PressInfos 2001

PressInfo # 141, December 21, 2001
It's time to prepare reconciliation between Albanians and Serbs

PressInfo # 140, December 14, 2001
Ibrahim Rugova's decade-long leadership in Kosovo/a

PressInfo # 139, 11. december, 2001
En god nyhet: Jugoslaviens Sannings- och försoningskommission

PressInfo # 139, 11. december, 2001
Gode nyheder: Jugoslaviens Sandheds- og Forsoningskommission

PressInfo # 139, December 11, 2001
Good news: Yugoslavia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission

PressInfo # 138, November 8, 2001
TFF co-founder PhD with thesis about young people with roots in other cultures

PressInfo # 138, November 8, 2001
TFF:s medstiftare doktor på avhandling om unga med ursprung i andra kulturer

PressInfo # 137, October 17, 2001
A new Marshall Plan: Advancing human security and controlling terrorism

PressInfo # 136, October 15, 2001
The UN and Annan really deserve it

PressInfo # 135, October 10, 2001
Preventing a terrorist mushroom cloud

PressInfo # 134, 17 oktober, 2001
Sverige og 11. september

PressInfo # 134, October 9, 2001
Sweden and September 11

PressInfo # 133, 12 oktober, 2001 på dansk
Sverige, landet der følger flokken

PressInfo # 133, 12 oktober, 2001 på svenska
Det fogliga, anpassade Sverige

PressInfo # 133, October 4, 2001
The acquiescing, commonplace Sweden

PressInfo # 132, Sept. 27, 2001
A just response

PressInfo # 131, Sept. 26, 2001
Seven steps to improving U.S. and global security

PressInfo # 130, Sept. 25, 2001
Constructive thoughts two weeks after September 11 (B)

PressInfo # 129, Sept. 25, 2001
Constructive thoughts two weeks after September 11 (A)

PressInfo # 128, Sept. 20, 2001
Is it possible for America to say 'Sorry'?

PressInfo # 127 September 12, 2001
For the arrogance of power America now pays a terrible price

PressInfo # 126 September 7, 2001
What will happen in Macedonia?

PressInfo # 125 August 29, 2001
NATO's number nonsense

PressInfo # 124 August 28, 2001
If Western press covered this from Macedonia...

PressInfo # 123 June 12, 2001
Moving Macedonia toward peace

PressInfo # 122 June 10, 2001
Several U.S. policies for Macedonia make one de-stabilisation policy. A prelude to military intervention?

PressInfo # 121 May 21, 2001
Macedonia and the free press

PressInfo # 120 May 17, 2001
Macedonia - not innocent

PressInfo # 119 May 11, 2001
How the UN was forced out of Macedonia

PressInfo # 118 May 10, 2001
Macedonia - Victim of Western Conflict-Mismanagement

PressInfo # 117 på SVENSKA - April 19, 2001
Gandhi behövs på EU:s toppmöte i Göteborg

PressInfo # 117 - April 19, 2001
Get Gandhi to Gothenburg

PressInfo # 116 - April 18, 2001
Don't worry, be happy - we are

PressInfo # 115 - January 25, 2001
TFF's 15th Anniversary: D-Day!

PressInfo # 114 - January 23, 2001
Four new initiatives for nonviolence

PressInfo # 113 - Jonathan Power, TFF associate, January 20, 2001
Clinton missed the greatest opportunity of out age

PressInfo # 112 (January 17, 2001)
Peaceful Europe - something different

PressInfo # 111 (January 10, 2001)
Short publications with a long duration

PressInfo # 110 (January 3, 2001)
EU militarisation: can imperial policies and wars be avoided now?





TFF PressInfos since 1997


PressInfo 2005


PressInfo 2004


PressInfo 2003
No 168-192


PressInfo 2002
No 142-167


PressInfo 2001
No 110-141


PressInfo 2000
No 84-109


PressInfo 1999
No 54-83


PressInfo 1998
No 30-53


PressInfo 1997
No 20-29


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