BA Peace and Development Studies/International Relations, Gothenburg University 1992; MA. Peace Studies, University of Ulster 1994; PhD candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, who has worked for several years with TFF joined TFF's board in 1997. She is also a conflict resolution trainer and dialogue workshop facilitator in various peacebuilding initiatives and the organizer and co-chair (with professor Peter Wallensteen, Uppsala University) of The Academic Seminar for Peace-Building in the Eastern Mediterranean/Cyprus ("The Sigtuna Initiative"). Research Interests: Conflict resolution, the dynamics of peace processes, negotiations, peacebuilding, reconciliation, ddemocratization, intergroup relations in divided societies, international peace support operations. Geographical Areas: Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Western Balkans, the Middle East.
Some research projects Breaking the Stalemate. A Research and Public Information Project Analyzing and Addressing Obstacles to Peace in Cyprus. The Political Dynamics of Peacebuilding and Peacemaking in Divided Societies. A Comparative Study of the Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and Cyprus. Democratization and Reconciliation in Post-Intrastate Conflict Situations. Promoting Peace From the Outside. The European Union, Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Intra-State Conflict Situations. Reconciliation as a Policy Objective in Divided Societies: What Lessons for Cyprus? Peace by Democratic Means? A Critical Examination of the Citizen-Elite Nexus in Intrastate Peace Processes.
Some publications The Struggle for Hearts and Minds. The Political Dynamics of Peacebuilding and Peacemaking in Northern Ireland and Cyprus, Uppsala: Uppsala University (in press) Building Peace in Divided Societies: the Role of Inter-Group Dialogue' co-authored with Benjamin J. Broome, in John G. Oetzel and Stella Ting-Toomey eds. The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication: Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice, London: SAGE (in press) Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Macedonia 1995-2004, Stockholm: Swedish Emergency Management Agency, 2005 Macedonia: A Strategic Conflict Analysis, Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 2005 Konflikten på Cypern (The Cyprus Problem, in Swedish), Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 2002. "Fredsförhandlingar i Nicosia: har 'det mogna ögonblicket' nu infunnit sig?" ("Peace Talks in Nicosia: Has the 'Ripe Moment' Arrived?" in Swedish), Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 60, No. 4., pp. 417- 442, 2002 "The Contribution of European Integration to Ethnic Conflict Resolution: The Cases of Northern Ireland and Cyprus", Cyprus Review, vol. 13, no.1, pp.31-57, 2001 Fredsprocessen på Nordirland (The Peace Process in Northern Ireland, in Swedish). Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 1999 Konflikten på Nordirland (The Conflict in Northern Ireland, in Swedish). Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 1994 She joined TFF's board in 1997.
Articles by Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay The people deliver their verdict on the Annan Plan for a re-united Cyprus: concern for the future After the Turkish Cypriot Elections, a Return to the Negotiating Table? Gränsen på Cypern öppnas efter 29 år - men en politisk återförening är långt borta The Orphan Peace Plan: Kofi Annan's Proposal For a Reunited Cyprus Essä: Nedslag i en terrordrabbad verklighet: Nordirlands Troubles Annan-planen: vägskäl för det delade Cypern Fredsprocessen på Nordirland, ny bok |
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