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Dietrich Fischer

Born in 1941 in Münsingen in Switzerland. After studies in mathematics, physics, astronomy and computer science in bern and New York, he obtained his PhD in computer science from new York University in 1976. He taught for ten years in the Dept of Economics at New York University. He has been a consultant to numerous United Nations agencies on questions of disarmament, development and alternative security.
Among his many books are "Preventing War in the Nuclear Age" (1984), "Warfare and Welfare: Integrating Security Policy into Socio-Economic Policy" (1987) and Nonmilitary Aspects of Security. A System Approach" (1993).
He was a co-author with Jan Oberg and
Wilhelm Nolte of "Winning Peace" (1989) from TFF, the first scholars in residence of the foundation. Fischer who is currently professor at Pace University, is co-director with Johan Galtung of TRANSCEND - a peace and development network.

Professor Fischer currently serves as Academic Director at the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU).

Dietrich Fischer thus has been an informal associate and friend of TFF since 1988 and became an adviser in 1999.


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Dietrich Fischer

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Articles by Dietrich Fischer

The most recent on top

Dietrich Fischer, November 9, 2009
Peace studies at university level
About a new Master's program at the the World Peae Academy in Basel

Dietrich Fischer, January 8, 2006
Study at the European Peace University, EPU!
See what this type of education is all about and how to get a Masters degree in peace studies. See who teach - including TFF Associates - and obtain the details. The first deadline for applications is March 15, 2006 - so hurry up!

PressInfo 225, July 26, 2005
The Real Threat is Nuclear Terrorism
The tragedy of the terrorist bombs in London only foreshadows much worse future catastrophes if the world continues on its current course. But there are four things we can do to secure the survival of humankind without nuclear weapons. "It is much more realistic to get rid of all nuclear weapons than waiting until they are used, whether deliberately or by accident," says Dietrich Fischer in this PressInfo that leads up to the 50th Anniversay of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945.

The tsunami - the real scandal and lessons to learn

Tsunamien - den virkelige skandale og hvad vi kan lære af den

A Peace Candidate for President of Iceland

An active peace policy to create a new future

The Iraq Conflict 2002: A TRANSCEND Perspective

Strengthening the United Nations: an Ambitious Agenda

Nonmilitary forms of defence

How Haiti and Panama abolished their military
With Johan Galtung

Preventing war

PressInfo # 93
Blueprint for Alternative Defence

PressInfo # 92
Security Politics Is a Threat

Las Politicas de Seguridad son la Mayor Amenaza










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