pieces, not press releases
PressInfo 231, December 9,
the European Union
Read the Constitution/Treaty text and you are in for a
surprise! Contrary to what you have heard repeatedly, there
is no hope for real conflict-resolution and peace there. In
this field, the EU is more in need of reform than the United
Nations. This PressInfo also includes information about
TFF's work concerning the EU, not the least Johan Galtung's
analysis and Erni & Ola Friholt's constructive
re-formulations of the Treaty. By Jan Oberg.
PressInfo 230, December 4,
the war on Iraq
The solutions proposed in the American political mainstream
are not convincing: wait until the Iraq military can bring
stability to the country seems like waiting for Godot. We
should have learned better from our Vietnam experience.
Mobilise the U.S. anti-war opinion, help Iraqi
reconciliation and consider the 8 balanced steps that must
be taken now to get us out and reshape our policies in the
region. By Richard
PressInfo 229, December 2,
Williams - from gang leader to children's book author and
peace activist...but
He is scheduled to die by injection on December 13. Breaking
news is that the California High Court won't spare him.
Unless Governor Schwarzenegger intervenes to stop the
execution. TFF Associate Annette Schiffmann writes the
Tookie story and tells you how you can help save his life -
but please act now!
PressInfo 228, 10. november
2005 (dansk)
- mange andre muligheder end
Det internationale samfund mangler en principfast politik og
strategi for Kosovo. Det gør det muligt for visse
aktører at hævde at der kun findes én
løsning - deres egen. Udviklingen i spillet om Kosovo
lover ikke godt for alle dem, der måtte håbe
på både retfærdighed og fred i og omkring
I princippet er der mange mulige løsninger - og vi
nævner dem. Men en stagnerende politisk tankegang og
fraværet af en principfast politik plus ren
ønsketænkning om fremtiden gør det
stadigt særere at se en rimelig løsning. Og
derfor kan vold bestemt ikke udelukkes i fremtiden.
PressInfo 228, 27 oktober,
2005 (svensk)
Många valmöjligheter utom
Det internationella samhället saknar en principfast
politik och strategi för Kosovo. Det gör det
möjligt för vissa aktörer att hävda att
det bara finns en enda lösning: deras egen.
Utvecklingen i spelet om Kosovo bådar illa för
alla som hoppas på både fred och rättvisa i
och kring provinsen. I princip är många
lösningar möjliga, men ett stagnerande politiskt
tänkande och avsaknaden av principfast politik kopplat
till rent önsketänkande om framtiden
försvårar avsevärt en rimlig lösning.
Därför kan våld definitivt inte uteslutas i
PressInfo 228, October 27,
Many options but
The international community lacks a principled policy and
strategy for Kosovo. This plays into the hands of actors who
believe that there is only one solution: their own. The
latest developments in Kosovo bodes ill for those who want
both justice and peace in and around Kosovo. In principle
many solutions are possible, but rigid thinking and lack of
principle coupled with wishful thinking remain major
stumbling blocks and, thus, new violence can not be
PressInfo 227, September 21,
terrorism is women's work
Search and you will see how much women do for peace all over
the world. They should be chiefly responsible for driving a
powerful 'human security' or 'soft' approach to tackling the
threat from terrorism - based on winning hearts and minds
through addressing the real human needs that, frustrated and
ignored, fuel violence. By Scilla Elworthy.
PressInfo 226, September 10,
the Nonviolent September 11
While we remember September 11 and, hopefully, October 7,
2001 - there is another September 11 to be commemorated:
that of 1906. On that day in South Africa, the Indian
nonviolent movement was born. Gandhi later called his Indian
movement: "Satyagraha" or " the Force which is born of Truth
and Love or non-violence." This movement went on to free 300
million people from the power of the British Empire and gave
the twentieth century a most remarkable demonstration of the
power of nonviolent struggle.
PressInfo 225, July 26,
Real Threat is Nuclear
The tragedy of the terrorist bombs in London only
foreshadows much worse future catastrophes if the world
continues on its current course. But there are four things
we can do to secure the survival of humankind without
nuclear weapons. "It is much more realistic to get rid of
all nuclear weapons than waiting until they are used,
whether deliberately or by accident," says Dietrich Fischer
in this PressInfo that leads up to the 50th Anniversay of
the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9,
PressInfo 224, 21. juli,
- Mit Hjerte Brænder
PressInfo af TFF-Associerede Annette Schiffmann, som selv er
fotograf og fredsaktivist, om Nina Bermans fotografier af
sårede veteraner fra Irakkrigen. Der er omkring 37.000
fysisk sårede; de der er psykisk sårede regnes
overhovedet ikke. I modsætning til de døde, kan
disse mennesker tale om hvordan deres liv er blevet
ødelagt - til ingen nytte.
Der er lavet en udstilling med disse dybt bevægende
billeder, som man kan leje. Og der er en dokumentarfilm og
flere historier fortalt af nogle af ofrene.
Alt kan ses i denne pressemeddelelse.
"Denne udstilling bør vises i alle de nordiske lande,
ikke mindst i det krigsførende Danmark. Hjälp
till om du kan?" siger TFF-direktør Jan
PressInfo 224, 27:e juli
- Mitt hjärta brinner
Om Nina Bermans bilder och boken om sårade veteraner
från Irak-kriget. Samma som ovan och under. Av Annette
Länkar till allt relevant material, foto-serien och
dokumentarfilm. "Dessa bilder berör. Till skillnad
från de döda soldaterna kan de sårade tala.
Utställningen bör visas på många
platser i de nordiska länderna - hjälp till!" -
säger TFF:s direktör Jan Öberg.
PressInfo 224, July 15,
Hearts - My Heart is
PressInfo by TFF Associate Annette Schiffmann, herself a
photographer and peace activist, about Nina Berman's photos
of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq. There are around
37.000 physically wounded; those mentally wounded are not
counted at all. Contrary to the dead, these people can talk
about how their lives have been destroyed - for nothing.
There is an exhibition of these deeply moving pictures that
you can rent. And there is a documentary and more stories by
some of the victims. It's all inside this
PressInfo 223, 27. juli,
boykot som ikkevold
Økonomisk boykot var helt central i Gandhis kamp mod
det britiske imperium. Enhver boykot af USA må
inspireres af gandhiansk ikkevold. Formålet må
være at ramme det amerikanske militær,
økonomien, politikken og det kulturelle
kvælertag om verden, som imperiet har - derimod ikke
at dræbe dets børn eller skabe problemer for
befolkningen. Af Johan Galtung.
PressInfo 223, July 13,
Boycott as Nonviolence
Economic boycott was very important in Gandhi's way
of fighting
the U.K. Empire. Any boycott of the United States should be
informed by
Gandhian nonviolence.
The purpose is to reduce and
the U.S. military,
economic, political and cultural choking
grip on
the world, not to kill U.S. children by hitting the U.S.
economy. By Johan Galtung.
PressInfo 223, 27. juli,
boykott som ickevåld
Ekonomisk boykott var hel centralt i Gandhis kamp mod det
britiska imperiet. Varje boykott av USA bör inspireras
av gandhiaskt tänkande. Syftet är att minska och
avlägsna USA:s kvävande militära, politiska
och kulturella grepp om världen. Målet är
USA-imperiet, inte republiken USA.
PressInfo 222, July 11,
Muslims Remembered, the Rest
There is every reason to commemorate the massacre by Serb
soldiers on innocent Muslim civilians in Srebrenica ten
years ago today. But unless it is considered acceptable to
quantify crimes and politically misuse human suffering,
there is no plausible reason to forget or silence other
cases of massacres, ethnic cleansing and terror bombings in
which other innocent people lost their lives. The coverage
of the Srebrenica massacre proves that mainstream media have
learned nothing since 1990. By Jan Oberg.
PressInfo 222, 11. juli,
muslimer mindet - resten
Der er al grund til at mindes massakren udført af
serbiske soldater på uskyldige muslimske civile i
Srebrenica for 10 år siden. Men med mindre det
betragtes som acceptabelt at kvantificere forbrydelser og at
misbruge menneskelig lidelse politisk, er der ingen gyldig
begrundelse for at glemme eller fortie andre massakrer,
etniske udrensninger og terrorbombninger, i hvilke andre
uskyldige civile mistede livet. Har medierne lært
noget som helst i disse ti år? Af Jan
PressInfo 221, April 28,
democracy, safety and justice
The culture wars are still on -- and heating up on the
family front. Yet even now, progressives are more
comfortable talking about what's right or wrong in "public"
life -- the widening gap between rich and poor, the
immorality of an unnecessary war. But family relations
directly influence all our relations -- public as well as
We cannot build a
healthy democracy on a foundation of authoritarianism and
intolerance. By Riane Eisler.
PressInfo 209-218, April 27,
Kosovo Solution Series
All the 10 articles, 58 pages, 340 KB in pdf
Now widely featured in Balkan media, posted or mentioned on
leading European sites, Reuters, Transitions Online,
EUActive, EuropeanVoice, etc. It circulates European
embassies and international organisations. The pdf edition
is free but please make
an honour payment here
when you download and print it out.
PressInfo 220, 18. maj,
til efterkrigs-zoner - Burundi som
Hvorfor giver verden ikke omfattende fredsbistand til lande
og mennesker, der så åbenlyst kæmper mod
alle odds for at nå frem til fred? Hvordan kan man
undgå at hjælpe Burundi og ikke engang bidrage
med halvdelen af den rent humintære bistand, der er
brug for? Der er tale om en meget vanskelig fredsprocess,
men der er bestemt håb. Hvorfor er verdens prioriteter
så uretfærdige - USA bruger per uge uge 8 x mere
på at være i Irak end et års
humanitært bistand til Burundi...Af Chantal
Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu og Jan Øberg.
PressInfo 220, 12:e maj,
till efterkrigs-zoner - Fallet
Varför ger världen inte ett substantiellt
fredsbistånd till länder och människor som
uppenbarligen kämpar mot alla odds för att
återgå till fred?
Hur kan man undvika att hjälpa Burundi och inte ens
bidra med hälften av det humanitära
biståndet som behövs? Det är en mycket
svår fredsprocess men absolut inte utan hopp.
Varför är världens prioriteter så
orättvisa? Av Chantal Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu och
Jan Öberg.
PressInfo 220, April 23,
Aid to Post-War Zone: The Case of
Why does the world not give substantial "peace aid" where
people so obviously want peace and struggle hard against all
odds? How can we let down Burundi and not even meet half of
its humanitarian needs in the midst of a terribly difficult
peace process - fragile but also more hope-inducing than
most? Why are the priorities of the world so unfair? By
Chantal Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu and Jan Oberg.
PressInfo 219, April 15,
International Crisis Group: Who Pays the
The world's leading? Professionals in conflict-analysis,
-resolution and peacemaking may find reasons to question the
image ICG promotes of itself. Is it really independent,
non-governmental and research-based? By Jan
PressInfo 209-218, April 8,
The Kosovo Solution Series
analyses of the future of Kosovo. Referred to by Reuters as
where you can learn more.
PressInfo #
218, April
7, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 10
- From "only one solution" towards democracy and
Offers the main arguments of the 9 preceding articles in
about 800 words.
PressInfo #
217, April
7, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 9
models for a future Kosovo
Probably the most comprehensive catalogue of peaceful
possibilities for Kosovo ever developed. Offers four types
approaches to peacemaking and warns against the
international community cutting corners to get out of its
PressInfo #
216, March
31, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 8
scenarios. Turn to the future, look at the broader
Imagine the world in 2025. Who would believe that Serbs and
Albanians had fought a war against each other? To achieve
real peace, everything depends on a) changing the
perspective from the past to the future, b) reducing fear
and c) provide for gebuine socio-economic development.
PressInfo #
215, March
31, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 7
and states, sovereignty and
Offers some clarification of the main concepts and look into
what the two basic legal documents actually say. It also
points out that the international community has a) not lived
up to its own obligations, b) have little understanding of
peacemaking and c) have given the Albanians reasons to
believe in a soon-to-come independence which it can hardly
PressInfo #
214, March
30, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 6
must be Belgrade's minimum conditions and its media
It's now time for the international community to become fair
players and pay serious attention to Serb viewpoints and
long-term interests. Without it there will be no regional
stability. Likewise Belgrade must develop a policy and a
media strategy so it will get a fair hearing. This PressInfo
offers the basic elements. By Jan Oberg & Aleksandar
PressInfo #
213, March
29, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 5
arguments for quick and total independence are not
Whom and what would an independent Kosova reward? There is a
larger framework and if you can't work with those next door,
can you work with the rest of Europe? The Serb side, not the
Albanian, has shown flexibility. The issue of status should
be approached with much more creativity and credibility. By
Jan Oberg & Aleksandar Mitic.
PressInfo #
212, March
23, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 4
situation as seen from
Serbia is struggling to meet Western requirements. It may be
that Kosovo will become independent, but where is the
international community's logic in that given other
political processes in the Balkans? By Jan Oberg &
Aleksandar Mitic.
PressInfo #
211, March
21, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 3
main preconditions for a sustainable solution to the Kosovo
To arrive at a sustainable solution in the concrete case of
Kosovo, a minimum of professional principles and
considerations is necessary. Here we offer eleven. By
Aleksandar Mitic & Jan Oberg.
PressInfo #
210, March
18, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 2
media - strategic
An unbalance between Belgrade and the Kosovo Albanians in
the means put into PR advocacy campaigns and lobbying
efforts has led to a one-sided media war in the late 1980s
and early 1990s. The Serbs still lack a media strategy and,
at least until very recently, a policy and strategy for a
solution to the Kosovo conflict. By Jan Oberg &
Aleksandar Mitic.
PressInfo #
209, March
16, 2005 - på dansk
Kosovo Solution Series # 1
løsningen i Kosovo har betydning for hele
Sammenfatter hovedpunkterne i serien på 10 artikler.
Der gives 12 svar og en mini-analyse af det international
samfunds rolle i konflikthåndteringen over de sidste
10-15 år. Desuden nogle få ord om TFFs indsatser
og arbejde i Kosovo siden 1992. Af Jan Øberg og
Aleksander Mitic.
PressInfo #
209, March
16, 2005
Kosovo Solution Series # 1
the solution in Kosovo matters to the
Executive summary of a series of PressInfos on Kosovo.
Twelve reasons and a mini-analysis of the role of the
international community in conflict-management. With a few
words about the approach TFF has taken since it got on the
ground in Kosovo as early as in 1992. By Jan Oberg and
Aleksandar Mitic.
PressInfo #
208, March
15, 2005
i Kosovo lovpriser en potentiel krigsforbryder -
Er Søren Jessen-Petersen hyggesnak om sin potentielle
krigsforbryderven noget, han er blevet tvunget til at sige -
i så fald er det ikke af Kofi Annan, der selv har
været meget mere forsigtig. Eller er det endnu et
eksempal på den tarvelighed, der er kommet til at
kendetegne det international samfunds politik for
konflikthåndtering i Kosovo?
PressInfo #
208, March
15, 2005
lovordar FN i Kosovo en potentiell
Är Søren Jessen-Petersens hemtrevliga prat om
sin potentiella krigsförbrytarvän något han
blivit tillsagd att säga av några deltagare i
händelsernas större spel; det är inte Kofi
Annan, vars eget uttalande var mycket försiktigare.
Eller är detta ett exempel på den sjaskighet som
kommit att känneteckna världssamfundets politik
för konflikthantering i Kosovo?
PressInfo #
208, March
10, 2005
UN in Kosovo praises potential war criminal -
Søren Jessen-Petersen's cosy chat about his potential
war crimes friend could be what he has been told by some
participant in the greater scheme of things to say - and it
is not Kofi Annan. This could be yet another evidence of the
shabbiness that has come to define the international
community's conflict-management policies in Kosovo. See why
in this analysis.
PressInfo #
207, 30:e
januari, 2005
- den verkliga skandalen och vad vi kan lära av
TFF-associerade Dietrich Fischer analyserar rapporterna -
några av dem av en annan TFF-associerad, Michel
Chossudovsky - som visar att den amerikanska basen på
ön Diego Garcia tog emot varningar om den komamnde
tsunamin medan civila inte nåddes av några
varningar. Inget skickades vidare.
PressInfo #
207, 20.
januar, 2005
- den virkelige skandale og hvad vi kan lære af
TFF-Associeret Dietrich Fischer skriver om de rapporter -
nogle af dem af en anden TFF-Associeret, Michel Chossudovsky
- som bekræfter at den amerikanske militærbase
på øen Diego Garcia i De indiske Ocean modtog
varlser om den kommende tsunami mens civile ikke blev
advaret. Varslet blev ikke sendt videre til nogen. Dette er
en kriminel handling af meget stort omfang og bør
hives frem i søgelyset. Historien er
forbløffende ringe omtalt i ledende verdens ledende
PressInfo #
207, January
16, 2005
tsunami - the real scandal and lessons to
TFF Associate Dietrich Fischer writes about the reports -
some of them by TFF Associate, Michel Chossudovsky - that
confirm that the US military base on Diego Garcia in the
Indian Ocean received a warning of the impending tsunami,
but civilians did not. The warning was not passed on. This
is a crime of unprecedented proportions and should be
exposed. This dimension of the tsunami catastrophe is
conspicuously absent from mainstream media in the West.
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