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Treasures 2002

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Treasures 2002

Danske humanitære organisationer, kendte danskere og TFF,
17 december 2002
Åbent Brev til Folketing og Regering:
Hvad indebærer en krig mod Irak?

Shastri Ramachandaran, December 13, 2002
Sri Lanka's path to peace

Shastri Ramachandaran, December 13, 2002
New Delhi marches to Bush tune

Intervju med Jan Øberg på dansk tv2, 13 december 2002
Iagttagere: USA ønsker en krig mod Irak

Bil jana Vankovska, December 13, 2002
Current Perspectives on Macedonia: the Struggle for Peace, Democracy and Security

David Krieger, December 13, 2002
The Bush Administration's Nuclear Policies and the Response of Citizens

Johan Galtung & Dietrich Fischer, December 10, 2002
The Iraq Conflict 2002: A TRANSCEND Perspective

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, December 10, 2002
The Orphan Peace Plan: Kofi Annan's Proposal For a Reunited Cyprus

Bo Rybeck, Birgir Schantz & Torsten Seeman, Dec. 3, 2002
The Smallpox Threat - Fright Propaganda or Instinct of Self Preservation

Bo Rybeck, Birgir Schantz & Torsten Seeman, 3 dec 2002
Smittkoppshotet - skrämselpropaganda eller självbevarelsedrift

Jan Oberg, December 3, 2002
Iraq: The West needs intellectual armament and conflict-resolution

Jan Øberg, 3 december 2002
Bevar den norske ambassade i Baghdad!

Shastri Ramachandran, 3 december 2002
Demokratiet er blevet kuppet
New Delhi marcherer til Bushs melodi
Tamilske tigre afslutter fredsnadver med et mæthedens ræb
Nyimperialisme søger syndebuk
Valg betyder ikke demokrati
Alle artikler af TFF's nye associerede
Shastri Ramachandaran, som er vice-chefredaktør for Times of India i New Delhi.

Sören Sommelius, 28 november 2002
Först informationskrig, sen bomber

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, 28 november 2002
Essä: Nedslag i en terrordrabbad verklighet: Nordirlands Troubles

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, 28 november 2002
Annan-planen: vägskäl för det delade Cypern

Biljana Vankovska, November 26, 2002
State terror, terrorism, and the spiral of violence: A Balkan perspective

Jan Oberg, November 19, 2002
The West does not understand Iraq: perhaps we need an Intifada?
(Iraq 3)

Chaiwat Satha-Anand, November 12, 2002
Fighting armed conflict with conflict transformation

Jan Øberg, November 12, 2002
USA dürfen die Vereinten Nationen nicht missbrauchen

David Krieger, November 12, 2002
We can stop this war before it begins

Shastri Ramachandaran, November 12, 2002
Tamil Tigers out of the Woods

Jan Oberg, October 29, 2002, in English
Watching TV in Iraq (Iraq 2)
Jan Oberg describes the popular pres in Iraq. Also published at
Outlook India.

Nur Yalman, October 29, 2002
A Conversation with Nur Yalman

Gudrun Schyman & Lars Ohly, Aftonbladet, 29 oktober 2002
Höj rösten mot USA, Persson

Jan Øberg, October 29, 2002, in English
Visit Iraq! (Iraq 1)

H. C. von Sponeck, October 22, 2002
Two examples of misinformation on Iraqi biological weapons production

Lawyers Against the War, October 22, 2002
LAW's comprehensive website.
LAW opposes the illegal use of force against Afghanistan and other countries and supports the use of national and international law to settle disputes, prosecute offenders and protect rights.
LAW urges jurists to endorse an
open letter to the UN on Iraq.

Francis Boyle, CounterPunch, October 22, 2002
Flashback: US War Crimes during the Gulf War

Evelin Gerda Lindner, October 22, 2002
Build the "Global Village" on Ground Zero, Literally!

Nur Yalman, October 22, 2002
Terror and Cultural Diversity in Times of Adversity

Patti Marxsen & Nur Yalman, October 19, 2002
Thinking Across Cultures

David Krieger, October 19, 2002
A Bleak Day for America

Hans von Sponeck, Inst of Public Accuracy, October 10, 2002
Weapons sites defunct and destroyed

Hans von Sponeck, Danish Broadcasting, "Orientering",
October 10, 2002
About the United States and Iraq
Listen to von Sponeck himself. This is an interview with Danish translation and comments.

Hans von Sponeck & Denis Halliday, CounterPunch, October 10, 2002
Iraq: the Hostage Nation

Hans von Sponeck, Aftonbladet, October 10, 2002
Den sanna bilden av Irak - och av USA

Hans von Sponeck, The Guardian, October 10, 2002
Open Letter to Britain's minister responsible for Iraq

Hans von Sponeck, ZNet, October 10, 2002
An interview about the sanctions on Iraq

Hans von Sponeck, Not in Our Names, October 10, 2002
Not in Our Names - No more economic sanctions

Andreas Griewank, TFF Friend, October 11, 2002
Votes and Voices on the Iraq War: An East-West German Perspective

Francis A. Boyle, October 11, 2002
The Rogue Elephant

Hans von Sponeck, Lad Iraks Folk Leve, Oktober 10, 2002
Hvad jeg ville sige til den amerikanske præsident hvis jeg var hans udenrigspolitiske rådgiver

Hans von Sponeck, Stop Terrorkrigen, Oktober 10, 2002
Slut med de økonomiske sanktioner. Det irakiske folk har lidt nok!
Appel & underskrifter

Hans von Sponeck, Politiken, Oktober 10, 2002
Intet retsgrundlag for angreb på Irak

Hans von Sponeck, Berlingske Tidende, Oktober 10, 2002
Intet belæg for Irak-krig

Hans von Sponeck, Traprock Peace Center, October 10, 2002
Iraq: four questions, four answers

Hans von Sponeck, EastWest Record, Oct 10, 2002
Another America yearns to be heard

Hans von Sponeck, The Guardian, July 22, 2002
Go on, call Bush's bluff

Hans von Sponeck, CounterPunch, Oct 10, 2002
Iraq: there are alternatives to the military option

David Krieger, October 4, 2002
The Bush Administration's Assault on International Law

Brian Martin, October 4, 2002
Ousting Saddam without using violence

Burns H. Weston, October 4, 2002
The United States: Imperial Rogue State

Kamran Mofid, October 4, 2002
Global Capitalism in Crisis. Globalisation and Business for the Common Good: Theology and Economics working together

Richard Falk, September 27, 2002
A Roadmap for War: A Flawed Debate

Richard Falk & David Krieger, September 27, 2002
War on Iraq: Not the president's decision

Susanne Sklar, September 27, 2002
Spies and Bribes - Let there be Peace!

Sören Sommelius, 20 september 2002
Verktyg för att förstå världen

Richard Falk, September 20, 2002
Opposition to War Against Iraq

Brian Martin, September 3, 2002
Activism after nuclear war?

Richard Falk, August 27, 2002
Iraq, the United States, and International Law: Beyond the Sanctions

Richard Falk, August 27, 2002
Impending Constitutional Crisis: The Rush to War

David Krieger and Richard Falk, August 27, 2002
No War Against Iraq

Richard Falk, August 2, 2002
Ending the Death Dance

David Krieger, August 2, 2002
Policies Rooted in Arrogance Are Certain to Fail

Rocío Campos, July 30, 2002
A Piece of Cyprus Crafting Peace

Sören Sommelius, 23 juli 2002
Om förandring och drivkrafter - I det mörkaste Peru 6, Reflexioner från en resa

Sören Sommelius, 23 juli 2002
Intressant stank och gåtfulla linjer - I det mörkaste Peru 5, Reflexioner från en resa

Rocio Campos on "Giving peace young hope"
Washington Times July 22, 2002

TFF Peace Antenna guides 20 young Greek and Turkish Cypriots through a Peace Through Art project in Washington.

Evelin Lindner, July 16, 2002
Humiliation or Dignity: Regional Conflicts in the Global Village

Sören Sommelius, 16 juli 2002
Det magiska Machu Picchu - I det mörkaste Peru 4, Reflexioner från en resa

Sören Sommelius, 16 juli 2002
I staden med stenen som har tolv hörn - I det mörkaste Peru 3, Reflexioner från en resa

Richard Falk, The Nation, July 15, 2002
The new Bush doctrine

Sören Sommelius, 2 juli 2002
De inställda revolutionernas land - I det mörkaste Peru 2, Reflexioner från en resa

Sören Sommelius, 2 juli 2002
I "det vidriga Lima" - I det mörkaste Peru 1, Reflexioner från en resa

David Krieger, June 25, 2002
Unusual Courage from 31 Members of Congress

Jan Oberg, TFF director, June 18, 2002
"Following Gandhi's Path 10 - If the West is like Pop, India is like Bach"
The tenth article from Oberg's journey through India, now in English.
The whole series

Johan Galtung, June 18, 2002
September 11/October 7, 2001 and its Aftermath: Three Discourses

David Krieger, June 18, 2002
Farewell to the ABM Treaty

David Krieger, June 4, 2002
Stop Nuclear War in South Asia: Resources for the promotion of nuclear abolition

Else Hammerich, June 4, 2002
Working with Conflicts of Zone 1 - example: "The war on terrorism"

David Krieger, May 14, 2002
The President has gone too far

David Krieger, May 10, 2002
A Peace Proposal: Bring in the Children

Biljana Vankovska, May 7, 2002
Western Civil-Society Empowerment and the Lessons Learned from the Balkans

David Krieger, April 30, 2002
A New Court to Uphold International Criminal Law: the World Moves Forward Without the United States

Per Gahrton, Aftonbladet 26 april 2002
Res till Jenin, Göran Persson!

Ken Coates, 22. april 2002
Fuldspektret overherredømme

Yahoo/OneWorld on nuclear disarmament, April 12, 2002
Groups urge countries to oppose Bush's nuclear plans

Sören Sommelius, 2 april 2002
Christian Palme: Om ondskan i vår tid (bokrecension)

Jan Øberg, 2 april 2002
Dansk udenrigspolitik og forskning ved en korsvej

New Tibetan Centre for Conflict-Resolution, TCCR, now a reality
TCCR was born on March 14, 2002

Jan Oberg, March 8, 2002
"Following Gandhi's Path 1 - Really, India shouldn't be possible!"

Jan Oberg, March 5, 2002
Three minutes silence for the dead in Afghanistan and three other peacemaking suggestions

Ken Coates, March 5, 2002
Full Spectrum Dominance: Locating the Opposition

David Krieger, March 5, 2002
Nuclear Terrorism and US Nuclear Policy

Chaiwat Satha-Anand, March 1, 2002
9/11, 9/20 and Gandhi's Puzzle: Fighting Postmodern Terror/Modern Warfare with Peaceful Alternatives

David Krieger, February 26, 2002
On Becoming Human

Richard Falk, February 19, 2002
The United Nations System: Prospects for Renewal

Jan Øberg, February 19, 2002
Can we learn to live without the bomb?

Michel Chossudovski, 19 februari 2002
UCK-terroristerna i Makedonien och USA

Johan Galtung, February 19, 2002
September 11, 2001: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy

Richard Falk, February 19, 2002
Azmi Bishara, the Right of Resistance and the Palestinian Ordeal

Evelin Lindner, in Traumatology, February 19, 2002
Humiliation - Trauma that has been overlooked

Evelin Lindner, February 16, 2002
Were ordinary German's Hitler's willing executioners?

Burns Weston, February 7, 2002
Encyclopædia Britannica: Human Rights

Richard Falk, February 5, 2002
The First Normative Global Revolution?

David Krieger, February 5, 2002
US Nuclear Weapons Policy after September 11th

David Krieger, February 5, 2002
The US Nuclear Posture Review

Sören Sommelius, 5 februari 2002
Hur finner man världens centrum?

Jørgen Johansen och Johan Galtung, 5 februari 2002
Tid for oppjør med Norges skam

Jørgen Johansen, 1 februar, 2002
Rapporter ifrån Verdens Sociala Forum

Ken Coates, January 30, 2002
Power play and the new world chaos

David Krieger, January 29, 2002
The US President's Other Two Wars

Robert Jay Lifton, in Chronical of Higher Education (2001), January 27, 2002
Giving Meaning to Survival - about responding to Sept 11

Robert Jay Lifton, Los Angeles Times, October 12, 2001, January 27, 2002
Interpreter of organized evil - with and about RJL

Robert Jay Lifton, FreshAir online (Radio), January 27, 2002
Three interviews about cults, September 11 and Aum Shinrikyo

Robert Jay Lifton, in New York Times (2000), January 27, 2002
Champion of human survival tries to awaken academics to the nuclear menace

Robert Jay Lifton, (1999), January 27, 2002
Evil, the Self and Survival - Conversations

Sir Brian Urquhart, January 27, 2002
A UN fire brigade

Sir Brian Urquhart (1996), January 27, 2002
A Life in War and Peace - Conversations
Sir Brian's articles in the New York Review of Books

David Krieger, January 25, 2002
Bush Announces Restructuring of USA


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