PressInfos 2000

PressInfo # 109 (December 12, 2000)
Sweden in the militarisation of the European Union

PressInfo # 108 (December 11, 2000)
European Union militarisation: Humpty-Dumpty as peace-maker

PressInfo # 107 (December 7, 2000)
The militarisation of the European Union: A civilisational mistake

PressInfo # 106 (December 4, 2000)
Kosovo/a independent? Perhaps, but what matters is how

PressInfo # 105 (November 23, 2000)
Intellectually the Kosovo Commission Report is a turkey and it won't fly

PressInfo # 104 (November 17, 2000)
The Online site "TFF Store & Donations" is launched

PressInfo # 103 (October 25, 2000)
Post-Milosevic dilemmas - and an imagined way out

PressInfo # 102 (October 23, 2000)
With Milosevic gone, what shall the West do?

PressInfo # 101 (October 18, 2000)
TNN - the TFF News Navigator - An event on Internet

PressInfo # 100 (October 11, 2000)
Why Milosevic won't get to the Hague

PressInfo # 99 (October 9, 2000)
The Yugoslav Nonviolent Revolution

PressInfo # 98 (13 augusti, 2000)
Restore Support to TFF
Please sign this appeal

PressInfo # 98 (Augusti 16, 2000)
Återupprätta organisationsstödet till TFF - på svenska

Skriv på!

No 97 (August 11, 2000)
NIFF - New Nordic Institute for Peace Research

No 96 (June 7, 2000)
TFF - A Peace Training Network, too

No 95 (May 30, 2000)
Action Request - Support TFF

No 94 (May 26, 2000)
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deprives TFF of Its Annual Organisational Grant - and Allocates Millions without Documentation

No 94 (May 26, 2000)
UD slopas stöd till oberoende fredscenter - och fördelar miljoner utan redovisning

No 92 (May 9, 2000)
Las Politicas de Seguridad son la Mayor Amenaza

No 93 (May 10, 2000)
A Blueprint for Alternative Defence

No 92 (May 9, 2000)
Security Politics is a Threat

No 91 (April 7, 2000)
Prevent Violence in Montenegro

Boletin 91 (7 de abril del 2000)
Violencia en Montenegro Hoy

No 90 (April 5, 2000)
Lift the Sanctions and Bring - More Aid to People in Yugoslavia

No 89 (March 3, 2000)
Increasing Demand for TFF: Training For Forgiveness

No 88 (February 19)
EU Miltarization: Neutrality and Democracy at Stake

No 87 (February 11, 2000)
The New Millennium - Do We Have the Courage of Optimism?
Serbo-Croatian version of "The New Millennium"

No 86 (February 7, 2000)
UN Broke in Kosovo - Not Even Nordic Governments Care

No 85 (February 2, 2000)
Distinguished columnist lauds TFF, soft power and the politics of reconciliation

No 84 (January 27, 2000)
TFF on CNN - 3rd time on Kosovo




TFF PressInfos since 1997


PressInfo 2005


PressInfo 2004


PressInfo 2003
No 168-192


PressInfo 2002
No 142-167


PressInfo 2001
No 110-141


PressInfo 2000
No 84-109


PressInfo 1999
No 54-83


PressInfo 1998
No 30-53


PressInfo 1997
No 20-29


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