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Treasures 2000

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Treasures 2000

December 30, 2000
Johan Galtung

The Oslo Accords: a flawed process. The TRANSCEND perspective as a constructive alternative

Aftonbladet 28 december 2000
Kerstin Schultz
Var är debatten om alliansfriheten?

23 december, 2000
Maj Britt Theorin
Bär det vita bandet, Göran!

18 december, 2000
Per Gahrton

Proposal for a Civil European Peace Corps

December 18, 2000
Per Gahrton

EU - betänkande om civil fredskår

December 13, 2000
Per Gahrton

EU - anfallsunionen

December 2, 2000
Michel Chossudovsky

Washington's new world order weapon: climate change

November 22, 2000
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen
Israel-Palestine: A call for peace action

November 6, 2000
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen

Israel-Palestine - the need for a just peace

November 6, 2000
Johan Galtung & Terence Duffy
Northern Ireland - Some dialogue-based reflections

October 16, 2000
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen
The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) to begin operations in a few months

October 16, 2000
Johan Galtung
The Tokyo-Pyongyang negotiations - some reflections on reconciliation

October 3, 2000
Per Gahrton

Måste man slåss för att höras - om Prag och ickevåldets möjligheter
Debattartikel i Aftonbladet

September 22, 2000
TFF Supporters
In their own voice

September 22, 2000
Jan Öberg
TFF's global constituency and presence on Internet Reflections on the Support Campaign in the year 2000

September 22, 2000
Jan Öberg
Analys av UD:s beslut om att slopa organisationsbidrag till TFF för år 2000

August 24, 2000
Per Gahrton

Europanationalisterna avslöjar sig

August 10, 2000
Ken Coates urges you to sign
Appeal for a nuclear-free zone in Europe

July 27, 2000
Evelin Lindner
Abtracts of articles on humiliation

July 15, 2000
Ken Coates
Bertrand Russel, nuclear war, common sense - and today's nuclear threats

July 15, 2000
Jan Oberg
Peace work and movements at the turn of the century

July 1, 2000
Johan Galtung
From demilitarised zones to zones of peace

July 1, 2000
Ken Coates
NATO and the New World Order

23 June, 2000
Michel Chossudovsky

NATO willfully triggered an environmental catastrophe in Yugoslavia

28 juni, 2000
Maj Britt Theorin

Utan kvinnor ingen fred

19 June, 2000
Gudrun Schyman & Berit Johannesson

Sverige förlorar internationell respekt

19 June, 2000
Per Gahrton

Decentralisera EU - släpp in 30 nya stater

19 June, 2000
Jan Öberg

Sverige satsar på krig - inte på fred, Aftonbladet 11 juni 2000

Rocio Campos
Sanctions. Part of neoliberal policy? A crime against humanity?

May 26, 2000
Sören Sommelius
Oh What a Lovely War!

May 26, 2000
Evelin Gerda Lindner
Love, Holocaust, and Humiliation

May 26, 2000
Ken Coates
Will This Be the Short Millennium?

May 15, 2000
Evelin G. Lindner
What every negotiator ought to know:
Understanding humiliation

May 9, 2000
Dietrich Fischer
Alternative defence series
Nonmilitary forms of defence
How Haiti and Panama abolished their military
Preventing war

May 5, 2000
Jan Oberg
Conflict-Management as if Human Beings Mattered

May 5, 2000
New Book by Galtung, Jacobsen, a.o.
"Searching for Peace. The Road to Transcend."

April 21, 2000
Kerstin Schultz
Teaching the Kosovo Protection Corps in Kosovo

Richard Falk
Kosovo: One Year Later

Richard Falk
Meeting the Political Challenge to Globalization

Roswitha Jarman
A Second Visit to Chechen Internally Displaced People, IDP's, in Ingushetia

Dietrich Fischer
Strengthening the United Nations: an Ambitious Agenda

Richard Falk
"Humanitarian Wars," Realist Geopolitics, and Genocidal Practices: "Saving the Kosovars"

Christian Hårleman
Civilian Peace-Keepers - a Future Challenge

Richard Falk
The Place of Criminal Accountability in Transitional Justice:
Reflections After Kosovo

Peter Jarman
Teaching Peace in Kosovo. A Report (With photos)

Carl Gustav Jacobsen &Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen
Poverty and War

Richard Falk
India's Nuclearism and the New Shape of World Order

Thomas Weber
The Recurrent Vision and the Peace Brigade Movement

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay
Ny bok "Fredsprocessen på Irland"

Biljana Vankovska
NATO War Over Yugoslavia: Civilian Control in Focus

Michel Chossudovsky
Nato's Claim of Ethnic Cleansing Challenged

Johan Galtung
The World in Economic Crisis

Raimo Värynen
The European Union's New Crisis Management Capability

Beyond Security; New Approaches, New Perspectives, New Actors

David Krieger
An Open Letter to the Leaders of all Non-Nuclear Weapons States

Rocìo Campos
Chiapas: The End of the Silence Through Violence?







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