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Burundi 2002-2005

Learn about Burundi and about TFF's activities there. See what we attempt to do in the mission reports. And see in the right-hand column how you can easily support our work in Burundi. PressInfo 193 tells all about the needs and the positive will to peace.

Här kan du lära en del om Burundi och om TFF:s aktiviteter i landet. I rapporten under punkt 1 kan du se vad vi försöker åstadkomma. Och i högra kolumn ser du hur du kan stödja TFFs arbete i Burundi. PressInfo 193 säger allt om behoven och fredsviljan.


1. Project background & reports

Our report from the mission to Burundi in November 2003
- With Co-Operation Agreement

Vår rapport från besöket i Burundi i november 2003
- Med samarbetsavtal

TFF's multi-year project on reconciliation and forgiveness

"Solidifying Peace in Burundi"
An integrated project with 11 Burundian NGOs in the
TFF Amahoro (Peace) Coalition, May 2004

Project Activity Report 2005-2006


2. The Amahoro (Peace) Coalition
Open Center

TFF Amahoro (Peace) Coalition in Burundi,
December 6, 2005
Appeal for an Open Center for Peace and Reconciliation !
Twelve of the best Burundian NGOs - youth, women, teachers, media, scholars, former militaries, etc - have joined forces to set up the first ever learning center in support of one of the world's most promising - but internationally unknown - peace processes.
Competent and experienced, they will foster peace and improve life among their 7 million fellow citizens in Burundi, the world's third materially poorest country with so much talent and energy. Burundi must be rewarded for having recognised in earnest that war is rubbish and peace is realistic and possible.
This is your 2006 people-to-people peace project. It's a TFF-initiated project. Do something positive today: read, spread the message and donate! Even the smallest support will make a huge difference.



3. Articles by TFF Associates

PressInfo 220, 18. maj, 2005
Fredsbistand til efterkrigs-zoner - Burundi som eksempel
Hvorfor giver verden ikke omfattende fredsbistand til lande og mennesker, der så åbenlyst kæmper mod alle odds for at nå frem til fred? Hvordan kan man undgå at hjælpe Burundi og ikke engang bidrage med halvdelen af den rent humintære bistand, der er brug for? Der er tale om en meget vanskelig fredsprocess, men der er bestemt håb. Hvorfor er verdens prioriteter så uretfærdige - USA bruger per uge uge 8 x mere på at være i Irak end et års humanitært bistand til Burundi...Af Chantal Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu og Jan Øberg.

PressInfo 220, 12:e maj, 2005
Fredsbistånd till efterkrigs-zoner - Fallet Burundi
Varför ger världen inte ett substantiellt fredsbistånd till länder och människor som uppenbarligen kämpar mot alla odds för att återgå till fred?
Hur kan man undvika att hjälpa Burundi och inte ens bidra med hälften av det humanitära biståndet som behövs? Det är en mycket svår fredsprocess men absolut inte utan hopp. Varför är världens prioriteter så orättvisa? Av Chantal Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu och Jan Öberg.

PressInfo 220, April 23, 2005
Peace Aid to Post-War Zone: The Case of Burundi
Why does the world not give substantial "peace aid" where people so obviously want peace and struggle hard against all odds? How can we let down Burundi and not even meet half of its humanitarian needs in the midst of a terribly difficult peace process - fragile but also more hope-inducing than most? Why are the priorities of the world so unfair? By Chantal Mutamuriza, Adolphe Sururu and Jan Oberg.

PressInfo # 193, January 12, 2004
Give Burundi's Peace a Chance
A donors' conference for Burundi is held in Brussels on January 12-13, 2004. This PressInfo offers a perspective on its urgency. "Do a good thing and reward the Burundians because they turned to peace, give them the needed humanitarian assistance and cancel their debt in full. That would be conflict-management, violence prevention and humanitarianism in one. And it would show others that peace pays," says TFF director Jan Oberg after his second visit.

PressInfo # 193, 12 januari, 2004
Ge Burundis fred en chans
Den 12-13 januari 2004 pågår en donorkonferens för Burundi i Bryssel, arrangerad av Burundis och Belgiens regeringar och FN:s Utvecklingsprogram, UNDP. Jättemycket är på spel för 7 miljoner människor.
"Låt oss belöna burundierna för att de vänt sig till freden, ge dem detta humanitära bistånd och avskriv skulden helt. Det skulle vara konflikthantering, förhindrande av våld och humanitära insatser i ett. Det skulle visa andra att fred betalar sig," säger TFF:s chef Jan Öberg efter sitt andra besök i landet.

PressInfo # 193, 15. januar, 2004
Giv freden i Burundi en chance
Den 12-13 januar 2004 blev der afholdt en donorkonferens for Burundi i Bryssel. Der er uendeligt meget på spil for de 7 millioner mennesker. "Gør en god gerning og beløn burundierne fordi de har vendt krigen ryggen og nu arbejder på freden. Giv dem den - lille - humanitære hjælp de behøver nu i 2004 og efterskænk al gæld. De - og andre - ville dermed se at fred betaler sig," siger Jan Øberg efter sit andet besøg.


 4. Feature articles by others

TFF Feature Collection, December 6, 2005
Burundi - Isn't it time we rewarded this country for its peace process?
Burundi is another name for one of the world's most impressive and promising peace processes. A good story. But it doesn't receive a fraction of the small humanitarian aid it needs; more and more Burundian are starving - as can be seen from some of the news articles below. News and articles from November 7 - December 31, 2005.

Patrik Stålgren - December 2, 2005
Breaking the Waves
Strategic Conflict Analysis of Burundi
Patrik Stålgren, Gothenburg University, offers a comprehensive background to the history and structure of the conflict in Burundi. He analyses direct and structural violence there and outlines a program for what a country such as Sweden could do to support peace and development. Originally published in December 2003 (pdf file 216 KB) .

TFF Feature Collection, November 7, 2005
Burundi's peace process: Positive story - but did you ever hear about it?
Is the story of 7 million people moving towards peace, development and justice after war not worth telling or is it that editors and journalists simply don't see peace when it happens? TFF keeps updating you about the country - and continue to serve as goodwill ambassador for the country!

Catharina Östman, Vasa Bladet, 8:e november 2005
Burundi - vad då?
Med utgångspunkt i Burundis positiva fredsprocess frågar Catharina Östman "Vore det inte på tiden med ett utvidgat nyhetsbegrepp där också det som redan görs för de drabbade i olika länder skulle lyftas fram - inte för att dölja problemen, utan som sporre för oss omkring att engagera oss ännu mer?"

Patrik Stålgren i Göteborgs-Posten
Vänd inte ryggen åt Burundis folk
Med en ny president öppnas en möjlighet att bryta våldsspiralen i Burundi, skriver Patrik Stålgren.

TFF Feature Collection, September 24, 2005
Burundi - overwhelmingly positive development towards peace
Almost fifty news and background articles about one of the most positive developments out of the African continent...that your local media may not even have reported once. Is the story of 7 million people moving towards peace, development and justice after war not worth telling or is it that editors and journalists simply don't see peace when it happens??

TFF Feature Collection - Burundi July 4, 2005
Good news coming out of Burundi
You haven't heard much about it. It's a good story from Africa. About peace. About a very difficult peace process that is by no means secured for the future. But it offers hope for the future of the 7 million people in one of the world's poorest countries. Should it all fall apart and a new genocide happen - then you will hear about it...

TFF Feature Collection, from February 16, 2005
Burundi's Peace Struggle: A Story of Hope Out of Africa
Burundi today is a story about rebels laying down their weapons and demobilisation and a new post-war defence force. It is about elections, power sharing, and a truth and reconciliation committee. And it is about an absolutely essential UN mission - and a world community that still does not reward those who move to peace enough. TFF offers you the background and the news articles.

Features about Burundi
January 27, 2004

Amnesty International UK
Burundi: Donors Must Fund Human Rights Protection
Burundi: War crimes "may go unpunished", says Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch
Everyday Victims: Civilians in the Burundian War

Nicole Itano, CSM
Burundi's oasis in a desert of ethnic strife

BBC News
Burundi foes agree to end war

Nora Boustany,
A Popular Voice for Peaceful Change in Battle-Scarred Burundi

Hannelie Booyens, January 16, 2004
Teach Us to Dance to the Rhythm of Africa
How can you possibly travel alone to the seat of the military wing of the Pan Africanist Congress, to the place where the man who gave the order to kill your daughter, is to be honoured by his people? That's the question Ginn's been asked countless times.


 5. Photo galleries

A gallery of 13 photo series
Over 100 photos of people, streets, milieus - from Burundi's capital Bujumbura. By Jan Oberg.



6. TFF's Burundi team
& the Amahoro Coalition

Evelin Lindner
Christian Hårleman
Gudrun Engström
Else Hammerich
Jan Øberg
In Burundi
Adolphe Sururu, project manager
Chantal Mutamuriza, project manager

Leaders of the TFF Amahoro Coalition, Nov 2003
The 13 Amahoro Coalition member organisations
• African Public Radio - Radio Publique Africaine (RPA)
• Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi (AFJ)
• Association Pour La Paix et les Droit de l'Homme (APDH)
Compagnie des Apôtres de la Paix (CAP)
• Centre d'Alerte et de Prévention des Conflits (CENAP)
• Maison de la Presse du Burundi - House of the Press
• Observatoire de l'Action Gouvernementale (OAG)
Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services (THARS)
Universite Lumiere de Bujumbura
Ligue Burundaise des Droit de l'Homme - ITEKA
• Syndicat des Travailleurs de l'Enseignement du Burundi - The Teachers' Union of Burundi (STEB)
• Forum pour le Renforcement de la Societe Civile (FORSC)
• Genies en Herbes - Youth organization




6. Links

A comprehensive library on Burundi


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Photos by Jan Oberg
© 2003


News about and from Burundi

AllAfrica - Burundi

Burundi Post - Worldnews

OCHA Burundi 

ReliefWeb - Great Lakes

 Reuters Alert - Burundi

Washington Post - Burundi Wires

World Press Review - Burundi

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