari 2003
Mediakriget och situationen på Balkan efter kriget
Serberna på Balkan lever genom USA:s demonisering och sanktioner, i extremt fattiga områden i Bosnien eller i regelrätta fångläger i Kosovo.

Project on Defense Alternatives, February 19, 2003
War Report
Analyses, key documents and select articles about wars around the globe - updated frequently.

BBC News, February 14, 2003
Bin Laden tape
The full text of an audio message purported to be by al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, broadcast on Arab television station al-Jazeera on 11 February.



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