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Gudrun Schyman

Born 1948, former leader of the Socialist Left Party, member of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen) since 1988 where she has been a member of, among others, the committees for culture and for foreign affairs. She is trained as a social worker, specialized in municipal social care services in general and child abuse and victims of incest in particular. Schyman has been active in the Swedish and international peace movement since the early 1980s.

During the last few years, Schyman has emphasised - both in the Parliament and outside - the feminist dimension of politics and social affairs in general and in security politics in particular. She is the chairperson of the Swedish branch of Women Without Borders - Kvinnor Utan Gränser, KUG. Her famous party congress speech from 2002 about feminism and politics is found here (in Swedish)

In 2003 she launches a multi-year democracy and public education project that aims to de-construct the patriarchal order and lead our gender-split society into one humanity.

Schyman resigned from her party in autumn 2004, to concentrate fully on feminism, security and related matters as well as raising public awareness about them. She started Feministiskt Initiativ in April 2005.

Gudrun Schyman became an adviser in 1992 and member of the board in 2003 and an adviser again in 2005.


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Feministiskt initiativ


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Articles by Gudrun Schyman

The most recent on top

Gudrun Schyman, 30:e augusti, 2008
Blog och TV8 - nya program

Gudrun Schyman, Aftonbladet 16:e augusti 2008
Våga tala om EU !
Om tio månader är det val till EU-parlamentet, men ingen partiledare säger ett ord om EU, trots att de är hängivna EU-anhängare.
Vad är de rädda för? Att kraven på folkomröstning om fördraget plötsligt ska blossa upp på samma sätt som kritiken kring FRA-lagen?

Gudrun Schyman, TFF Board, April 28, 2005
The political platform for the Feminist Initiative, FI, in Sweden
Feminist Initiative has a vision of a world in which all humans have the same potential and ability to live full and complete lives. This vision does not correspond to our lived reality. Women are systematically subordinated to men. Feminist Initiative turns to women who want to abolish the patriarchal order and to those men who join this struggle in solidarity.

Gudrun Schyman i Dagens Nyheter
Feministiskt Initiativ startas 4:e april 2005
FI:s hemsida.

Et nyt år i tsunamiens tegn - med Jan Øberg & Christina Spännar

Nytt år i tsunamins tecken - med Jan Öberg & Christina Spännar

New Year in the Sign of the Tsunami - with Jan Oberg & Christina Spännar

From patriarchal use of power toward human security and democracy - with Jan Oberg

Från patriarkal maktutövning till mänsklig säkerhet och demokrati med Jan Öberg

Därför sitter jag kvar i riksdagen

Män måste ta ett kollektivt ansvar!

Demokrati eller Demagogi? med Jan Öberg

De små stegens tyranni kan bli ett stort steg mot EU-militarism med Jan Öberg

To All Feminists: Women and Men

Det är männen som slår och styr

Europeiskt feministupprop mot EU

Det handlar om makt - inte om mynt!

Patriarkatet härskar i domstolarna

Höj rösten mot USA, Persson
Tillsammans med Lars Ohly

Persson ger upp alliansfriheten
Tillsammans med Lars Ohly

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