Treasures 2005
Sören Sommelius, 18 december, 2005
med Orhan Pamuk
Den turkiske författaren Orhan Pamuk är just nu en bricka
i spelet om Turkiets medlemskap i den europeiska gemenskapen. På
Bokmässan i Göteborg drog han stora skaror med anledning av
romanen "Snö". Sören Sommelius har träffat honom över
en kopp te.
Sören Sommelius, 16 december, 2005
politiske Pinter
"Nobeltalet var både en flammande appell för en rättvisare
värld och ett totalt självutlämnande och drabbande stycke
teater. Det gick rakt in i mitt hjärta."
Sören Sommelius, 16 december, 2005
Myth of Ethnic War - recension
TFF rådgivare om V.P. Gagnon Jr.'s bok som penetrerar myten om
att Balkan-krigen under 1990-talet hade sina rötter i etnicitet.
Mycket viktigt bidrag till förståelsen av det forna Jugoslavien
och dess komplexitet.
TFF Forum Collection, December 13, 2005
materials on the case of Stanley "Tookie" Williams
TFF PressInfo by Annette Schiffmann, background materials, Tookie's
website, CNN's coverage of the execution and Jan Oberg's appeal to Gov
Schwarzenegger, Stanley Williams was executed today.
Jan Oberg - December 13, 2005
the life of Stanley "Tookie" Williams
Williams was executed today. Oberg's appeal letter to Governor Arnold
TFF Amahoro (Peace) Coalition in Burundi,
December 6, 2005
for an Open Center for Peace and Reconciliation !
Twelve of the best Burundian NGOs - youth, women, teachers, media, scholars,
former militaries, etc - have joined forces to set up the first ever
learning center in support of one of the world's most promising - but
internationally unknown - peace processes.
Competent and experienced, they will foster peace and improve life among
their 7 million fellow citizens in Burundi, the world's third materially
poorest country with so much talent and energy. Burundi must
be rewarded for having recognised in earnest that war is rubbish and
peace is realistic and possible.
This is your 2006 people-to-people peace project. It's a TFF-initiated
project. Do something positive today: read, spread the message and donate!
Even the smallest support will make a huge difference.
TFF Associates on Iran, December 6, 2005
Statement - A constructive approach to the Iran Nuclear Dispute
The British-American Security Information Council - BASIC - has taken
a very important initiative and produced this statement with a broad
backing by leading security and peace scholars and diplomats. Among
them are TFF Associates such as von Sponeck, Vankovska, Christy and
Kold. "Probably the most promising approach to violence-prevention so
far. Deserves a wide circulation in media and government circles," says
Jan Oberg. Please see also BASIC on the NPT
Conference that speaks also
about the Middle East as a nucler-free zone and on the necessity of
zones in general.
Aleksandar Mitic & Jan Oberg in the
International Herald Tribune
December 5, 2005
to Hashim Thaci's article on Kosovo's independence
A few counterarguments to Thaci's article about Kosovo's independence.
IHT printed a much shortened version; here is our article in full.
Vicky Rossi interview, December 4, 2005
we need Ministries of Peace and how to work for their establishment
TFF's Peace Antenna, Vicky Rossi, speaks with two of the most devote
activists in Britain. See what motivates them and how they work to sow
the seeds with MPs and progress the idea with like-minded initiatives
in several countries. We suggest that you take a similar initiative
in your country, if it doesn't already exist.
Hans von Sponeck, December 4, 2005
- the burden of sanctions
The fate of a people became collateral damage, a euphemism for death
and destitution. Important and final facts have now become available
for the period of the oil-for-food programme. As the Volcker committee's
report occupies the headlines it is important to remember that the original
crime was the indiscriminate use of sanctions against the people of
Hans Levander o TFF-rådgivare Gunnar
Westberg, December 4, 2005
Läkare mot Kärnvapen och IPPNW i Pyongyang
Reseberättelse med personliga intryck från ett besök
i augusti - följd av reflektioner om behovet av fortsatt stöd
till befolkningen samt ett öppet brev till Condoleezza Rice. En
mycket bra illustration av vad "medborgarediplomati" kan vara och hur
man arbetar seriöst och lägmält.
Erni & Ola Friholt, December 3, 2005
want an EU Constitution for the 21st Century, not for the 20th!
A scathing criticism of the existing Treaty text but - in the best TFF
style - full of ideas about what it ought to state. And the authors
deliver the concrete text proposals too. Highly educational and relevant
because the present text will be implemented to a large extent also
without referendums. In
Swedish too.
TFF Associates teach new online courses
- December 3, 2005
Peace University with TFF Associates
Galtung, Fischer, Johansen, McGoldrick, Lynch and Oberg teach various
peace courses in spring 2006. See all about it here.
New TFF Associates - December 2, 2005
Three experts join TFF as new Associates - Martin
Smedjeback (nonviolence), Annabel
McGoldrick and Jake
Lynch (peace journalism).
Ny bok
Christina Spännar, projektledare och TFF-stiftare, 1:e december
från ett år i Eslöv
Integration - vad hindrar och vad befrämjar?" (pdf 504 KB)
Inledning, bakgrund och sammanhang, verksamheter som deltagit, projektets
genomförande, möjligheter som befrämjar integration,
konkreta forslag, förslag till modell, valda slutsatser samt efterord.
Bilagor, litteratur och hemsidor. Ett projekt med EU-stöd. 104
sidor, pdf-format, 504 KB - tar lite tid att ladda ned. Se också
Eslöv Forum.
Ny bok
Christina Spännar, projektledare och TFF-stiftare, 1:e december
rötter i fjärran land. Tjugo berättelser" (pdf 4,9 MB)
Det är en mödosam väg att vandra innan man känner
sig någorlunda hemma i främmande land. Dessa personer ifrån
Palestina, det forna Jugoslavien, olika länder i Mellersta Östern,
Burundi, Ungern, Turkiet, det forna Sovietunionen och Latinamerika vittnar
här om steg på denna väg. Illustrerad med författarens
egna foton från olika länder. Ett projekt med EU-stöd.
96 sidor, pds-format, 4,9 MB, tar därför tid att ladda ned.
Se också TFF
Eslöv Forum.
Hans - C. Graf Sponeck, November 8, 2005
Humanitarian Issues and Tensions in the Oil-for-Food Programme 1998-2000
and Beyond
The authoritative study with the needed documentation by the person
who knows because he was there - a person whose commitment to the welfare
and dignity of the Iraqi people can not be disputed.
In parts it summarizes the content of von Sponeck's new book in German,
anderer Krieg. Das Sanktionsregime der UNO im Irak
(Hamburger Edition, 2005).
The US/UK led sanctions killed many times more people than the war has.
While the debate on fraud within the UN dominates the media, we forget
that the real issue ought to be: why did the UN Security Council
members persist in upholding a sanctions regime full well knowing that
its effects amounted to one of the largest genocides in modern times?
This article and von Sponeck's new book help you understand exactly
Jan Oberg, October 27, 2005
about Burundi to BBC
A short letter to a forum debate and program on "Can rebels be woed
from the bush?" Oberg - just back from Burundi - offers the case of
this country as a positive example of a peace process that has integrated
all but one guerilla movement.
Doris Kruckenberg, TFF frivillig, 11.
oktober, 2005
om nedstigning til helvede
Doris Kruckenberg har genlæst Doris Lessings 34 år gamle
roman og ser mange forbindelsespunkter til verdens situation i dag.
Hun mener at den frygt, Lessing dengang indirekte bearbejdede vedrørende
menneskehedens fremtid, er blevet virkelighed.
TFF, 10. oktober, 2005
Friholt får Lilla Fredspriset 2005
Vi gratulerar!! En underbar belöning av Ernis & Olas energiska,
konkreta och livsbejakande fredsarbete!
Vibeke Vindeløv, 10. oktober, 2005
anledning af debatten om blodpenge
Debatten gled af sporet. De der talte om mægling kunne have understreget
stærkere, at mægling ikke indebærer, at domstole og
politi skal stoppes. Desuden har alt for få journalister, debattører
og politikere sat sig ind i, hvad mægling er. Dette afskærer
den dialog, som er så vigtig mellem såkaldt etniske danskere
med forskellige opfattelser af, hvordan et fredeligt samfund kan opnås
og mellem etniske danskere og folk med anden etnisk baggrund - og her
især med muslimsk baggrund.
Lotte Christy og Asad Ahmad 10. oktober,
kan voldsspiraler brydes?
En klar, pædagogisk gennemgang af de danske konfliktråd
og deres betydning for samfundet, gerningsmanden og offeret.
Richard Falk, September 23, 2005
the UN - A global civil society perspective
Comprehensive analysis, a macro-perspective on the relations between
the UN on the one hand and governments and NGOs on the other; review
of recent reform proposals and panel reports. Cautiously optimistic
about the potentials of the UN and global civil society co-operation.
A must read for any student of UN affairs and others concerned about
global governance in authoritarian times.
Richard Falk, September 23, 2005
society judges the Iraq War
Falk here gives an account of the World Tribunal on Iraq that was ignored
by virtually all mainstream Western media. He places it in a historical
perspective and highlights it importance for normative global politics
and governance. He was one of four TFF Associates participating.
Francis A. Boyle, September 22, 2005
his book "Palestine, Palestinians and International Law"
Review here.
Evelin Lindner, September 22, 2005
differentiation as response to terrorism and humiliation
Let's refrain from the language of "war" and "evil". Lindner - a world
expert on the psychology of humiliation - explores the concept and places
it in the context of the "war on terrorism". Violence can be seen as
a response to hurt dignity and recognition. So, we need an entirely
different approach than the one practised by our politicians. And we
need more decency in our global village.
Scilla Elworthy, September 21, 2005
terror by human intelligence
Our society has to be sophisticated enough to resist engrenage, the
military word for tit-for-tat spirals which might involve inflicting
significant casualties on populations with whom the terrorists identify.
This is a trap laid by the politically violent, into which the US (and
to an extent the UK) has fallen in Iraq.
Scilla Elworthy & Gabrielle Rifkind,
September 21, 2005
and Minds. Human security approaches to political violence
New book, see more about it and download it all at the link.
Hans von Sponeck, September 21, 2005
an unknown Iraqi (2003)
As predicted the most uneven war in history did not last long. While
we continued our lives in the comfort of peace, we watched you suffering
the horror of war. Will you every forgive us? Sadly even truer now two
years later.
Daisaku Ikeda, September 21, 2005
power of empathy
Ikeda here tells a deeply personal story from the 2nd World War, how
his mother showed empathy towards an enemy soldier and how the family
lost its eldest son. "An empathetic recognition of our common humanity
can make our century a century of life," he concludes. (From The Japan
Times August 9, 2005).
Daisaku Ikeda, September 21, 2005
a new era of dialogue: Humanism explored
This is the SGI President's 2005 Peace Proposal. He explores the power
of dialogue with examples from his own life and shares a Buddhist-inspired
perspective on humanism as we need it today.
Vicky Rossi, TFF Peace Antenna, September
21, 2005
Civil Peace Services Forum in Germany
TFF Peace Antenna Vicky Rossi interviews Tilman Evers of the Forum ZDF
and explores the structure and functions of a network of peace consultants
who operate independently of governments in conflict zones to create
peace and reconciliation.
Gunnar Westberg, September 21, 2005
terrorist attack with nuclear weapons could be worse than Hiroshima
To stop nuclear terrorism, or to stop the much greater danger, nuclear
war, there is only one road: To abolish all nuclear weapons. A large
majority of humans in the world are demanding this, now at the sixty
year anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Gunnar Westberg, September 21, 2005
nytt Hiroshima hotar
För att på lång sikt förhindra att kärnvapen
kommer till användning, av terrorister eller regeringar, finns
bara en väg: att avskaffa alla kärnvapen.
Jan Øberg, 20. september 2005
og konfliktpsykologi
"Introduktion til psykologi" - Danmarks største psykologibog;
2. udgave nu med et kapitel af Øberg om bl.a. vold, krig, menneskets
natur, civilisationspsykologi, forsoning, fred, ikkevold, magt og kvinder
som en særlig fredsressource. 1314 sider, 499 danske kroner. Læs
mere og bestil her.
David Krieger, September 18, 2005
nuclear Hypocrisy: Bad for the U.S., bad for the world
The fault for the failure of the NPT conference lies clearly with the
Bush administration, which must take full responsibility for undermining
the security of every American by its double standards and nuclear hypocrisy.
Adn the fault is not with Iran...
Jan Oberg, September 16, 2005
A New Peace Agenda (2005)
New book on this region, contents in three: 1. Dialogue of civilisations
for peace; 2. Security in Eurasia: Old dilemmas and new challenges;
3. Globalisation and regionalization. Area experts, international relations
and peace scholars. Oberg's chapter is on "Western Conflict-Management
as Militarism and Imperialism" written in 2002.
Kamran Mofid, September 12, 2005
the Common Good. Bringing Economics and Theology Together Again
New book by this TFF Associate and Marcus Braybrooke. "This book seeks
to bridge two extremely important - but divided - pillars of modern
civilisation. I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone concerned about
globalisation, economics and our civilisational malaise. We need value-based
deep thinking like this to survive. And you can enjoy it even if you
are not religious!" - says Jan Oberg.
Kamran Mofid, September 12, 2005
and globalisation for the common good: The quest for justice and peace
- a declaration. You can sign it too!
Jan Øberg, 8. august 2005
Gæst hos DR P1 Formiddag - med Poul Friis
58 min samtale og ringe-ind-program.
Doris Kruckenberg, TFF-frivillig, 6. september
af "Det Nye Pearl Harbor"
Om den danske udgave af bogen der rejser alle de stærkt problematiske
spørgsmål om hvad der egentlig skete den 11. september
2001. Den er blevet tiet ihjel især i USA og har heller ikke fået
nær den opmærksomhed i Danmark den gør krav på.
TFF's Richard falk har skrevet forordet i originaludgaven.
Interview med Jan Øberg i Kristeligt
Dagblad, 5. august 2005
mennesket gjorde sig Gud lig
Fredsforsker efterlyser læren af Hiroshima.
Af Else Marie Nygaard.
Jan Øberg Ny bog om EU, 5. august
EU freden?
Hovedkonklusioner og hvordan du downloader den.
Drude Dahlerup om TFF & NyAgenda bog,
1. august, 2005
EU freden - om et seminar og en ny bog
Jan Øberg's "Fremmer EU freden - Analyse, kritik og alternativer"
udkommer den 4. august 2005. Traktatforslaget er ikke halvt så
visionært som den nu 60 år gamle FN-pagt. At EU er et fredsprojekt
er en myte, også selvom unionen ikke er en ny militaristisk supermagt.
Se her hvorfor! Øberg fremlægger 25 forslag til hvorledes
EU skulle kunne blive en freds-union. Seminar i København. Bogens
hovedindhold mm.
Vicky Rossi, TFF Peace Antenna, July 29,
problems need world order reforms
Vicky Rossi interviews Mr James Ranney who is chair of the Philadelphia
Chapter of Citizens for Global Solutions. Interview
about federalism, a world constitution, the EU, nuclear abolition, a
UN People's Assembly, and more - with references to Dag Hammarskjöld
and Albert Einstein. The interview marks the 100th anniversary of Dag
Hammarskjölds birthday on July 29, 1905.
TFF Forum Collection, July 19, 2005
Erni Friholt nominated for Nobel's Peace Prize
TFF's Erni Friholt is among the 999 women around the world who have
been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005. It's all about a fascinating
initiative to promote the idea of "1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize
2005"! Read about it and click the links so you can learn about this
global initiative and support it - 'cause who else could be more deserving
that Prize?
Erni Friholt, TFF rådgivare, 19:e
juli, 2005
är fred? En personlig och uppfordrande betraktelse
Med anledning av att Erni Friholt tillsammans med 999 andra kvinnor
i världen - men den enda ifrån Sverige - har nominerats till
Nobels Fredspris ser hon tillbaka på sitt liv i freds-, kvinno-
och miljörörelsen - och blickar framåt på det
nödvändiga folkbildningsarbetet.
Chaiwat Satha-Anand, TFF Associate, July
17, 2005
Thailand: Beheading Citizens, Killing Teachers as the Trap of Violence
This piece reflects on the character of the ongoing violence in Southern
Thailand - commanding much less media attention in the West than it
ought to - and how, from both a Muslim and Buddhist viewpoint, it is
unacceptable. It's a typical example of the trap all people who use
violence against violence fall into and thereby make everything worse.
Johan Galtung, TFF Associate, July 15,
rights and the illegal US/UK attack on Iraq
By some counts the attack on Iraq is US aggression no. 239 after the
Thomas Jefferson start in the early 19th century and no. 69 after the
Second world war; with between 12 and 16 million killed in that period
alone. All of it is in flagrant contradiction of the most basic human
rights, like the "right to life, liberty and security of persons" (Universal
Declaration, UD:3) and the condemnation of the "cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment" (UD:5).
Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, July
15, 2005
conduct of the UN before and after the 2003 invasion
von Sponeck's statement at the World Tribunal on Iraq
TFF Associate prevented from speaking
in Morocco, July 15, 2005
is about Mahdi Elmandjra
TFF Associate and a towering figure in academia and culture. Read about
him here. He has been forbidden to give a lecture on human rights and
democracy in Tetouan in Northern Morocco.
about Elmandjra and his remarkable achievements.
about the attack on him.
an appeal to support him and the principle of free speech.
expressions of solidarity with Elmandjra.
a letter of support to himself.
Johan Galtung, TFF Associate, July 14,
Korean Peninsula: From the DMZ to a Zone of Peace
What world conflict formations are the two divided Koreas part of? How
can we envisage them coming closer to each other? Can the present 2+4
talks be supported by a parallel process? And how can today's De-Militarised
Zone be turned into a Zone of Peace useful for the Koreans and everyone
else? Compared with the general reporting in our media, Galtung's speech
offers much richer perspectives, opens up for broader understanding
and convinces us that there is a lot of constructive things that can
be done.
Sören Sommelius, TFF rådgivare,
13:e juli 2005
- och andra förbrytelser
Många menar att om bara Karadzic och Mladic förs till Haag
skulle processen mot fred få fart. Tyvärr är det nog
inte så enkelt. Det enda som är verkningsfullt är om
de ekonomiska hjulen börjar rulla igen, om människor får
arbete och framtidshopp. Där borde EU kunna göra oändligt
mycket mer än nu för alla de sydslaviska folken, både
för att läka krigens sår och för att skapa ett
Europa utan krig.
TFF Associates, July 8, 2005
Keynote speakers at the recent World
Tribunal on Iraq
- Richard Falk:
Opening Speech on behalf of the Panel of Advocates: Macro approach to
the system; the "moral" responsibility underlying the constitution of
the UN; the limits to the exercise of power for the states; violation
of international law.
- Hans von Sponeck:
The conduct of the UN before and after the 2003 invasion
- Johan Galtung:
Human Rights and the U.S./U.K. Illegal Attack on Iraq
- and all the other contributions, the Preliminary Declaration of the
Jury of Conscience, press releases etc - all here.
- And
this is what John Pilger had to say about the Tribunal.
Tyko Granberg, TFF frivillig, 6:e juli
Thom Hartmann's "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight"
Hartmann vill ha en seriös utredning om varför människor
i små grupper kan leva hållbart i hundratusentals år
medan emperier går under efter bara något millennium. Han
understryker att vi måste lyssna på de som överlevt
för att själva överleva. De som spenderar 15 timmar i
veckan på att samla mat och andra nödvändigheter och
resten på att umgås och bygga relationer. De som inte har
ett ord för krig i sitt vokabulär. De som ser det som en omoralisk
handling att äta inför en annan människa som är
hungrig. De som ser ledarskap som ett åtagande inte en kanal för
makt och rikedom.
Jørgen Johansen, TFF:s styrelse,
6:e juli 2005
underskudd - ikke bare et EU fenomen
Mens antallet formelle demokratier har økt i siste tiårene
så har det i virkeligheten gått i motsatt retning i veldig
mange stater. Den europeiske eliten har blitt møtt av folkets
røst i de land de har latt folket avgjøre og i mange semidemokratiske
stater har folket møtt opp på gater og torg for kreve deres
Johan Galtung, TFF Associate, June 4,
Studies - A Ten Point Primer
Historic! A concise, handy introduction to peace studies, a lecture
at the histoic first meeting ever in China, at Nanjin University, on
peace studies.
Vicky Rossi, TFF Antenna, May 24, 2005
(pdf 615 KB)
Shared Human Identity - The Foundation of a Peace Culture
A thesis submitted towards an MA degree in Peace and Conflict Studies
(56 pages). Micro and macro perspectives on humanity; peace and patriarchy;
the UN and a planetary society; towards a peace culture in accordance
with the Earth Charter.
"It's been delightful to serve as Vicky
Rossi's advisor; she's a searching
soul full of idealism and energy to grapple with both the destructive
reality and the constructive potentials," says Jan Oberg.
David Krieger, TFF Associate, May 22,
A world-leading source on nuclear weapons, proliferation and non-proliferation.
Nuclear insanity and nuclear terrorism.Tells you all you ever wanted
to know about nukes - and likely more.
Kamran Mofid, TFF Associate, May 21, 2005
Path to Justice and Peace in Africa
All policies and theories have been tested on Africa. All failing and
all bringing Africans a bitter harvest. What has been tried has not
been in harmony with Africa's civilisation, spirituality and culture.
"One size fits all" economic strategy of development has been nothing
but a global tragedy. It would be an affront to our humanity and decency
to ignore this. See also Mofid's "From
Poverty and Terrorism to Justice and Peace Making".
Kamran Mofid, TFF Associate, May 21, 2005
Poverty and Terrorism to Jutice and Peace Making:
for the Common Good
A very comprehensive rich, passionate-analytical, spiritual-poetic exposé
of a much-needed perspective on our world. "No amount of military might,
no amount of depleted uranium enriched missiles, no amount of Agent
Orange, no amount of smart and not so-smart bombs will destroy terrorism,
as long as this world is so unjust, so unequal and so inhumane. History
is on the side of this argument and it would be an affront to humanity
to ignore this."
Jørgen Johansen, TFFs styrelse,
21:e maj, 2005
De siste fem årene har vi sett at massive folkelige bevegelser
har styrtet statsledelsen i mange land verden rundt. I nesten alle av
disse bevegelsene har studenter spilt en avgjørende rolle.
Sören Sommelius, TFF rådgivare,
21:e maj, 2005
efter elfte september - en recension
Om Brigitte Mrals analys av hur man legitimerar krig genom att tala
om frihet, ondska, kvinnoförtryck och krig som "nödvändigt
arbete", sport och hjälpsamhet - och om hur sanningen är underordnat
Sören Sommelius, TFF rådgivare,
21:e maj, 2005
1905 - Två recensioner
I vårt kollektiva historiska minne är avgörande händelser
1905 nedtonade, antagligen därför att det inte blev krig,
vilket just är en anledning till att unionsupplösningen är
så värd att minnas.
Sören Sommelius, TFF rådgivare,
21:e maj, 2005
resa runt i Indien - fyra artiklar
Följ Helsingborg Dagblads legendariska kulturskribent på
resa runt i det Indien han skrev om för redan 23 år sedan
- massor av intryck, igenkännanden, förändringar, globalisering
och lokalt självförtroende - och ett möte mellan indiska
och svenska författare...
Riane Eisler, TFF Associate, May 4, 2005
our humanity: partnership education
We tell children to be good and kind, nonviolent and giving. But on
all sides they see and hear stories that portray us as bad, cruel, violent,
and selfish. In the mass media, the focus of both action entertainment
and news is on hurting and killing. And rather than correcting this
false image of what it means to be human, some aspects of our education
reinforce it. More on partnership education here.
Gudrun Schyman, TFF Board, April 28, 2005
political platform for the Feminist Initiative, FI, in Sweden
Feminist Initiative has a vision of a world in which all humans have
the same potential and ability to live full and complete lives. This
vision does not correspond to our lived reality. Women are systematically
subordinated to men. Feminist Initiative turns to women who want to
abolish the patriarchal order and to those men who join this struggle
in solidarity.
Riane Eisler, TFF Associate, April 28,
the Economic Rules - Empowering Women and Changing the World
In her powerful speech to the World's Women Forum, Eisler says: "Economic
systems are human creations, the move into the postindustrial economy
offers a window of opportunity for us to re-examine and re-define what
is and what is not productive work. We women must take leadership in
this redefinition, not only for ourselves as women, but for the sake
of us all - women, men, and children.
Chaiwat Satha-Anand, TFF Associate, April
28, 2005
and the State
Satha-Anand answers questions from a student
about this relation and about Muslim-Buddhist co-operation - with reference
to the situation in Thailand.
David Krieger, TFF Associate, and Carah
Ong, April 28, 2005
to Basics. Reviving Nuclear Disarmament in the Non-Proliferation Regime
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Briefing for the 2005 Review Conference
of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Swedish Peace Prize to Jan Oberg &
TFF, April 21, 2005
"2005 Small Peace Prize" by the Swedish Peace Council
About the Council, its motivation and Oberg's words of gratitude.
Håkan Wiberg, TFF board member,
April 12, 2005
Soros: Disappointed by Bush
Essentially, he tries to extrapolate the analysis of bubbles and boom-bust
cycles from economics to politics. His point of departure is that the
arrogant policies of US supremacy are both self-defeating and undermining
the possibilities of USA eventually playing a more humble leader role
His vision makes for interesting reading, discussing globalization and
the shortcomings of global capitalism, sovereignty and intervention,
and so forth.
Håkan Wiberg, TFF:s styrelse, April
12, 2005
som politisk dynamit
En recension af Zeljko Vukovic, Platons tilbakekomst . Vukovic
gör varken stora åthävor över sin beläsenhet
eller sitt djupsinne, och predikar inte; men han skriver med stor humor
och ett välutvecklat sinne för det absurda. Platons tilbakekomst
är både underhållande och tankeväckande och skulle
väl förtjäna att bli översatt även till svenska.
Jørgen Johansen, TFFs styrelse,
12. april 2005
muligheder og problemer
Utdanning, trening og studier med fokus på ikkevoldelig kamp er
kanskje det mest spennende som skjer på grasrota i de okkuperte
områdene denne våren. Mange er inspirert av å ha fått
en president som tar avstand fra fortsatt væpna kamp og som sier
i klartekst at det er Israel som tjener på slik kamp.
Sören Sommelius, Helsingborgs Dagblad,
11:e april 2005
vill lämna Bosnien..."
Omvärlden har ett stort ansvar. Att bara fortsätta som nu
med Bosnien och Kosovo som odemokratiskt styrda protektorat är
kostsamt, destruktivt, omoraliskt och farligt.
Krig kan få kosta hur mycket
som helst. Fredsbyggande är däremot få beredda att satsa
New book on Media and World Affairs
Global Media
One World, Many Struggles
Edited by Robert A. Hackett & Yuezhi Zhao
Includes Jan Oberg's chapter "The Iraq Conflict and the Media: Embedded
with War rather than with Peace and Democracy."
contents and order your copy here
Gudrun Schyman i Dagens Nyheter
Initiativ startas 4:e april 2005
Se FI:s
Richard Falk, March 15, 2005
listing of Falk's books from the last few years - impressive!
It includes The Record of The Paper (about the New York Times systematic
distortions), Tinderbox, Human Rifghts Horizon, The Declining World
Order and The great Terror War...
Robert Jay Lifton, March 15, 2005
of Atrocity
Robert Jay Lifton, March 15, 2005
the Self, and Survival
Conversations with Jay Lifton at Berkeley University
Walter A Davis about Robert Jay Lifton,
March 15, 2005
Jay Lifton, or Nostalgia - Responses to 9/11 and the American Aftermath
Lifton's Superpower Syndrome:America's Apocalyptic Confrontation
With the World (Nation Books, 2003). We all owe a great debt to
Robert Jay Lifton. In a remarkable series of books, he has studied the
most horrifying events of the past century.
Robert Jay Lifton, March 15, 2005
violence - The dangers of fundamentalist religious cults operating within
Shastri Ramachandaran, March 15, 2005
review of War and Peace: Armed Struggle and Peace Efforts of Liberation
Tigers by Anton Balasingham
The tsunami that struck Sri Lanka, far from washing away the battle
lines in the war-torn nation, has actually sharpened antagonism between
the Sinhala majority and the separatist Tamil guerrillas in the North
Michel Chossudovsky, editor, March 15,
- Next target of US military aggression
Selected articles and essays
David Krieger, March 15, 2005
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Ken Coates, March 15, 2005
Russell-Einstein Manifesto 50 Years
Jørgen Johansen, March 15, 2005
research needs to re-orient
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen, March 15,
studies, peace movements, peace praxis
David Krieger, March 15, 2005
is not a good day for war - New book of poems
Zelim Skurbaty, March 15, 2005
a One-Dimensional State: An Emerging Right to Autonomy?
New book edited by a new TFF Associate.
Erni & Ola Friholt, 10 februari, 2005
vill ha en EU konstitution för vår tid och för fred
Öppet brev till Statsrådsberedningen med en rad konstruktiva
förslag till omskrivningar av det existerande förslaget och
helt nya avsnitt.
Biljana Vankovska, February 7, 2005
kill children too, don't they?
What an absurd idea that Iraqis shall come to Macedonia to be tought
how to protect themselves and do crisis management! Are there any limits
to the hypocrisy and to how far Macedonia will go to be allowed into
Per Gahrton, February 7, 2005
the sudden death of the "Realo" of the Rose Revolution, will Georgia
collapse again?
My impression is that Zurab wanted genuine Georgian independence from
both the U.S. and Russia, but cooperation with both of them. With Europe
it was a different matter. The Rose revolution still has a long way
to go...
Hans von Sponeck, January 27, 2005
and the United Nations: Dilemmas of the Future
With his 32 years of service in the UN - of which two as humanitarian
co-ordinator in Iraq - von Sponeck's soft-spoken knowledge of the issues
and his humane visions make a must read for anyone concerned with international
affairs. Later this year he publishes "Iraq Autopsy" - probably the
most insightful analysis so far of these complex issues.
Karin Wegestål, 17 januari, 2005
barn och andra flyktingar - fem år senare
Barnombudsmannen Lena Nyberg är den första offentliga personen
i Sverige, som uttalat medkänsla med de serber, som i hundratusentals
föll offer för de olagliga bombningarna av Jugoslavien eller
senare fördrevs ifrån Kosovo. Chefen för det serbiska
Röda korset berättade för mig, att det finns en miljon
arbetslösa i Serbien och att 500 000 av dem idag lever på
svältgränsen. Många kommer att dö av svält
nu i vinter. Detta sker just nu i Europa!
Yasunobu Sato, January 17, 2005
study of peace-building on Sri Lanka (pdf)
A discussion with models and relations between human security, peace-building
and development assistance - in general and in the case of Sri Lanka.
Gunnar Westberg, 16 januari 2005
Israel överleva trots sina kärnvapen?
Kärnvapnen har inte bidragit till Israels trygghet. Idag ser vi
att risken för spridning av kärnvapen till andra länder
i området ökar. Kärnvapen
är smittsamma. Om Israel vägrar avskaffa sina kärnvapen
är risken i längden mycket stor att andra länder i regionen
skaffar kärnvapen. Och då kan inte USA skydda Israel.
Gunnar Westberg, 16 januari 2005
och kärnvapnen i Mellersta Östern
I dagsläget bör man energiskt, fördomsfritt och uthålligt
driva förhandlingar med Iran för att stoppa kärnvapenutvecklingen
där, och för att dra Iran in i ett utbyte av handel, idéer,
utbildning och turism, med USA, med Europa men också med grannländerna.
Målet är en kärnvapenfri zon i Mellan-Östern, kanske
hela vägen från Marocko till Afganistan.
Yasunobu Sato, January 15, 2005
conflict in dispute processing under globalisation
Francis A. Boyle, January 5, 2005
legal elite and the Iraq war: The Nazis had their law professors, too.
From Counterpunch.
See his book, Destroying
World Order
Kamran Mofid - with Marcus Braybrooke,
January 5, 2005
the Common Good: A theologian and an economist in dialogue
New Publication announcement.
Brian Urquhart, January 5, 2005
his articles in the New York Review of Books
Robert Jay Lifton, January 5, 2005
and Torture
To understand the full scope of American torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib
and other prisons, we need to look more closely at the behavior of doctors
and other medical personnel, as well as at the pressures created by
the war in Iraq that produced this behavior.
From The New England Journal of Medicine.
Brian Urquhart, January 5, 2005
order and Mr. Bush
From the New York Review of Books
Michel Chossudovsky, January 5, 2005
IMF sponsored "democracy" in The Ukraine
Brian Martin, January 5, 2005
attack backfire
Attacks of all sorts can backfire, especially when they are perceived
as unjust. But as well as being a potential outcome of an attack, backfire
can be studied as a process. Attackers often seek to prevent backfire,
whereas opponents of the attack seek to magnify it. Backfire is an ongoing
struggle, a sort of game. The key is to understand the rules of the
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